We do have a problem in the Army today and it started many years ago and has gotten worse in recent years. When we set different standards for women in the physical fitness test after allowing women in the Army it started a chain reaction that continues to grow. The fitness test is used to determine if you can physically be a soldier or not. If you administer a test for you to qualify at anything, all must meet the standard. If you pass, come on in. If not, try something else. It was lowered because some were complaining that it was too tough for women but, it was only lowered for them.
Now, there are constraints on what you can do to all soldiers (on the spot corrections) that have taken a lot of disciplinary power away from leadership. Such as, dropping a soldier (Pushups) for a minor infraction. Now, just about everything is either put on paper (which impacts careers) or just let go all together which loosens discipline.
Not indifferent from civilian life, the Army is in full PC mode curtailing any and all speech that could be determined offensive. Which means, anyone could find anything offensive if misreading the intent. This takes away from the camaraderie which is very important among the military. Having to watch what you say at every turn puts too much strain on relationships.