que sera sera
We're gonna have guys back next year and we've got a great group coming in. By this time next year, and probably earlier, we'll be one of he teams they're talking about to win it all.
Refs should have to give an interview after the game. We know that stupid shit happens each and every time Doug Shows is involved. Let's give him the benefit of doubt and say he isn't deliberately calling games with animosity toward us. Now we can say he's just incompetent. Either way, there needs to be a grievance process that holds them somewhat accountable.
I've got you all beat. My phone is the old fogies Jitterbug with the extra large numbers.
I had a flip phone and it was badass. I also had a slider. Can I switch between two phones by switching out the sim card?
I don't really need to change them. I want to charge up the old slider phone to use as a music source for the golf course. I can put music directly on the slider phone from my computer. I think it holds 16 gigs.
Possibly my favorite TV and radio cowboy star. It is at least top 5. I never missed an episode or a comic book. For the first 3 or 4 years of my following him in my childhood he was the Long Ranger to me. Then I figured out it was not Long but Lone. He was the lone survivor. Good times to be a kid.The Lone Ranger putting on his mask for the first time. Tonto made it for him. First episode. That mask didn't hide very much..Anybody who had ever known him would have easily recognized him. His identity would have been irrelevant to strangers ... but I digress.
Everywhere I go I am with my wife. She has the smartphone for any non-phone purposes. I only carry my flip phone to reconnect with her after we separate in a big box store.
He was good.Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday.
Back in the fifties, to early sixties, my Dad smoked 2 packs of those unfiltered cancer causers a day. Luckily, he would only take two puffs off one and then throw it down. Then, on his next break he would light another and do the same thing. He quit about 1964 and never smoked another for his remaining 52 years.
Lordy mercy. He must have impoverished your family. Those things cost about 20 cents a pack back then. I quit in 1962.
All of my uncles smoked Camel's. It was the number one brand in those days. One uncle smoked 3 packs a day and started when he was about 10 years old. He lived to be 74 when the BIG C got him. The last time I talked to him he said I curse the day I smoke my first Camel. (the only cigarette he smoked in his life was a Camel-unfiltered) Like most men who served in combat during WWII he was hooked on cigarettes.Back in the fifties, to early sixties, my Dad smoked 2 packs of those unfiltered cancer causers a day. Luckily, he would only take two puffs off one and then throw it down. Then, on his next break he would light another and do the same thing. He quit about 1964 and never smoked another for his remaining 52 years.
He is a turd.Doug Shows