
Do you fish the stick worms like regular plastic worms with weights?
Sometimes, depending on the weather (colder days for deeper depths). But not today and not normally for warmer weather. 8" (really 7 3/8") are heavy enough for a pretty quick drop or light enough to pull through top grass with a steady crank. I do both, a drop and jerk or upper water level pull through the grass.
Hey y'all. Good day at church today. Put batteries in my weather station on the chicken house fence. Wife bought 8 premium laying chicks, just a day or two old and here we go.

Uh Cord. When are y'all going to do that monthly class? Day? Time? We have the last part of JD Greers series on the HS to do in SS, probably 2 weeks and I'm gonna have the next two Sundays after that in SS to present the Jeremiah 31:31-34 passage and some relevant to the topic HS in the NT. Interesting Cord, that I pursued the meaning of that Jeremiah passage for 14 years before I noticed something in there that changed everything. FCC.
Good haul Warrior! I would like to have fish tonight. Might go catch me a salmon at Kroger.

Did some tree lopping and then tore into the shrubs out front. Got em looking pretty good and after this break I'll finish em up for the year. I hope.

Well, I typed that two hours ago. I hit send just now. Done for the day.
I'll be getting in late Monday. Tuesday (11th) or Thursday (13th) would work though.

No go on the 11th. Dad has an appointment that day. The 13th is doable though. Name the place and time and we'll be there. Try and make it roomy enough that he can maneuver around in his chair.

He mentioned the other day that he wanted to go to Rooster's. Is there another one besides the one on Bardstown rd.?

Just looked. There's one on Westport Rd. in Springhurst.
I just read my last post. Let me be clear on my last sentence. I pursued that Jeremiah passage for 14 years before God gave me a revelation through the Holy Spirit about it. But the deal was that I would tell folks what He had shown me. I have been doing that in a very lowly, humble manner ever since. It made a bunch of scripture come together very nicely. Sorry I just needed to get that out. However, by the group Kansas. "If I claim to be a wise man, well, it surely means that I don't know". FCC
Good haul Warrior! I would like to have fish tonight. Might go catch me a salmon at Kroger.

Did some tree lopping and then tore into the shrubs out front. Got em looking pretty good and after this break I'll finish em up for the year. I hope.

Well, I typed that two hours ago. I hit send just now. Done for the day.
Would love to actually go salmon fishing some day. Retirement will eventually open up a lot more opportunities for me.
No go on the 11th. Dad has an appointment that day. The 13th is doable though. Name the place and time and we'll be there. Try and make it roomy enough that he can maneuver around in his chair.

He mentioned the other day that he wanted to go to Rooster's. Is there another one besides the one on Bardstown rd.?

Just looked. There's one on Westport Rd. in Springhurst.
Rooster's is fine. I've never been so that's perfect. There's one on Shelbyville Road near Middletown that might be closer for you. I called and they said there would be plenty of room for a wheel chair. Thursday works well for me. Name a time and I'll mark it on my calendar. If the one on Westport Road is a better option then that's fine by me.
grilling cabbage for supper..threw in some Mexican corn, smoked sausage , three strips of bacon, lil onion powder and garlic powder, coarse pepper and salt, PLUS and couple of steaks.

shrubs trimmed today, still more to do tomorrow...hate trimming shrubs
pool open
garden lookin great

Bout all I got
Rooster's is fine. I've never been so that's perfect. There's one on Shelbyville Road near Middletown that might be closer for you. I called and they said there would be plenty of room for a wheel chair. Thursday works well for me. Name a time and I'll mark it on my calendar. If the one on Westport Road is a better option then that's fine by me.

Sounds good. Might as well go for noon. We go to the piddler mall in Middletown about once a month.
A scriptural text, as originally written, can only have one meaning. Because of the long passage of time, the problem of finding a way to accurately translate one difficult language into another, the different cultures involved, the type of literature being dealt with, etc, it can be difficult at times to find that one true meaning. We depend upon scholars to help do that.

As ordinary believers we are privileged to be able to stumble upon/discover many applications from a scriptural passage that may speak to us at where we might be in our lives. That is the work of the Holy Spirit living within the believer.

If we discover a new meaning in a passage of scripture that no other orthodox Bible scholar has not found before, we must tread lightly. But a new application can pop out any time to "those who have ears to hear." "This is what I believe God was saying to me as I read that scripture" is a good thing - because that may be exactly what was happening..
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I used to fish all the time before I moved to the city but only caught a few as big as you catch regularly.
Had only caught fish of the size I have been catching last two years on an occasional basis. Took the right bait and technique along with finding the right time of day for me. Yesterday's was caught at a pond I had not been to but once many years ago.
Good morning D League

Happy Monday morning. Still in need of some precious rain. The temperature is 72° and we except mid to upper 80's. The girl on the radio promised some rain by the end of the week.

I am going to eat me some eggs to celebrate National Egg Day. Make mine sunny side up and serve it with a pound of bacon, whole hog sausage and some grits.

Listening to the radio and the daily weird thing happening in Florida. So locally a husband and wife were playing a video game when they got into an argument. After screaming and hollering at each other the wife's sister came into the room with a mason jar of peppers. The man grabbed them and broke the jar over the wife's head. Then he got out Old Betsy and put two bullets into her. The law is investigating.

Jars of peppers flying through the air, gator crashing through windows and old Yankee women driving slow in the left lane. Welcome to Florida. Hide your women folk.

Good morning D from the Berg! A cool morning here 58 when I went out to get the paper at 5:30, going to be a good day to mow, the weatherman(don't have to say weatherperson do I)gave the green light to mow today and tomorrow. Probably today since the high is supposed to be 78. We had a great weekend, wedding went great then Sunday my best friend surrendered to the ministry, the only problem I have with that (I am selfish on this) is some church will call him away from us, but he has to surrender to GOD'S will not my selfish wants! He is the BEST teacher I have ever heard!!!! Ya'll have a great and safe day!!!!!
Since it's national egg day, what's the way you like your eggs? Mine is scrambled with Velveeta cheese mixed in while they are frying I fixed boiled eggs this morning for Mrs. M, she likes hers plain, but I have to make mine healthy by mashing mine up and putting butter and pepper on mine, if you haven't tried it this way give it a try. I guess I like all eggs except the type you fix in water and vinegar :grimace: any way happy egg day!
Since it's national egg day, what's the way you like your eggs? Mine is scrambled with Velveeta cheese mixed in while they are frying I fixed boiled eggs this morning for Mrs. M, she likes hers plain, but I have to make mine healthy by mashing mine up and putting butter and pepper on mine, if you haven't tried it this way give it a try. I guess I like all eggs except the type you fix in water and vinegar :grimace: any way happy egg day!
QB fries my two OM in butter.