
Morning D
Up ...not awake, just up. Coffee in hand (where would we be without coffee?)
Feeling really good about the Cats
My two picks for CFP also won.
Need to get ready for church here shortly, then it’s to the grocery and back home to watch my Saints and do laundry
Have a good one friends
Sun is shinning and we are looking good in my neighborhood.

I am still glowing over some games yesterday.

Kentucky over Louisville
Florida over Michigan
Clemson over Notre Dame
Western Kentucky over Wisconsin
Princeton over Arizona State
Alabama over Oklahoma

Georgia would have given Clemson fits or beat them. It is time the folks select the four best teams and forget the politics. Notre Dame has not been relative in a long, long time. The ESPN guys trying to justify Notre Dame being in the playoffs showed their total lack of football. They can't stand the domination of football by those dumb shit Southern schools. They know Michigan, Ohio State, Notre Dame and Penn State are a lot better.
Morning D. Great day to be a Wildcat fan yesterday - and an SEC fan, and a Notre Dame hater.

I took my son to the Wizards-Hornets game. Sadly, just before game time we hear John Wall is out for the season. But got to watch MKG and Malik Monk. And it was an entertaining game. Kemba Walker, I hate to admit, is a scoring machine on a bad team. He'd never be able to lead a winner, but given free rein to throw up anything, he makes some crazy shots. Even without Wall the Wizards won. Thomas Bryant, who I must say Cal missed on, is a legitimate NBA center now.
Morning D
Up ...not awake, just up. Coffee in hand (where would we be without coffee?)
Feeling really good about the Cats
My two picks for CFP also won.
Need to get ready for church here shortly, then it’s to the grocery and back home to watch my Saints and do laundry
Have a good one friends
Hoping for the Bengals to at least beat the Steelers and keep them out of the playoffs giving me one thing good about them this year.
Morning D...
In recovery mode, coffee in hand.
Great day yesterday, all my teams won as well. Although somebody did mention they wanted ND to win just so Alabama could beat the crap out of'em on Championship night. That thought did interest me, but still glad to see them get smashed by Clemson (especially by a qb that looks like Sunshine from Remember the Titans)
Gotta clean out garage, set up hot tub (again), watch football & nap today.
The Cats look good right now.
C'mon UK football Cats!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 38°F, cold and rainy. We might not climb above 45°F. Miserable weather, but I plan on getting out in it for my weekly trip to the grocery store.

Another Tide-Tigers rematch. I watched both games. Sooners fell behind too early and just never recovered. Fighting Irish simply sucked.

Chores and exercise. That's all for now.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Hoping for the Bengals to at least beat the Steelers and keep them out of the playoffs giving me one thing good about them this year.
I’m in a quandary with that
My dad was a born and bred Steelers fan. This year, for him, I’ve been cheering for them. But tbh, I’m not a fan at all. My daughter and her fiancé follow the Bengals.
Back home. Today didn't work out like I thought it would. There were just too many people there and he's having a hard time driving his chair with any type of competence at all. We were there about 5 minutes and had 3 or 4 close calls with people, baby carriages, and tables full of breakable merchandise. I hated to make the call but no good was going to come from this adventure.

I told him we'd give it another shot on Tuesday and maybe it won't be so crowded.

Sucks to be the adult sometimes.
I’m in a quandary with that
My dad was a born and bred Steelers fan. This year, for him, I’ve been cheering for them. But tbh, I’m not a fan at all. My daughter and her fiancé follow the Bengals.
My dad is a Steelers fan. It’s tough being a Bengals fan. That franchise is lucky to keep fans with their refusal to get rid of Marvin.
  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites, Wildcats & Lurkers.
  • 54º in Johns Creek. Overcast and dreary.
  • Real happy to beat Louisville. Watched the game again today.
  • #3 is gone again. He will fly all night long. Enjoyed seeing him. These two weeks have gone by fast. Missing him already.
  • Stayed up too late last night. I have fallen asleep many times today.
  • Take care.
  • Carry on.
Morning D. Great day to be a Wildcat fan yesterday - and an SEC fan, and a Notre Dame hater.

I took my son to the Wizards-Hornets game. Sadly, just before game time we hear John Wall is out for the season. But got to watch MKG and Malik Monk. And it was an entertaining game. Kemba Walker, I hate to admit, is a scoring machine on a bad team. He'd never be able to lead a winner, but given free rein to throw up anything, he makes some crazy shots. Even without Wall the Wizards won. Thomas Bryant, who I must say Cal missed on, is a legitimate NBA center now.
Yeah I'm really sorry about Wall. Hate to hear that.
Good evening league. Shocked at the Mark Richt retirement. Stoops is listed by many websites as being a candidate for that job. Will be interesting to see who they hire. I think Stoops will be about three or four names down on that list, but you never know.

I don't think Stoops would take that job. For another thing, I don't think Miami would come up with the money we're about to throw at Stoops when we win the Citrus Bowl.
I don't think Stoops would take that job. For another thing, I don't think Miami would come up with the money we're about to throw at Stoops when we win the Citrus Bowl.
I honestly don’t think he’s in the top 3 or 4 in the running for it but their are two factors that worry me. The talent pool in that area and the weak ACC Coastal division. Wouldn’t be as difficult to rebuild the program down there, but Stoops has built a solid foundation with recruiting here. He has an excellent contract as far as job security goes as well.
Good morning D-League Another beautiful day with temp 71 and a high of 80. Clear skies and sunshine. Good day for kayaking. Spent yesterday on the St Martin river as it flows into the Gulf. Saw at least a thousand White Pelicans that winter in this area from Canada. They gather around the mangroves..They will head north in late March.

Tomorrow is the day and hope the weather over in Orlando is like it is here. Go Cats
Good evening league. Shocked at the Mark Richt retirement. Stoops is listed by many websites as being a candidate for that job. Will be interesting to see who they hire. I think Stoops will be about three or four names down on that list, but you never know.

If it was FSU, I think he would go, but Miami is a mess and with all the improvements in facilities, recruiting, and competitiveness, I think he gets a raise and stays. Wet again in Ashland, (what's new?) but at least it's warm. Thank goodness for the Jetstream. Going to get to almost 70 today, and stay around 50 all week. could start 2019 a lot worse. Everyone have a great day and get ready for the game, tomorrow.