
Note to self....never mow when partaking in alcohol…..

Good afternoon! Went and got my wood this morning and have already ripped two boards to start making the doors. Hope to have them done today. Don't see why not.

Great day for working outside.

I've had me a bite to eat and now it's time to get back to work. Check back in with ya later!

Enjoy this one, beautiful days like this don't come around often enough for my liking.
Had only caught fish of the size I have been catching last two years on an occasional basis. Took the right bait and technique along with finding the right time of day for me. Yesterday's was caught at a pond I had not been to but once many years ago.
Plastic worms are my favorite, they generally get the most hits but those old torpedos and hulu poppers were fun to drag across the water.
I've got one door built so far. This is tough to do by myself. Would be easier if I had a table big enough to lay it all out on. On the bright side, the door I made fit the frame I built for the door perfectly. Don't know how that happened but it's akin to the blind squirrel and the nut thing.

Dad's coming out tomorrow so I'll probably wait and let him build the second door with me since that's about all I'll have to do. On Wednesday my buddy is coming back over to lay the carpet and hang the screen with me.
I've got one door built so far. This is tough to do by myself. Would be easier if I had a table big enough to lay it all out on. On the bright side, the door I made fit the frame I built for the door perfectly. Don't know how that happened but it's akin to the blind squirrel and the nut thing.

Dad's coming out tomorrow so I'll probably wait and let him build the second door with me since that's about all I'll have to do. On Wednesday my buddy is coming back over to lay the carpet and hang the screen with me.
Progress pictures?
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Progress pictures?

I don't do too good with the picture sites Don. I've taken some pictures along the way but don't have a picture of the door yet.

My phone isn't set up to send pics directly to my computer and every time I try to download one picture it wants to take all of them, again.

I'll post all of them after I'm done unless someone tells me a VERY easy way to do it.
I don't do too good with the picture sites Don. I've taken some pictures along the way but don't have a picture of the door yet.

My phone isn't set up to send pics directly to my computer and every time I try to download one picture it wants to take all of them, again.

I'll post all of them after I'm done unless someone tells me a VERY easy way to do it.
I think Rooster knows.
Evening D
We had a planned power outage at work this morning, changing out some transformers or something like that....
For a Monday it's been a good day. I caught a mole this morning! Played 9 holes by myself (great weather & peaceful except for my expletives), met co workers for free lunch then went in to work. Only down side is I'm still at work, probably wont get home til 8, but I aint complaining.
Egg chronicle:
My Mom taught me how to make an egg sandwich when I was about 10 or 11. Been making them ever since. Beat 2 eggs, pour in skillet, add salt & pepper, fry for a bit then flip it over, turn off the burner, throw a piece of cheese on it. Wait about a minute, sprinkle some hot sauce on it, place it between bread.

Glad to see all are still kickin', miss Bko...I'm sure she's around somewhere.

Hype is already starting for the 2019 basketball Cats!!
Morning D
Half day of work today....can't get too excited about it, gotta fly to Dallas this afternoon.
Will be in training Wed & back late Thursday night. Meh.

National Cheese gouda be kidding me! D league is lookin sharp, I don't give edam what anybody else says.
Morning D
Half day of work today....can't get too excited about it, gotta fly to Dallas this afternoon.
Will be in training Wed & back late Thursday night. Meh.

National Cheese gouda be kidding me! D league is lookin sharp, I don't give edam what anybody else says.
That's a Munster of a reply OEC!!!! That would even make Monterey Jack laugh!
Morning D
Half day of work today....can't get too excited about it, gotta fly to Dallas this afternoon.
Will be in training Wed & back late Thursday night. Meh.

National Cheese gouda be kidding me! D league is lookin sharp, I don't give edam what anybody else says.
Safe travels.
Good morning D, another cool morning here in the in the Berg 56, at 5:30. I sure am glad someone asked about posting pictures because I have no idea how to either!! When someone does please try to explain it to me like I'm a 4 year old because I am really bad at some computer stuff! I did to much yesterday worked on the deck, hoed out my sisters garden for her while she is in Florida, mowed and weed eat the yard. I paid for it last night!!!! but I did sleep good! I hope everyone has a great and safe day. Prayers for those traveling! I forgot, after that we went to my sons house for supper, we had hot dogs roasted over the fire, you just can't beat hotdogs done like that!!!!
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Good morning D League

National Cheese Day.. Yes sir I love me some cheese. I probably eat it every day in some form or another.
We are at 86°F and skies are fair. the Temperature will reach 88° and we have a 40% chance for rain. We need rain badly at my house.
Our humidity is high so maybe that moisture will turn into rain. One thing for sure it will start soon and continue through the summer.

Keep it in the road D League.
When weather forecasters are discussed here on the D, I can't help but think back and laugh about a lady that did the weather on one of the Evansville stations back in the day named Marcia Yockey. You would have to had grown up in our area to know who I am talking about, but she was a riot!!! One day she did the weather in a two piece bathing suit and my mom just about flipped out! Those were the days!!!!! OEC you remember?