
My kind of eating.
Some one cut off a piece of the Blob and fry it?
health endoscopy in the morning to find out if my small intestine is where I'm bleeding...endoscopy's and colonoscopy's will not see much of the small intestine so I'm told. Drinking the make you shit juice as I type. Clear liquid diet for the next 24 hrs...Already starving

cataract surgery was a success, gonna do my right eye on the 1st of May...
now to the good ready and planted my onions and cucumbers ( 10 plants ) maters going in this weekend. May set some cabbage and radishes..Bad thing bout cabbage, if ya plant ten your gonna have ten heads ready at the same time..Lot of waste in my case..hope all is well for youin's

Carry on!
health endoscopy in the morning to find out if my small intestine is where I'm bleeding...endoscopy's and colonoscopy's will not see much of the small intestine so I'm told. Drinking the make you shit juice as I type. Clear liquid diet for the next 24 hrs...Already starving

cataract surgery was a success, gonna do my right eye on the 1st of May...
now to the good ready and planted my onions and cucumbers ( 10 plants ) maters going in this weekend. May set some cabbage and radishes..Bad thing bout cabbage, if ya plant ten your gonna have ten heads ready at the same time..Lot of waste in my case..hope all is well for youin's

Carry on!
I went through all that last month. Good luck. Hoping for the best.
I'm about to roll up the sidewalks here South Future City. Good time at Church. I decided several years ago that when I go to church, I'm going to worship[ and feel the presence of God. No one can stop me. The choice of songs, personalities of song leader, preacher, nothing can stop me from communing with God. He speaks. I listen and go.

And by the way, the personalities of the song leader and preacher are very good as they speak and sing truth. Truth. Whether you agree or not, it's going to happen just like the Book says. What are you going to do with this man named Jesus. Gosh I'll stop. It's just that I have a lot to say. FCC.
Good morning, Bert. You're up early.

And Good Morning from ATX. Currently 59°F and clear. Expecting 80s later today. We received all kinds of lovely rain yesterday and also received some unlovely tornadoes, too. All is good.

Gotta pickup two suit jackets after work I turned in for dry cleaning. Everything else is all packed for the Vegas trip on Friday. I may also hit up the pub for a beer after work.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning, Bert. You're up early.

And Good Morning from ATX. Currently 59°F and clear. Expecting 80s later today. We received all kinds of lovely rain yesterday and also received some unlovely tornadoes, too. All is good.

Gotta pickup two suit jackets after work I turned in for dry cleaning. Everything else is all packed for the Vegas trip on Friday. I may also hit up the pub for a beer after work.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
I started to post that I beat you posting, but I decided to be nice.

I went to bed early last night and got up at 3:30 this morning.

It is 63°F. We are supposed to get rain today.

Safe travel to the desert Austin.
Glad to see the D-League cooking along. I've been unusually busy lately, but I'm keeping up with you fellas (and BKO.) Been continuing my morning walks in Washington. It's been an absolutely beautiful spring here. We'll get brutalized as always in the summer, but for now the thousands of blossomng cherry, apple, magnolia, dogwood and other trees make this a lovely place.

I'm reading for the third time James Swanson's book "Manhunt" about the murder of Lincoln and the chase for John Wilkes Booth. You history buffs here have no doubt read it - a fascinating blend of history and true crime about the event that really changed America. As I read a section I walk the grounds where the events took place the next morning -- from the White House to Ford's Theater to the places the conspiracy was plotted, Booth's hotel, the house where the attempted assassination of Sec. State William Seward occurred, the hotel where one conspirator lost his nerve and DIDN'T shoot VP Johnson, and so on. It's all in about a 1.5 mile grid downtown.
Good morning D-Leaguers, it looks like another rainy day here in the Berg. While Mrs. M was getting ready for work I went out on the deck with my coffee to enjoy the morning. All kinds of critters out this morning squirrels, hummingbirds, hawks watching the squirrels and the largest woodpecker I have ever seen!!! I have seen them before and just thought that they were Redheaded woodpeckers, but I was wrong(like Mrs. M says) it's a Pileated woodpecker. With it raining today I figured it would be a good day for some Italian Beef, so I got up at 4 this morning and got it together mixed all the ingredients together (my Mom's recipe) and put it in the crockpot, should be ready about 3 today! Man some of those ladies pictures ya'll have been posting bring back some memories, but I think Dana Delany is one of the prettiest ladies!!!! She is still beautiful today!! Well I hope everyone has a great and safe day!!
Good morning D-Leaguers, it looks like another rainy day here in the Berg. While Mrs. M was getting ready for work I went out on the deck with my coffee to enjoy the morning. All kinds of critters out this morning squirrels, hummingbirds, hawks watching the squirrels and the largest woodpecker I have ever seen!!! I have seen them before and just thought that they were Redheaded woodpeckers, but I was wrong(like Mrs. M says) it's a Pileated woodpecker. With it raining today I figured it would be a good day for some Italian Beef, so I got up at 4 this morning and got it together mixed all the ingredients together (my Mom's recipe) and put it in the crockpot, should be ready about 3 today! Man some of those ladies pictures ya'll have been posting bring back some memories, but I think Dana Delany is one of the prettiest ladies!!!! She is still beautiful today!! Well I hope everyone has a great and safe day!!
We have a family, more like a colony, of red headed woodpeckers that love to peck on our trees. They are not doing any harm and are enjoyable to watch. Another species that has been entertaining us lately is this little boy. He will be headed North any day now and most of his species already have. Headed to Oklahoma and other places. He is the achrusterus robin
We have a family, more like a colony, of red headed woodpeckers that love to peck on our trees. They are not doing any harm and are enjoyable to watch. Another species that has been entertaining us lately is this little boy. He will be headed North any day now and most of his species already have. Headed to Oklahoma and other places. He is the achrusterus robin
These guys have been here since the last of February, it seems like they got here early. It seemed funny to see them out in the last snow we had. I watched them lurk on the edges of the blacktop street just waiting for the worms to crawl out onto the warm street!
My favorite hymn that I have requested be played at my funeral.

It was also one of the favorites of a young man who died in his late 20s. of cancer. Best friends with his Dad. His death really hit our little church hard. He and his wife were just getting established in their service of the Lord. I think of him every time I sing it or hear it. Good ending verse if I may say. FCC