
I was camping one night and all of a sudden...What the hell...

OK Travis put your pants back on.
Good morning D-League. Well, it is full-blown summer on the Potomac. Made the mistake of thinking I could take a pre-7am walk before going to the office, and got absolutely saturated by the humidity. I had to lock myself into a bathroom stall in a remote part of the building, strip down to my underwear, and give the AC ten minutes to dry out my clothes. Not a huge fan of the brutal summers here, at least during work weeks.

Looks like we'll have to be patient, maybe into next week, on KB. I 100 percent would love to have him, but unlike many I was good with Nick, EJ and Sestina in the front court, with someone Cal might have signed as a 5-6 minute player like Eloy Vargas in case of foul trouble or (god forbid) injury. I say that because I think this team's destiny is its guards and wings and I want Cal to play in a way that spreads thinks out and has Hagans and Quickley and Maxey and Whitney attacking the basket. Blackshear might mitigate how much Cal committed to that style. But again, I'll be thrilled if he comes.
Pictures or it didn't wait....never mind, wrong thread.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good morning on the first day of Summer D League

Today is a typical summer day already. It is 78° and we will climb to 86°. We have partly cloudy skies and the humidity is rising. It feels a lot warmer than it shows on the thermometer.

Well last night our basketball players got their dream and will take their talents to the A League. I wish them well. I am hanging around today and might tinker around with my truck. Have a great day all.
I am a strange bird as they say that enjoys getting in my pick up and exploring the back roads. I ran across a little town with a population of 12 that has quite a history. Richloam, Florida. I stopped in the General Store and went back in time. Lots of fun getting away from the crowds and tourists that flock down here. My favorite thing in there was a big old coffee grinder from the 1930's. . Made some good coffee right on the spot.




I am a strange bird as they say that enjoys getting in my pick up and exploring the back roads. I ran across a little town with a population of 12 that has quite a history. Richloam, Florida. I stopped in the General Store and went back in time. Lots of fun getting away from the crowds and tourists that flock down here. My favorite thing in there was a big old coffee grinder from the 1930's. . Made some good coffee right on the spot.





I don't think you're strange. I like taking the road less traveled, also. When we went out west, I sought out as many ghost towns as I could. Wait a minute, maybe I'm strange too, and didn't realize it.
I am an ice tea drinker so I need to watch myself. Austin is there any truth to this?

I drink 2 cups of hot tea with milk every morning. It's part of my morning ritual. Once weekly, I grab a large sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A.

Having said that, I suffered two (2) ischemic strokes just over 10 years ago, which greatly affected my right arm, right eye and hearing in my right ear. Strokes happened 3 weeks apart. First stroke was very light. Second stroke nearly killed me. I underwent rehab for 14 weeks.

A major contributing factor surrounding these strokes was too much caffeine. I drank 1/2 gallon to 1 gallon of strong, sweet tea daily. This was my energy drink or Monster/Red Bull. Of course, other factors influenced the strokes (i.e. stress from pending job loss, finishing masters degree, poor sleep habits, sedentary lifestyle).

I'd say the meme holds much truth, but in a round about way. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Supper this evening (some calls it dinner, I calls it supper). Fried taters (iron skillet), cornbread (Iron skillet), washed down with buttermilk.

When I got married , my barely 18 year-old wife had never cooked a meal in her life (and neither had I). She didn't even know how to fry an egg and I had to throw it away. She cooks but doesn't like to. You guys with a wife that likes to cook are lucky.
QB does not like to cook either.
Going away lunch for our director at Scholz Garten. I got Currywürst mit Pommes und Mayonäse. Very good. Curry sauce was prepared with more of a Tex-Mex spiciness.

I checked out the menu and I tell you that is a place I would love to eat at. Fantastic German food and I would wash it all down with one of these cold ones.

Had a day! Got up on the house twice and used the power washer to clean out the gutters. The entire time I was telling myself not to pull a Bert here and take flight. Hate to say it, but at one position I moved things out of the way to give myself a good default area to fall in if necessary.

Mowed the grass, weed ate, used a weed whacker, pulled weeds with my bare hands. I threw down on mother nature. She can't grow it faster than I can knock it down. Bring it!

Some of you fellas will want to find the channel on youtube that has the video I posted earlier. Great blues and bluegrass to be heard there. Listening now