
I saw a cool bird this morning, never noticed it in my yard before...It was pretty big, and it was a beautiful rusty brown color with a white spotted belly. Was going to town tearing up my mulch.

Google says it was likely a Brown Thrasher...which is a badass name and exactly what it was doing to my mulch - thrashing the crap out of it. He was doing it just to do it, and having lots of fun.

Yeap a brown thrush. They are good at mixing up mulch. Apparently they get the bugs out.
I saw a cool bird this morning, never noticed it in my yard before...It was pretty big, and it was a beautiful rusty brown color with a white spotted belly. Was going to town tearing up my mulch.

Google says it was likely a Brown Thrasher...which is a badass name and exactly what it was doing to my mulch - thrashing the crap out of it. He was doing it just to do it, and having lots of fun.

That one has an artificial wing.
Good morning D-League

Morning temperature is 63° and this afternoon it should reach 83° with plenty of good ole sunshine. If we are fortunate it will be in mid 80's the rest of the week.

Yesterday I picked a whole bunch of banana peppers in my little garden and fried them up for supper. Fresh picked fried banana peppers rule.

Have a great day all.
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This boy has been hanging around in the back yard after my wife threw some old bread out by the lake. This is a Florida Wood Stork and what is interesting is it is the only stork that breeds in North America. It is on the endangered species list.

Sawnee_Cat, man, the lake water level looks like it's a bit down right now. You all might need some of our deluges of rain that we've had up here.
Sawnee_Cat, man, the lake water level looks like it's a bit down right now. You all might need some of our deluges of rain that we've had up here.
It is way down. Fortunately it is spring fed so we have fresh water coming in all of the time. Our rainy season kicks into gear around the first of June which is the start of hurricane season. If we can get about 20 inches in a day or so all will be fine. But it is not at a crisis level yet.
Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well today. It's a cool, crisp 55 degrees right now, headed for mid 70's later on with more rain (just what we need around here) headed in for tonight/tomorrow. It's been great to get outside the last few days with the nice weather. I already have good sun tan, and it's only early April.

Question for the D-League......have any of you all taken a vacation to Hawaii? If so, I'd like to learn more about your experiences. I'm considering a 25th anniversary trip there in a couple of years and want to start thinking ahead about it. One of my students at school, recently moved from Hawaii to Chattanooga and he was talking about the best deals for accommodations being some lesser known bed and breakfast places rather than the resorts in the glossy magazine ads.

It's going to be costly, I know, and that's why I'm thinking ahead now. I've been fortunate enough to travel all over the world, but I have never been to Hawaii.