
Good morning D! Prayers for Sarah!!!!! I have always liked Jon Voight but his days in Hollyweird may be over the way he talked on tv this morning, I like him even more now!!!!

Mrs. M took a couple days off and have really enjoyed her being around, hanging with me!!

The D sometimes sounds like a bunch of hard core guys, but when it comes to our family, friends and kids we are a bunch of softies!!!! My heart goes out to this young lady and her parents!!! One of the hardest times in my life was when my oldest son had a narrowing of his intestine and they had to do surgery on him. It was hard to watch as they took him from me and I had to watch them walk away with him. We learned later that they nearly lost him due to a reaction to the drug they put him to sleep with. He has to report it every time he has surgery still!! Everyone has a great and safe day! GOD KNOWS ALL AND HEARS ALL WEATHER WE KNOW WHO IT IS OR NOT!
I have an uncle that is 94 years old. My cousin had to take his keys because of his advanced age, etc. My uncle has threatened to sue my cousin. He is not happy at all over this.
Hey guys, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. My daughter is in a pretty good battle right now. An aneurysm burst in her brain Wednesday night. Looks like a lot of damage. Things are pretty critical. My mom, one brother and nephew are here. My other brother is driving today.

I really appreciate the love you all have shown over the years. Sincerely,

Sarah’s dad.
When I read this this morning, I got all choked up. Have a 13 year old daughter myself and this hit home. Had to forget my normal morning routine because this upset me. I am at work still thinking about you and your daughter. Again, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. GOD Bless.
I have an uncle that is 94 years old. My cousin had to take his keys because of his advanced age, etc. My uncle has threatened to sue my cousin. He is not happy at all over this.

I have never been in a driving accident I caused. I got t-boned by an elderly lady running a red light a few years back. Totaled my vehicle but no one was injured. I acknowledge that my driving skills have declined in the last few years. I won't drive at night and won't drive more than a hundred miles. I wouldn't drive at all but my wife hates driving too. I plan all kinds of trips but always back out a day or two before leaving. My wife refuses to fly so we stay close to home. She is my best friend so I would not enjoy flying somewhere on vacation with her not with me.
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I have never been in a driving accident I caused. I got t-boned by an elderly lady running a red light a few years back. Totaled my vehicle but no one was injured. I acknowledge that my driving skills have declined in the last few years. I won't drive at night and won't drive more than a hundred miles. I wouldn't drive at all but my wife hates driving too. I plan all kinds of trips but always back out a day or two before leaving. My wife refuses to fly so we stay close to home. She is my best friend so I would not enjoy flying somewhere on vacation with her not with me.

Just got back from taking the corvette out for a spin. I drive it every once in a while to help keep driving skills as sharp as possible.
Hey D league. Dropped by to get some prayers for UKgrad93 and of course you great people are already sending prayers

I have a 14 year old daughter also and cried as soon as I read his prayer request thread. I cant grasp the pain they are suffering

His last update was the best yet. Lets pray her to recovery everyone.

Hope you wild ones have a great weekend. I only poat occasionally but read daily. The best folks on the board dwell here.
Hey D league. Dropped by to get some prayers for UKgrad93 and of course you great people are already sending prayers

I have a 14 year old daughter also and cried as soon as I read his prayer request thread. I cant grasp the pain they are suffering

His last update was the best yet. Lets pray her to recovery everyone.

Hope you wild ones have a great weekend. I only poat occasionally but read daily. The best folks on the board dwell here.
I too shed some tears this morning thinking about his daughter and how painful this must be. I wish her the best for her sake and the family's. Gods hand be on them at this time for comfort and healing.
Hey D league. Dropped by to get some prayers for UKgrad93 and of course you great people are already sending prayers

I have a 14 year old daughter also and cried as soon as I read his prayer request thread. I cant grasp the pain they are suffering

His last update was the best yet. Lets pray her to recovery everyone.

Hope you wild ones have a great weekend. I only poat occasionally but read daily. The best folks on the board dwell here.

Stuway, I will keep praying for Sarah, and the family. I'm sure all the D League will. Thanks for your concern. I guess this touches everyone's heart.
Good Saturday morning D League

I trust all had a good nights rest. Prayers continue for UKGrad93, his beautiful daughter and family. May God be with you and bring comfort is our prayer..

We have been blessed with some good rain and have a 50% chance this will be with us during the afternoon. Looking out the window now I see blue skies with fluffy white clouds. No rain clouds in sight. Our temperatures will range from mid 70's to low 90's. Very pleasant but a little humid which is natural this time of year. Our humidity is not due to climate change it is due to being in the middle of Florida in June. This is what we expect.

May your day be blessed

city of Louisville is in a melt down cause there is only ONE LESBO bar in the city representing them...WHO CAN MAKE THIS SHIT UP??
If there is a demand for more and you are a lesbian, why not build one and "they will come".

If that is not possible try Lexington. I received an email from the University of Kentucky advising me UK is the top rated university for gays and lesbians. I had no idea they ranked things like that but I am out of the loop. So we can put that in our trophy case along with our 8 NCAA basketball titles. UK is very proud to be number one for the LBGQTRSXRP crowd. The bars are open in Fayette County and have been since I was a student and watched Sweet Evening Breeze walk and danced the streets of Lexington. The word back then was Sweet Evening Breeze serviced our football team in more ways than one.

Good morning!

I spent 7 hours on the golf course yesterday. Got hot and sweaty out there. Didn't drink any beer but probably had at least a gallon of water.

Just for the record, Cal did not "lose" Blackshear. He was simply not able to overcome the influence a mother had over her child. He wasn't going to play in the NBA regardless of where he chose to go but his odds would have increased if he had came here. His odds of becoming a car salesman or insurance agent near his hometown increased by his decision to play at Florida.

Maybe he talked to Brad Calipari and found out that there is a large segment of UK fans who base their entire sense of self worth on the success or failure of college kids playing a game. Maybe the thought of being eaten alive at the first sign of weakness didn't really appeal to him.
Good evening D. Well I hit another one tomorrow #68. Mrs. M fixed one of my favorite meals for me tonight for my birthday, just simple hamburger, taters, onions and mushrooms baked in foil. Great supper topped off with her delicious naner pudding!!! I took her out and got her a blizzard for helping me work on the deck! I hope ya'll have a great rest of the evening!!! Prayers for Sarah and her family! Hits home to because my granddaughter is 14!