
Who should we pull for?
Well said, warrior-cat. When I was a DI we had several restrictions. One never hit a trainee. And two never order them to do something you could not do. So if I ordered a trainee to drop down and give me 50 I better be able to give 50. Or else.

We had a "bolo squad" which consisted of trainees who had flunked (boloed) at the rifle range or PT test. If you were a "bolo" you would be in danger of being re-cycled and removed from the company. Everyone did not get a trophy if they failed they got humiliated. "BOLO" was painted across their helmet liner and a piece of white tape was put on their back with BOLO written on it. Nothing was more humiliating than that. I have no idea if they do that in today's army.
No, although they should. It was a great incentive to get off BOLO status. For a while and even still depending on who is in command, re-cycle was a derogatory term that they did not want to use. They changed it to New Start to make them feel better. Most have gone back to re-cycle but, a few use new start. At one point, a few years back, they were giving trainees (another term they outlawed and they now must be called warriors) stress cards to give to the Drill Sergeant when they were feeling too much stress. The Drill Sergeant would then have to give the trainee about a 15 minute break before going back to training. That did not last very long since trainees were abusing the card. Who'd a thunk it?
We D-Leaguers like every comment. It is a symbol of acceptance.

Where I live 11 inches of rain is just 11 inches of rain. The Gulf swallows it up. Are the dams filling up in East Tennessee and North Georgia?

Yes!! Everything is over flowing around here. Yards, parking lots, etc..and so on and so forth is underwater. Driving around this morning in Catoosa Co. Georgia I saw tons of flooding, road closures, and even part of a golf course that looks like a large lake. Chattanooga/TVA has been releasing water from the Chicamauga Dam in anticipation of all this extra rain. It looks like after another round of storms tonight that, thank God, it's supposed to finally move out of here and be really nice for the next several days. We're already pushing 20" inches of rain just since January 1st.

You're fortunate to have that sandy soil to allow the rain to just fall right on through
No, although they should. It was a great incentive to get off BOLO status. For a while and even still depending on who is in command, re-cycle was a derogatory term that they did not want to use. They changed it to New Start to make them feel better. Most have gone back to re-cycle but, a few use new start. At one point, a few years back, they were giving trainees (another term they outlawed and they now must be called warriors) stress cards to give to the Drill Sergeant when they were feeling too much stress. The Drill Sergeant would then have to give the trainee about a 15 minute break before going back to training. That did not last very long since trainees were abusing the card. Who'd a thunk it?
The heck you say? New Start?

I was in during Vietnam and when we got word a soldier that came through our company was killed in action we would write his name on a bulletin board in front of the Orderly Room. It was a form of honor. When one of my "trainees" screwed up I would write in chalk his name (no girls back then) on the board and say "son you are a screw up and if you don't get your act together you are going to die in the jungles of "Nam.. Your name will be painted on this board not written in chalk." They got the message and busted their tails to improve. Then I would use the old Patton quote, "We don't want you to die for your country,, we want the enemy SOB to die for his country."
I would like to announce that I am officially 58.75 years old today!

Looking up the info on the Ford truck last night and went down the rabbit hole of car chase scenes on Youtube. If you've seen this one, which isn't actually a chase, then give it a listen. Turn the sound up because that's the best part. It was made in 1976 and Paris looked a lot different than it does now. Not one hijab to be seen and no trash.

Happy 3/4 Birthday, you Pup.
It's been pouring rain here all morning and now, the total rain for the last 8 days now is 11.12" inches. That's more rain in one week than we usually get in three months in an average year; Please God, make it stop!!

We are liking the "Please God Make it Stop" I've learned that every post gets liked because we care about the thoughts of those making them.
Tuned in to check on Louisville earlier and they were up by 10 at the half. They lost by 10. My wife was telling me it would be better for us if they won. Told her I didn't care. She said she was going to pull for them and I called her an amateur and that no lead was enough for them. Ha.
Tuned in to check on Louisville earlier and they were up by 10 at the half. They lost by 10. My wife was telling me it would be better for us if they won. Told her I didn't care. She said she was going to pull for them and I called her an amateur and that no lead was enough for them. Ha.
You are right on. Never pull for the Cards.