
Tomorrow marks my hire-in date in 1962 at International Harvester heavy-duty truck factory in Fort Wayne, IN. I graduated high school in May, 1961. There was a recession in late 61 and early 62. Couldn't find a job anywhere. After wasting six months in Detroit I went back home. I later hitchhiked to Fort Wayne where I had an aunt who took me in. Borrowed a car and headed out to the factories. I showed up at Harvester and asked if they were taking any applications. The guy said, "Yes, we are taking applications for full time workers." I was shocked and thought he was being sarcastic. After all, all I had heard for about six months was "Sorry."

Starting pay was $2.50 hr with UAW benefits, which jumped quickly to $3.00 hr. I WAS A RICH HILLBILLY IN YANKEE TERRITORY!!! (minimum wage was $1.00 hr) I immediately bought a 53 Buick for $80. Met my car hop wife a couple of weeks later and the rest is history.

But ... I digress.
I like reading stories like this, short to the point and interesting.
Good morning D-League

Trust all is well in your world today. It is 68° outside with a high of 91° expected by mid afternoon. Sunny skies are forecast through Memorial Day. The man on the radio said if you have your boat out better have your life jackets on board. They are checking for this. The pollen count is also high which means I need to head down to the beach and let the breeze clear me up.

The coffee is extra good this morning and I need a re-fill. Check with you down the road.
Thanks everyone! I was awake earlier but you can't keep a good man up. Knocked out another 3 hours and should be able to make it through the rest of the day.

Wife was surprised when she went out back and saw the roof on the porch. She said she'd be happy if that was all I was going to do. Good to know because there is much more to come.
79.2°F and sunny. We are supposed to be hot for the rest of the week.

I am going to a pig roast Saturday. The Chief of Police when I was Mayor is doing it. Tom is a wonderful person. His father was killed at their home in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge. His mother and brother walked through the jungle for two weeks and got to Thailand and freedom. The Smiths Grove Presbyterian Church sponsored his family. He grew up here and has now become a Kentucky hillbilly who wants to fish and hunt all the time. My police commissioner was a 6’8” black man. You talk about people taking second looks at our meetings. One short white bald man, one really short brown man and a very tall black man. We drove our city lawyer crazy with our racial jabbing at each other. We will get back together Saturday and maybe I can get a picture of the three of us.
79.2°F and sunny. We are supposed to be hot for the rest of the week.

I am going to a pig roast Saturday. The Chief of Police when I was Mayor is doing it. Tom is a wonderful person. His father was killed at their home in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge. His mother and brother walked through the jungle for two weeks and got to Thailand and freedom. The Smiths Grove Presbyterian Church sponsored his family. He grew up here and has now become a Kentucky hillbilly who wants to fish and hunt all the time. My police commissioner was a 6’8” black man. You talk about people taking second looks at our meetings. One short white bald man, one really short brown man and a very tall black man. We drove our city lawyer crazy with our racial jabbing at each other. We will get back together Saturday and maybe I can get a picture of the three of us.
Great story Bert.

As older UK fans we may recall the Jacksonville team with Artis Gilmore. Later with the Colonels in the old ABA. A college team mate, Pembrook Burrows, became the first black Florida State Trooper. One of my friends was pulled over by him and he said he saw this huge form walking to his car and said, "Oh, Lord". Pembrook was 7' tall.

79.2°F and sunny. We are supposed to be hot for the rest of the week.

I am going to a pig roast Saturday. The Chief of Police when I was Mayor is doing it. Tom is a wonderful person. His father was killed at their home in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge. His mother and brother walked through the jungle for two weeks and got to Thailand and freedom. The Smiths Grove Presbyterian Church sponsored his family. He grew up here and has now become a Kentucky hillbilly who wants to fish and hunt all the time. My police commissioner was a 6’8” black man. You talk about people taking second looks at our meetings. One short white bald man, one really short brown man and a very tall black man. We drove our city lawyer crazy with our racial jabbing at each other. We will get back together Saturday and maybe I can get a picture of the three of us.

A church I pastored in Oregon sponsored a Cambodian family. Really nice people. They attended church services but I knew they didn't understand anything I said or what was going on.
Happy birthday, Tommy, you young whippersnapper.

I don't feel so young today. All that overhead work yesterday has me stiffed up a bit today. Talked to my friend while ago and he sounds to be more sore than I am.

Drug commercials. They tell you that they've came up with this new drug that no one has tried before and then promptly tell you not to take it if you're allergic to it. How can you know if your allergic to something you've never seen or taken?