
Here is another picture from yesterday. Sherry, OldEvilleCat and Rooster.

You have a really nice home Bert!
Good morning D, well the fish batted 1000% yesterday, lots of casting no fish! Better luck next time!
I hope ya'll have a great day!

We as Christians get blasted for saying we offer up prayers, but sometimes that's all we can do!

My best friend is preaching his first sermon (his second) at our church this morning, really looking forward to it.
Greetings from the Delaware Shore D-League. Morning run on the beach is behind me. Settling in to get dazed by the sun then blitzed in the bar around 5pm. Toughest duty so far was keeping a bored look on my face as the 22/year old beach shack girl in a dental floss bikini grinded away planting our umbrellas on the sand. Wife was not fooled but is a good sport.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F, cloudy and wet. We received some beautiful cooling rain earlier this morning and should remain out of the 100s today.


We'll check back later. Y'all behave.

Trying to decide if it is Saturday or Sunday.

I hadn't been awake long when I saw that and it made me think.

I might go out back and get some things done today. If you're the kind of person who deals in absolutes, then I will definitely go to the backyard again.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Looks to be about 19" and 5lbs 4oz. Should fry up nicely.
Wife filleted it and the other 2 as well. Had been too hot last three weeks but this morning cooled a little and I saw an opening, Supposed to go back 100 plus degree again middle of this week through the next weekend. Probably wait for another cooling trend before going back out.
'61 was a good year. Don, Sawnee and I graduated high school that year. Bad in that there was a mini-recession in late '61 and early '62 and I couldn't find a job anywhere.
Chief, this date in 1961 (58 years ago) I was trying to walk on at Ole Miss. Whaley Hall took some electric clippers to my blond flattop as initiation.