
Man, rough day today at work. Had to keep my cool on several occasions. Was bordering on just letting go but, kept it under control. Disgruntled soldiers, family members and bosses. First line supervisor came in my office about 1500 and said " I took care of a few of the task because I realized we put too much on you today". I said, "No problem, I can only do what I can do and was not going to worry about it after the initial tidal wave". A couple of others dropped the ball and along with my work load, they wanted me to fix the others because they did not trust them to get it done. I told them you should fire them then. That went over like a fart in church.

Good to be home now, going fishing in the morning. Slow down weekend!
Did she play Olive Oil?

Olive Oyl
Man, rough day today at work. Had to keep my cool on several occasions. Was bordering on just letting go but, kept it under control. Disgruntled soldiers, family members and bosses. First line supervisor came in my office about 1500 and said " I took care of a few of the task because I realized we put too much on you today". I said, "No problem, I can only do what I can do and was not going to worry about it after the initial tidal wave". A couple of others dropped the ball and along with my work load, they wanted me to fix the others because they did not trust them to get it done. I told them you should fire them then. That went over like a fart in church.

Good to be home now, going fishing in the morning. Slow down weekend!
Calm down and hang in there. Best wishes.
Notice the regular was 13 cents per gallon and premium was 15 cents,
The lowest I have seen it was 9.9 cents which represented the state gasoline tax at that time. The year was 1970 before the big gas crisis hit. We use to have Gas Wars where on station would lower it and another station would drop even lower. Two stations across the street from each started at about 30.9 cents a gallon and within a few hours were down to 9.9. Both ran out of gasoline about the same time. Cars were in lines around the block.

The next day they were both back up to 30 cents. Things were fun in those days
Due to a commercial I was talking to my wife about watching UK basketball games at work on my phone. She mentioned about my father sending me games on video. If I was out of town in my car during the season I would take a vcr with me and Dad would overnight me the games the next day.

If I flew in then I would rent a vcr at the place.

Now there are times when I take a thumbdrive with the game on it down to his place and play it for him on his laptop.

Not simple, but surely convenient.
It was simpler, but was it as easy?
Great question. No social media back then. It seems folks established better relationships and were more social. Nowadays? Everybody has their heads stuck in their smartphones. Of course, one required library cards to access a broad swath of information during those days.

I remember the book "Megatrends" during the early 80s, and read it a couple times. Unreal how all this has evolved since then.
Great question. No social media back then. It seems folks established better relationships and were more social. Nowadays? Everybody has their heads stuck in their smartphones. Of course, one required library cards to access a broad swath of information during those days.

I remember the book "Megatrends" during the early 80s, and read it a couple times. Unreal how all this has evolved since then.

I was a library rat. Going from a rotary dial phone to my current cell phone is quite a leap. I would say bigger than the jump from steam engine to internal combustion engine.

It's hard to compare the two eras fairly due to inherent differences in reality and perception.

Easier, money had value. You could work through school if you wanted to go.

Good point.
Hey y'all I've not posted in a while, hope everyone hasn't forgotten me.

Somehow the short weeks at work seem the longest.

Been on a mission to lose some weight, got a long way to go but here is the result of about 7 months of work.
Giving up the soda pop did it for me. I do melons & V-8 to replenish salts while working and hit the Arrowhead (spring water) to hydrate. The fat cells melted away over 15 months or so.
Easier, money had value. You could work through school if you wanted to go.
It would seem all colleges even uk is crazy expensive these days but the dorms are like luxury hotels, and all the campus buildings are extravagant. In the mid eighties when i was there, Holmes hall (RIP) had only the basics two beds two desk and two closets, shared restrooms and showers for the whole floor and no ac. I don't understand why this is happening.
It would seem all colleges even uk is crazy expensive these days but the dorms are like luxury hotels, and all the campus buildings are extravagant. In the mid eighties when i was there, Holmes hall (RIP) had only the basics two beds two desk and two closets, shared restrooms and showers for the whole floor and no ac. I don't understand why this is happening.
Dude! Please don't go there when I am drunk.
It was simpler, but was it as easy?
Probably not as easy. With all of the technology of today things are much easier. And with this people are softer and more dependent and few can actually take care of their own needs. Another thing I have noticed is people are under much more pressure than my fathers and grandfathers were. The pressure in today's world is more than many people can handle.

Another factor of today that bothers me is the fact all of us are under surveillance with big government tracking our every move and social media telling us what we can or can not say. Our government can make up a lie and destroy your very existence. The IRS can be weaponized and we know what the FBI and Justice Department can do.

So give me the choice of life in 2019 compared to life decades ago and guess where I come down. Give me the simple life where i am an individual who with the Lord's help has my destiny in my own hands. Not a government, not social media and not big brother tracking or spying on my very existence. It is a lot easier today but it comes with a terrible price. A price I would rather not have.
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Good morning D League

Welcome to June 2019. The official kick off for Hurricane Season

School is out so watch for the younguns when you are driving down the road. We will have the same weather pattern today as we have had for the past few weeks. Lows in the low 70's and highs in the high 80's or low 90's. It will be a bright, bright sunshinny day.

Take care all and if you are working in the sun, cover your head and have your water bucket handy. You will need both by high noon.
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Great question. No social media back then. It seems folks established better relationships and were more social. Nowadays? Everybody has their heads stuck in their smartphones. Of course, one required library cards to access a broad swath of information during those days.

I remember the book "Megatrends" during the early 80s, and read it a couple times. Unreal how all this has evolved since then.
I still have a flip phone but I will get a smart phone probably this year. I don't like them and my fingers don't do a good job at getting the phone to respond. Sherry has a Iphone 7 and it drives me batty.

I do love the new TVs, computers and fully expect all to merge even more with phones. I was reading the other day that they have developed a transistor that is only 19 atoms. That is small and with that the size of a processor could be really small. The big hurdle is to get mobile net fast and cheap.
Bert, looks like you were reading some old news. There is already a transistor in existence that is only 1 atom. I'm pretty sure that is as low as they can go. Work is going on to utilize a photon rather than electron and that will be the next big step.

Saw an ad for a golf ball the other day and they were talking about graphene. I knew when I first heard about this stuff that it could be game changing. Didn't realize the game would be golf though.
I have seen 25.9. The last time was a gas war in Louisville and the Chevron station on 3rd street was down to a quarter.
More recently, I brought gas at a Marathon station in Shepherdsville, KY sometime in October, 1986 and paid 58 cents per gallon. My ex-wife and I were visiting from Germany at the time.
Romans 5:6 When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.7 Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good.8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners
Humans are a carbon life form. Carbon . . .

I still have a flip phone but I will get a smart phone probably this year. I don't like them and my fingers don't do a good job at getting the phone to respond. Sherry has a Iphone 7 and it drives me batty.

I do love the new TVs, computers and fully expect all to merge even more with phones. I was reading the other day that they have developed a transistor that is only 19 atoms. That is small and with that the size of a processor could be really small. The big hurdle is to get mobile net fast and cheap.
Bert, looks like you were reading some old news. There is already a transistor in existence that is only 1 atom. I'm pretty sure that is as low as they can go. Work is going on to utilize a photon rather than electron and that will be the next big step.

Saw an ad for a golf ball the other day and they were talking about graphene. I knew when I first heard about this stuff that it could be game changing. Didn't realize the game would be golf though.

I sat down just in time. Bert's joining the Borg and Ymmot's explaining molecular assimilation. Swanee, any swamp left?