
Hey Austin. When I was coming up, city kids looked down on us Noetown people. We didn't mix at all. Was it still that way when you were coming up?
As I remember, no, not really. I may have heard one or two negative remarks over the years about Noetown folks seeming a little different for some reason, but everybody was pretty much the same.
As I remember, no, not really. I may have heard one or two negative remarks over the years about Noetown folks seeming a little different for some reason, but everybody was pretty much the same.

People were pretty much the same. Mostly lower middle class (and many dirt-poor, back in the hollers) wherever you lived in town back then. I think town kids thought the Noetown boys were a little rough back then. Almost our entire Golden Gloves teams were from Noetown. A good third of the football team were. Boxing and football were my loved sports but my highest honor was runner-up in the Regional Golf Tournament. Got a really rinky-dink trophy.

Have talked to many people since who said they had held that prejudice at the time but recognized in later life how stupid it was.
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Coyote Calhoun on WAKY radio in the 70's,

Humans are a carbon life form. Carbon . . .

I sat down just in time. Bert's joining the Borg and Ymmot's explaining molecular assimilation. Swanee, any swamp left?

I don't know for sure but I think that the aliens who inhabit our planet are more than likely silicone life forms.

Dats funie rat dar.

Got out early this morning for a few hours of fishing. Went to Rattler and was there about an hour when I caught 2 and one got away. The one that got away was probably the biggest because it pulled my drag out as I was fighting it and then it anchored itself around something on the bottom of the pond. I tried to let it run out but it eventually spit the hook out. Not long afterwards, 2 other people came to fish but were across the pond from me. When I was getting ready to leave I walked around to their side to talk to them when one of them recognized me. I was his Drill Sergeant Instructor at the Drill Sergeant School that was at Ft. Sill in early 1990. We talked a bit and I found out he also worked at Ft. Sill now. We are going to get together for some fishing in the future. Below is the picture he took of me and the bigger one I caught today.

That would be the largest fish I ever caught.

Middlesboro, KY. Where I grew up. City built in a meteor crater. Home of the oldest continuously-played golf course in the US. Hometown of that great actor Lee Majors. I grew up center left, where that white coal tower above the shadow is.


Quoted this to mention Matt Jones.

I've been invited to my youngest nephew's 8th grade graduation. Now I have to draw the line here. I know for a fact that the Catholics celebrate 8th grade because my wife is one. BUT, it's only 2/3rd's of the way to a high school diploma. Ya ain't there yet young man. What really irks me is that the invitation states that it's a promotion not a graduation. Like it's an actual job. My God!

Flip the kid a fitty and call it a day. Although, you may want to look back on the day that you sent out graduation notices and started getting cash in the mailbox. Good times!

Haggin Hall for me, 1978-1979.

We've partied together before, at least at the same venue at the same time. No way it could be avoided.

Let's do lunch again before long.
I don't know for sure but I think that the aliens who inhabit our planet are more than likely silicone life forms.

That would be the largest fish I ever caught.

Quoted this to mention Matt Jones.

Flip the kid a fitty and call it a day. Although, you may want to look back on the day that you sent out graduation notices and started getting cash in the mailbox. Good times!

We've partied together before, at least at the same venue at the same time. No way it could be avoided.

Let's do lunch again before long.
Hey name the place and time. My treat this time.
Good Sunday morning D League

For some reason the coffee taste even better this morning. Sausage frying and biscuits in the oven. Just another reason breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. We still need rain. We had some clouds gather yesterday but nothing came of it. I hate to say it but a hurricane would be welcome about now for the rain only. Leave the wind out of it. Temps are mid 70's with a high pushing 90 today. Not too bad with the breeze.

Off to church we will go and I trust all is well in your part of the world. Oh and football recruiting can be nerve wracking at times. Hope we can keep our biggun' in the fold.
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Agree about Walmart shutting small businesses down. They are brutal. Dollar Store is just as bad.

Anyway, the old Walmart in Middlesboro, located just around the corner from the present store, provided a better shopping experience than the new Walmart, in my opinion.

Fern Lake: I believe it's a pay lake now. The water is indeed wonderful. That Cumberland Gap "Mountain Spring-water" is actually bottled by Coca Cola at the facility in Middlesboro using water from Fern Lake.
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Hey name the place and time. My treat this time.

You'll know of a better place than I would. Something like last time, not a chain, would be fine. How about Monday next week?

You speaking of those Greys that live inside the hollow core.

Greys? Dude, the accepted nomenclature is Indigenous Earthlings. They were here before we were you know. Original aboriginals.

Speaking of technology....


My mother used to enter baked goods in the county fair every year. Nearly every year she would win a blue ribbon for her chocolate chip cookies. The women would always pester her to put the recipe in the book they would make each year but she would never relent and give it to them.

I asked her one day if the recipe had came from grandma. She said "no, and I can't give it to them because it's the Tollhouse recipe on the back of the chocolate chips, don't tell anybody".

We laughed about it then and joked about it for many years after that.
Agree about Walmart shutting small businesses down. They are brutal. Dollar Store is just as bad.

My little next door neighbor, growing up, and her husband owned Dollar Store. Margaret got really rich. Her grandmother lived next door also with my grandmother. Margaret's grandmother was my first grade teacher.

I last saw Margaret at my mothers funeral in 2001. I have now lost contact with the Turners.
73.4°F and sunny. It was a hot one here yesterday. I sprayed for weeds, vacuumed the garage and shop, washed the Explorer and then crashed.

I may do nothing today! :grimace:

I cleaned out the workshop yesterday. Rearranged some things, threw some things away, put things back where they were supposed to be.

Not doing much of anything today, but tomorrow I should start cutting pieces for the doors. We've already got chairs we can use until I get some built so after I get the doors finished I'll start working on the bar.
I cleaned out the workshop yesterday. Rearranged some things, threw some things away, put things back where they were supposed to be.

Not doing much of anything today, but tomorrow I should start cutting pieces for the doors. We've already got chairs we can use until I get some built so after I get the doors finished I'll start working on the bar.

If the bar is well stocked, please call and I will help! :flushed:

.... at the least for a few minutes...
You'll know of a better place than I would. Something like last time, not a chain, would be fine. How about Monday next week?

Greys? Dude, the accepted nomenclature is Indigenous Earthlings. They were here before we were you know. Original aboriginals.

My mother used to enter baked goods in the county fair every year. Nearly every year she would win a blue ribbon for her chocolate chip cookies. The women would always pester her to put the recipe in the book they would make each year but she would never relent and give it to them.

I asked her one day if the recipe had came from grandma. She said "no, and I can't give it to them because it's the Tollhouse recipe on the back of the chocolate chips, don't tell anybody".

We laughed about it then and joked about it for many years after that.
I'll be getting in late Monday. Tuesday (11th) or Thursday (13th) would work though.