
  • Good morning D-Leaguers. Currently 54°F and daybreak is coming. Sun rises at 7:20 AM. Expecting highs in the 60's
  • Weather girl says temperatures will fall this week as our 6th cold front comes in from the Gulf. Could go into the 30's
  • Enjoyed the family photos, we have a special group and it is a refreshing break from the Rafters. That place can get tough
  • Another big game tonight. Georgia is not a great team but time has shown us anything can happen. See what happened to Duke last night. lol
  • I agree with MdWildcat55 about that 1975 Indiana-Kentucky game. It is one I will never forget. Why, well my wife agreed to meet our friends at a restaurant the afternoon of the game. I had no idea she did that and when she told me about 10 minutes for the game started I said no way was I missing this game. And I didn't. So thankful because it was one of the greatest wins I have witnessed. Indiana was a powerful, powerful team in those days. Once upon a time the Indiana - Kentucky game was THE game. This was before UL and Indiana was hated by any true blue fan.
  • Listening to the radio and the man reported a "Sex Slave" bust. About a half a dozen were arrested by the Big Man is on the run. What is going on this world?
  • Now the radio man is talking about two kayakers who got into a fight and one fled on his kayak to a nearby island when the police were called. They got him.
  • Trust all have a great day and stay safe

Sawnee, actually into the 30's? That's pretty tough for Florida, however here in Ole Kentucky, Ashland specifically, they are calling for a high of 22 and a low of 4 on Sunday. Brrrrr. If it don't knock it off, I may head your way later in the month.
Good morning D-League! Up early this morning too! (4 this morning but a good nights sleep). WC or anyone who served in the military I was thinking yesterday about some of the military cord that I helped make while at DN do ya'll remember using A-Pods or 1-G? I think A-Pods was used for breeching and 1-G had a gold thread covering. Hope every body has a great and safe day! GO CATS!!!!

I remember that. We used it for breeching and also cratering.
I'm using All they asked for was an email address to send a password so I created a google gmail account for that. It's been easy to use. I'm still learning about their cloud photo storage options. Posting via a image url has been simple and reliable. I'm still unsure of my needs or options.

I will try them.
Good morning D. Today starts my wife's 3rd week of retirement. Right now it's been great so far ! see a new Wanda. Sleeping all night and being rested all day long. Helping me around, cooking and learning to use the Ninja foodi see got for Christmas. Life is great for now.

I've had so many hard falls since October and the damage is in my lower lumber and it let's me know. Never wanted my spine worked on. My MD and his PA both along with my Physical Therapist agreed I should let DR. Hill do a minimal invasive surgery . I go for a Cat Scan tomorrow.

Every one have a great day and be safe.
I'll fly into Orlando on Saturday, 01/19. Forecast indicates 60s-80s for that day, and cooling off a bit later in the week.
Sunday is the day we are to go into a cold snap. The usual pattern is we have some rain and temperatures go down. But things we will be OK because we do not expect a gully washer. Have a nice flight down.

Hey you bunch of knuckleheads (term of endearment).

More laundry today. You know, 2 adults and 4 kids mess up alot. Towels and all kinds of stuff.

Little bit is back in school. Stamina not 100 percent yet.

Hey Don I meant to tell you that I saw Tilghman and Mccracken Co. boys and girls varsity play the other night. Mccracken won both game comfortably. Mccracken boys and girls both flat out get after the ball on defense. I was more than impressed. Boys have a kid, last name Sivels, a junior, that probably will play somewhere in the SEC. 6 ft 6 in., leaps, fun to watch. Took over the game in the 3rd and 4th quarter. But the girls defense was fun to watch too.

On offense, one of the girls for Mccracken, a guard, hit 4 scoop shot layups. And 2 was left handed. She is right handed. By scoop I mean that during a defended layup, she faked high, then went low, up and under the defenders arm. Very impressive. Coach Sivels has those girls in high gear. FCC.
Sawnee, actually into the 30's? That's pretty tough for Florida, however here in Ole Kentucky, Ashland specifically, they are calling for a high of 22 and a low of 4 on Sunday. Brrrrr. If it don't knock it off, I may head your way later in the month.
Ben, last year we had a killer cold snap. I lost so many young trees. My favorite, a guava was killed over night. By mid afternoon it was all black and all of the fruit were black. I had to cut it down. I also lost two Florida cherry trees. Two avocados had sever l damaged but seem to be OK now. I also lost an orange, grapefruit and two kumquat trees. If the temperature falls to 28 and stays for 4 to 6 hours you will have a hard time saving your trees, unless you fire up the groves. Raising citrus is a challenge. But I remember before global warming (1977) we had:
Ben, last year we had a killer cold snap. I lost so many young trees. My favorite, a guava was killed over night. By mid afternoon it was all black and all of the fruit were black. I had to cut it down. I also lost two Florida cherry trees. Two avocados had sever l damaged but seem to be OK now. I also lost an orange, grapefruit and two kumquat trees. If the temperature falls to 28 and stays for 4 to 6 hours you will have a hard time saving your trees, unless you fire up the groves. Raising citrus is a challenge. But I remember before global warming (1977) we had:
A friend of mine who is an older gentleman, told me he was building a house in 1967 in Cape Coral and saw snow flurries one day. I have never seen the temperature below 40 since I’ve been here
Ben, last year we had a killer cold snap. I lost so many young trees. My favorite, a guava was killed over night. By mid afternoon it was all black and all of the fruit were black. I had to cut it down. I also lost two Florida cherry trees. Two avocados had sever l damaged but seem to be OK now. I also lost an orange, grapefruit and two kumquat trees. If the temperature falls to 28 and stays for 4 to 6 hours you will have a hard time saving your trees, unless you fire up the groves. Raising citrus is a challenge. But I remember before global warming (1977) we had:
I was living in Jacksonville and it killed my Norfolk Island Pine tree in my back yard. That thing was a work of art. It took about two weeks for the needles to turn brown. I kept thinking that it would come back in the spring. It did not.
But I remember before global warming (1977) we had:
I was 20 that winter and living up on the Ohio River on the Kentucky side. We had days with temperatures of 21, 24, 25 below zero for three straight days-- and that wasn't adjusted for wind chill. The whole river froze over for the first time anyone could remember. I had a friend who had a Volkswagen Beetle and like a couple dumb-asses we drove out a hundred yards or so before losing our nerve. Lots of people walked across to Ohio.
A friend of mine who is an older gentleman, told me he was building a house in 1967 in Cape Coral and saw snow flurries one day. I have never seen the temperature below 40 since I’ve been here
My uncle was one of the very first to live in Cape Coral back when it first opened. There was not an I-75 down there and U.S. 19 had two lanes. Shortly after he moved in we went down to go deep sea fishing with him and almost got ate up by mosquitoes. You could brush them off of your arms and see blood. It was really primitive but he said someday that swamp land would be absolutely one of the most beautiful places in Florida. He was right. It is a fantastic place to live. Oh and we caught a whole bunch of grouper on our fishing outing and had one of the best fish fries of my life. Uncle Charlie was an outdoors man and good at it. Fond memories.
Cake turned out terrible. I was so careful with every aspect of the bake. Everything had to be right because I double checked everything and followed each direction to the letter. Where I made my mistake was pushing the convection button. I didn't even think about it because I'm used to baking with real ingredients. I cooked too much liquid out of it and it's dry. The icing is primo though!

Oh well, it was just another learning experience. I know that the next one I make will be better.
Will you ever have that recipe again?
My uncle was one of the very first to live in Cape Coral back when it first opened. There was not an I-75 down there and U.S. 19 had two lanes. Shortly after he moved in we went down to go deep sea fishing with him and almost got ate up by mosquitoes. You could brush them off of your arms and see blood. It was really primitive but he said someday that swamp land would be absolutely one of the most beautiful places in Florida. He was right. It is a fantastic place to live. Oh and we caught a whole bunch of grouper on our fishing outing and had one of the best fish fries of my life. Uncle Charlie was an outdoors man and good at it. Fond memories.
I am not a Florida lover. I am like Daniel Boone. He went to Florida after the creation of the United States and came back to report that man kind could not live there and prosper.

I moved to Jacksonville in August 1976. We got our furniture and decided to take a break and do something our first free Saturday. We decided to go to Fort Caroline (just out the road from our house). ...... "almost got ate up by mosquitoes. You could brush them off of your arms and see blood"..... we know what you mean. We never did anything like that again.

My son loved going down to the St. John's river (I can't remember the name of the creek going into the St. John's down our street...) and never came back without a couple pounds of some of the best white shrimp you could ever eat. Shrimp were free for years, plus my son was so energetic he would de-head and de-vein them and smile!

Here is a picture of the best net throwing - shrimping - red fishing - lemon shark fishing - 20 year Army career - computer engineer - son anyone could ever have. (The picture is dated: it was last Saturday. - - note the white hairs in his beard!)
Hey you bunch of knuckleheads (term of endearment).

More laundry today. You know, 2 adults and 4 kids mess up alot. Towels and all kinds of stuff.

Little bit is back in school. Stamina not 100 percent yet.

Hey Don I meant to tell you that I saw Tilghman and Mccracken Co. boys and girls varsity play the other night. Mccracken won both game comfortably. Mccracken boys and girls both flat out get after the ball on defense. I was more than impressed. Boys have a kid, last name Sivels, a junior, that probably will play somewhere in the SEC. 6 ft 6 in., leaps, fun to watch. Took over the game in the 3rd and 4th quarter. But the girls defense was fun to watch too.

On offense, one of the girls for Mccracken, a guard, hit 4 scoop shot layups. And 2 was left handed. She is right handed. By scoop I mean that during a defended layup, she faked high, then went low, up and under the defenders arm. Very impressive. Coach Sivels has those girls in high gear. FCC.

So, the really good kid on the Boys team is the son of the Girl's Team coach?
Will you ever have that recipe again?

I've been to McArthur's Park. OK I guess, but I didn't see any cakes.

Ben, last year we had a killer cold snap. I lost so many young trees. My favorite, a guava was killed over night. By mid afternoon it was all black and all of the fruit were black. I had to cut it down. I also lost two Florida cherry trees. Two avocados had sever l damaged but seem to be OK now. I also lost an orange, grapefruit and two kumquat trees. If the temperature falls to 28 and stays for 4 to 6 hours you will have a hard time saving your trees, unless you fire up the groves. Raising citrus is a challenge. But I remember before global warming (1977) we had:

That stinks. Hope you don't have that kind of weather this winter.
I was 20 that winter and living up on the Ohio River on the Kentucky side. We had days with temperatures of 21, 24, 25 below zero for three straight days-- and that wasn't adjusted for wind chill. The whole river froze over for the first time anyone could remember. I had a friend who had a Volkswagen Beetle and like a couple dumb-asses we drove out a hundred yards or so before losing our nerve. Lots of people walked across to Ohio.

Frozen over here in Ashland that year. Snow was piles up everywhere until May.
That cake did not even need the icing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
As y'all can tell. Paloma Faith (like Sawnee's fish) among my fantastical love affairs has found a unique place in my head. Her voice is magical, a delight with or without musical instruments. Easier on the eye than Mama Cass with creativity that is off the charts. You'll be hearing more from her as time passes. She's not a secret anymore.
10 years ago

5 years ago

Mornin' D. Up early and stalling so I don't have to drag my garbage cans across frozen piles of snow to the curb. I have the Indiana-Nebraska game on. I'm from the generation where hating Indiana is still important no matter how many decades they suck. They are not good right now. And I'm not sure their ceiling is all that high.

Cats need a win tonight, and I'd love to see them make a statement ahead of a tough stretch. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Ha! I was just rewarded for watching the IU ass-kicking by a shot at the IU rafters and the announcer focusing on 1975 when Indiana "was 31-0 before losing to KENTUCKY in the regional final." Still my favorite game ever.
Mornin' D. Up early and stalling so I don't have to drag my garbage cans across frozen piles of snow to the curb. I have the Indiana-Nebraska game on. I'm from the generation where hating Indiana is still important no matter how many decades they suck. They are not good right now. And I'm not sure their ceiling is all that high.

Cats need a win tonight, and I'd love to see them make a statement ahead of a tough stretch. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Ha! I was just rewarded for watching the IU ass-kicking by a shot at the IU rafters and the announcer focusing on 1975 when Indiana "was 31-0 before losing to KENTUCKY in the regional final." Still my favorite game ever.
That was a hell of a game.
  • Good morning D-Leaguers. Currently 54°F and daybreak is coming. Sun rises at 7:20 AM. Expecting highs in the 60's
  • Weather girl says temperatures will fall this week as our 6th cold front comes in from the Gulf. Could go into the 30's
  • Enjoyed the family photos, we have a special group and it is a refreshing break from the Rafters. That place can get tough
  • Another big game tonight. Georgia is not a great team but time has shown us anything can happen. See what happened to Duke last night. lol
  • I agree with MdWildcat55 about that 1975 Indiana-Kentucky game. It is one I will never forget. Why, well my wife agreed to meet our friends at a restaurant the afternoon of the game. I had no idea she did that and when she told me about 10 minutes for the game started I said no way was I missing this game. And I didn't. So thankful because it was one of the greatest wins I have witnessed. Indiana was a powerful, powerful team in those days. Once upon a time the Indiana - Kentucky game was THE game. This was before UL and Indiana was hated by any true blue fan.
  • Listening to the radio and the man reported a "Sex Slave" bust. About a half a dozen were arrested by the Big Man is on the run. What is going on this world?
  • Now the radio man is talking about two kayakers who got into a fight and one fled on his kayak to a nearby island when the police were called. They got him.
  • Trust all have a great day and stay safe
About 10 years ago my bounty hunter caught a $14,000 bond jumper that was in a kayak at Carter's lake.