
@Sawnee Cat, my neighbor in Florida had the concrete curb like islands for his mulch. I like that. I am thinking about doing it here to cut down on my weed whacking. Can you get by with just mowing around them?
Yes you can. I have them all around my house and it gives a nice appearance and cuts down on work. I recommend them..
71.8°F, cloudy and 95% humidity. In this rain event on my gauge (starting yesterday at noon) we have received .98 inches of rain. Thank goodness I got the yard mowed. My guy that I have hired to work on the yard, fence and deck got all the drains cleaned yesterday so the water is now routed to where they should be.

On the tobacco worm issue, I will swear that the same bug in Kentucky eats both tobacco and tomatoes.
Yes you can. I have them all around my house and it gives a nice appearance and cuts down on work. I recommend them..

I love them.

I will put you and your wife up in the guest house if you will take mercy on me and install them in my yard. I will cook breakfast every morning and feed you a good steak every night.

Let me know what day! :)
I was in a small class of 53. 12 of the 53 are now dead. One died young in Vietnam and another of muscular dystrophy. My old girlfriend died at 46 of cancer. My best friend died in 2015 of cancer.

My class is on a percentage basis doing better than yours Ben: 4.4% versus 5.8%. Did Vietnam hit your class harder?

Not really. By the time we graduated it was May of 70 and it was over before the deferments expired. There were a couple that made the service their vocation, but as far as I know, none of them were lost in SE Asia. Cancer has hit our class pretty hard, since NE Ky has a higher incident rate than the rest of the state, and Kentucky has the highest rate in the country.
I love them.

I will put you and your wife up in the guest house if you will take mercy on me and install them in my yard. I will cook breakfast every morning and feed you a good steak every night.

Let me know what day! :)
That sounds like a pretty good deal. What is the old saying, "I would walk a mile for a Camel". They were cast in place by a local concrete company. The truck came out and poured them in place. They did all of the measuring, etc. Maybe we can mix up our own batch and lay it out. Probably need to consult with ymmot31 for his expertise. He is the General Contractor and architect for the D-League.
That sounds like a pretty good deal. What is the old saying, "I would walk a mile for a Camel". They were cast in place by a local concrete company. The truck came out and poured them in place. They did all of the measuring, etc. Maybe we can mix up our own batch and lay it out. Probably need to consult with ymmot31 for his expertise. He is the General Contractor and architect for the D-League.

Ymmot is also young. We can work him hard.
That sounds like a pretty good deal. What is the old saying, "I would walk a mile for a Camel". They were cast in place by a local concrete company. The truck came out and poured them in place. They did all of the measuring, etc. Maybe we can mix up our own batch and lay it out. Probably need to consult with ymmot31 for his expertise. He is the General Contractor and architect for the D-League.

Don't show up at ymmot's house until he gets that lana, er, screened in porch done. He will put you to work.
Recent photo of Sawnee and his wife down in Florida.

You don't know how true this is. I just got out of the pool and went to the kitchen and there she was. Dish towel in hand and a glare in her eyes. Mercy I feel so guilty but I will crank up the grill and fix some supper for us. You reckon that will smooth things over?
You don't know how true this is. I just got out of the pool and went to the kitchen and there she was. Dish towel in hand and a glare in her eyes. Mercy I feel so guilty but I will crank up the grill and fix some supper for us. You reckon that will smooth things over?

Fear not. It can fade away fairly quickly if you don't cave in.
Fear not. It can fade away fairly quickly if you don't cave in.

When I first got married I did the dishes once. I (not intentionally) apparently did not do a good job and she was appalled. Not only did she never ask me to do dishes again, she won't allow me to do dishes. What an unintended stroke of luck.
When I first got married I did the dishes once. I (not intentionally) apparently did not do a good job and she was appalled. Not only did she never ask me to do dishes again, she won't allow me to do dishes. What an unintended stroke of luck.
Same with me. Not allowed in the kitchen and must do all of my cooking outside. Also I am not allowed to do laundry. I truly mess the clothes up so bad with too much bleach they fall apart. Not good.

I am thankful I married a Kentucky girl who knows how to clean the billets. She let's me know I don't. We respect each others space.
Supper this evening (some calls it dinner, I calls it supper). Fried taters (iron skillet), cornbread (Iron skillet), washed down with buttermilk.

When I got married , my barely 18 year-old wife had never cooked a meal in her life (and neither had I). She didn't even know how to fry an egg and I had to throw it away. She cooks but doesn't like to. You guys with a wife that likes to cook are lucky.
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