
Morning D
Hope all are well
Happy Belated Birthday to Don’s QB
Yesterday Rob and I celebrated 31 years of marriage..would do it all over again. I was almost 19 when I married him. This year in August I’ll be 50. Hardly remember a time I didn’t know him
Prayers to Austin’s nephew
Hope Blackshear commits to UK
y’all be good
Thanks and a belated Happy Anniversary.
Well, they got me. Completely wiped out my tomatoes last night. I picked some tomatoes yesterday afternoon and the plants were healthy with no sign of horn worms. Go out this morning and they had devastated my plants. Totally destroyed them. I treated them with Seven last Saturday and they still got em'. It is not easy growing crops down here but fortunately we have several growing seasons and i can replant. These pests were all over the plants eating away. They are dead now but it is too late to save my tomatoes.

That looks like a tobacco worm. Sorry.
Well, they got me. Completely wiped out my tomatoes last night. I picked some tomatoes yesterday afternoon and the plants were healthy with no sign of horn worms. Go out this morning and they had devastated my plants. Totally destroyed them. I treated them with Seven last Saturday and they still got em'. It is not easy growing crops down here but fortunately we have several growing seasons and i can replant. These pests were all over the plants eating away. They are dead now but it is too late to save my tomatoes.

Seven is negated by water. The rain has wasted the seven. Apply it often. The tobacco worm is a good eater.
Good morning to the D-League. Sending a prayer to Austin's nephew, best wishes to Don's QB and congratulations to Bev's Ron on their 31st -- he's the lucky one in that deal, as all us men are who find a good woman.

Getting ready for lunch with my son who is taking the train into DC. He got a rare day off and I don't want to see the summer slip away without spending as much time as I can with him. He'll be back in Lexington soon enough. My daughter is in Austin visiting a BF who works in a lab at UTexas. She's considering grad school there this fall. My wife and I are on the fence about the guy but know better than to meddle.

You all keep after those tomato plants. My dad and brother spend hundreds of hours to produce tomatoes that are so plentiful when theirs ripen that everyone in the county is trying to give them away. But I suppose it beats drinking as a hobby - or maybe causes it.
Seven is negated by water. The rain has wasted the seven. Apply it often. The tobacco worm is a good eater.
This was what got me. Rain. We have had 3 to 5 inches a rain most every day. Last night we got a ton of rain. They came up over night. They didn't get into my peppers but I better take a close look today and spray them.
What Insects Does Sevin Dust K...

Home Home & Garden Pest Control
What Insects Does Sevin Dust Kill?

Insects that Sevin dust kills include potato beetles, parasitic wasps, ladybugs, bees, roaches and fleas. Sevin dust contains a chemical called carbaryl, which kills over 100 types of insects.

Sevin dust works by degrading an insect's nervous system through ingestion or direct contact. There are different variations of Sevin dust, including 5-percent carbaryl dust, 10-percent carbaryl dust and garden dust. Sevin-5 is reserved for outdoor use on garden lawns, and it kills 65 different pests, including Japanese beetles, grubs and ticks.

Sevin dust can be applied in powder form or mixed with water for spraying on crops, such as tomato plants. Sevin dust is normally applied on fruits and vegetables, but the crops must be washed with water before these foods are consumed. However, there are times when spraying around the plant is necessary. For instance, 2 tablespoons of 50-percent Sevin powder with 1 gallon of water is for application on weed-infested areas around tomato plants, which are havens in which stink bugs thrive. The solution should not be sprayed directly on the tomato plants, and Sevin dust must never be applied on flowering plants to avoid killing honeybees.

The liquid form of Sevin dust kills insects like Colorado potato beetles. Liquid Sevin dust works best on plants that reach up to waist or chest level. Adding water to liquid Sevin dust is still necessary for thorough application of an area.

Well, they got me. Completely wiped out my tomatoes last night. I picked some tomatoes yesterday afternoon and the plants were healthy with no sign of horn worms. Go out this morning and they had devastated my plants. Totally destroyed them. I treated them with Seven last Saturday and they still got em'. It is not easy growing crops down here but fortunately we have several growing seasons and i can replant. These pests were all over the plants eating away. They are dead now but it is too late to save my tomatoes.

I bought a couple of GrowBoxes and put them on our deck. 4 tomato plants and I've counted over 70 tomatoes so far. Should start getting ripe in a few weeks. Hopefully there won't be any problems.
I bought a couple of GrowBoxes and put them on our deck. 4 tomato plants and I've counted over 70 tomatoes so far. Should start getting ripe in a few weeks. Hopefully there won't be any problems.
I am going to start over. I had picked at least 20 nice sized tomatoes until they got me last night. I have a couple of boxes and will see what happens with them.
Bought a 27" Samsung computer monitor for $5 (they were asking $10) at a garage sale Saturday. The power cord was missing. Found one on Amazon for $10. So I now have this huge amazing monitor for $15.

Bought an older IPad for $2 at a garage sale a while back and it works great after I figured out how to get in it.

Found a 160 gig Ipod recently outside a dumpster and it works perfectly.

This is the way I acquire most everything I get. I seldom buy any big ticket things new.
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BKO is on. We have missed our girl.

Thanks for showing up BKO. Congratulations on your 31st, that's awesome .How is the new job?

Austin Praying for your nephew. He should be fine, follow Doctors orders. It's mid-day but sever weather predicted from afternoon thru the night.

Keep your ears open for news on Kenny Blackshear.
Well I don't have to worry about what I should charge my sister for the labor on building her shelves, I gave her the bill for the material and she didn't add anything on her check to me for labor!
I guess that's what big brothers are for! Taking care of the younger siblings!!

Looks like Cordmaker's birthday fund for the compound sliding miter saw took a hit today!!
I will get paid with green beans, corn, red taters, salsa, maters, and squash! I think I will come out ahead for this build!!!!