
World Smile Day
Hello everyone!

55, hate that your wife had to lose her friend like that.

Never had any stones, been stoned though, not in a biblical way, felt like it the next day.

Had to get up this morning at 0500 to go get Dad and take him to dialysis. There was a mix up between the nursing home and VA. Hung around for 5 hours and then took him home. He's doing pretty good but he's still not exactly right. Sleeping this weekend should help a lot.

Got home and cleaned off the place on the patio where my table will go. Moved the table that is there now out of the way and lit the charcoal that was in the medium egg. I think most of it was lump I had partially burned in the other egg. Decided since I had a fire going I should cook something so I went and picked up two packages of Johnsonville brats. MMMmmm good!

Listened to Jerry Eaves today and he is pissed at UL. He says they're toast. Also said that he was somewhere for some function and someone in the know told him his school was cheating. Had to do with Bowen. Then he said he told Mitch McConnell and Yarborough but neither of them did anything. Compliance officer for UL has apparently lied to the FBI and they know it. OOps! Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer is about to come down upon their head.
This girl is TIRED
We got home about 8:30am: fell asleep about nine. Woke up at about 10:45 to the horrendous smell of dog poop. I forgot to take our poor animals out :flushed:
Got that cleaned up. Took them out and went back to bed. Woke up at two. I’m too old for this...ugh
Rob is doing okay. On pain meds as needed but otherwise gonna pass that thing at home
Will be gone all day tomorrow. Going to Campbellsville for homecoming. Will miss our game but recording it and you guys will keep me updated right?
Headed out to Moms for the evening. Will check in with you guys later
Morning D league greats.

I continue one more day with no BGE.

Hope Rob is ok @Bkocats .

I honestly don't know who wins Saturday. I want the cats to win but aggies are tough.

I would to either go fishing today or golf. Doubt either one happens.
Went fishing this morning and caught one bass about 2lbs. Was skunked both days last weekend so I am still behind for the last 2 weeks. Supposed to storm next 4 days with heavy rain so, fishing out for the rest of the weekend.

Ymmot, I have been losing a little weight lately just by portion control. was 215 lbs a couple of weeks ago and am now at 206 lbs and dropping. Coming after you.
Went fishing this morning and caught one bass about 2lbs. Was skunked both days last weekend so I am still behind for the last 2 weeks. Supposed to storm next 4 days with heavy rain so, fishing out for the rest of the weekend.

Ymmot, I have been losing a little weight lately just by portion control. was 215 lbs a couple of weeks ago and am now at 206 lbs and dropping. Coming after you.

Bring it on Sarge! I'm holding steady at 184 but I could drop down some more if I have to.
Here's hoping BKO's husband gets through his ordeal quickly and as painlessly as possible. I have no doubt it'll hurt. Never passed one myself.

I'm finally getting rid of an old deep freezer in the basement. It came with the house and I never had the guts to plug it end (frayed/patched cord). It's at least 50 years old. They'll have to cut it up to get it up the stairs. 175 bucks sounds like a decent deal. Should have done this 28 years ago.
Here's hoping BKO's husband gets through his ordeal quickly and as painlessly as possible. I have no doubt it'll hurt. Never passed one myself.

I'm finally getting rid of an old deep freezer in the basement. It came with the house and I never had the guts to plug it end (frayed/patched cord). It's at least 50 years old. They'll have to cut it up to get it up the stairs. 175 bucks sounds like a decent deal. Should have done this 28 years ago.

You should have given it to 2004.
Went fishing this morning and caught one bass about 2lbs. Was skunked both days last weekend so I am still behind for the last 2 weeks. Supposed to storm next 4 days with heavy rain so, fishing out for the rest of the weekend.

Ymmot, I have been losing a little weight lately just by portion control. was 215 lbs a couple of weeks ago and am now at 206 lbs and dropping. Coming after you.

I didn't get to go today like I wanted to.

You should have given it to 2004.

Well I've got a deep freeze in the garage already. I'm on the egg hunt! Easter bunny won't leave me one.
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • 68º this morning. A carbon copy of yesterday
  • Coffee is hot and flavorful. I made it extra strong this morning.
  • Sausage and eggs are my favorite meal. I don't have anymore "Old Folks" but Tennessee Pride is also whole hog so it serves the purpose until I can resupply. They don't sell Old Folks where I live but do sell Tennessee Pride
  • I can't believe our government allows idiots and anarchist to roam the halls of congress cursing, interrupting and making complete fools of their self. Is this all the libs have to offer. Anarchy?
  • Saturday has arrived and so has UK football. This can end up as a very special day. Go Cats.
  • A brilliant young lady who graduated top of her class at Harvard was spotted in D.C protesting. The future of America is in good hands with these intellects.
  • enhance
  • Good Morning, D-League
  • 68º this morning. A carbon copy of yesterday
  • Coffee is hot and flavorful. I made it extra strong this morning.
  • Sausage and eggs are my favorite meal. I don't have anymore "Old Folks" but Tennessee Pride is also whole hog so it serves the purpose until I can resupply. They don't sell Old Folks where I live but do sell Tennessee Pride
  • I can't believe our government allows idiots and anarchist to roam the halls of congress cursing, interrupting and making complete fools of their self. Is this all the libs have to offer. Anarchy?
  • Saturday has arrived and so has UK football. This can end up as a very special day. Go Cats.
  • A brilliant young lady who graduated top of her class at Harvard was spotted in D.C protesting. The future of America is in good hands with these intellects.
  • enhance
I made sausage and eggs too!

Scrolling through Facebook this morning while drinking coffee. One of the few libs I have on there posted a meme about if hate certain people your aren't a Christian. One group listed was homosexuals. Here's my rant although I disagree with their lifestyle it doesn't mean I hate them. I would help them out the same just like any other race or ethnicity.

So why in today's world why can't we disagree and move on with our lives? Why does it mean I hate you if I think differently?
@warrior-cat : You ever fly into the old Berlin-Templehof Airport (Airbase) back in the day? Old lady and I just watched Valkyrie with Tom Cruise. Some scenes were filmed there. Ha ha, Germans hated that movie because of Cruise and his Scientology BS.
No, never went there in 8 years in Germany. Visited a lot of other places and countries but, never Berlin.
Good morning! Supposed to move the table today. I'd better eat a big breakfast. She made coffee already and I'm drinking it as fast as my pain tolerance will allow.

What time is our game? Is it on TV? Who do we play? Those are questions that I was routinely asked by UL "fans" back in the day, and it really wasn't that long ago. Now it looks like I'll have to go through it all over again. They don't understand it yet, but the basketball and football at their school is going to be down for a long time to come. They built their house on soft and shifting sand and the tide has come in.

UK by 13 tonight. I'm calling it 27-14. I guess I should have made that a spoiler alert. Sorry.
Good Morning D
Game day....c'mon Cats! Make it happen,
The ol West Side Fall Festival has been going on all week...waaaay too hot for a FALL festival. Spent all day down there yesterday. Long day of making and selling strombolis. ......and possibly a few beverages.
Wishing the best for all....even a BGE for some!

Holding the little grand daughter right now....cute as a button.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F. May see some sprinkles later today.

Game day! Happenings today:

- Longhorns vs Sooners from the historic Cotton Bowl and Texas State Fair at 11:00 am CST
- ACL (Austin City Limits) Music Festival at Zilker Park. Runs October 5-7 and 12-14
- Wildcats vs Aggies from Kyle Field, College Station at 6:00 PM CST.

What a Saturday! Cats-Aggies game could receive some light rain.

I'm gonna blast off here in a few and go work my part-time gig. Check ya later.

Y'all behave.
Good morning, the D. Babysitting my 2 grandsons today. They are good boys, but boys nonetheless!

Speaking of future stepdaughter and DiLs were discussing our upcoming nuptials with their mother yesterday. Our registry is at Bed Bath and Beyond. The list is ridiculous. FMG told me that you want to give a wide range of choices to our guests, from frugal to expensive. As a guy, I’d rather have a registry at a liquor store...but that ain’t happening!
Good Morning D
Game day....c'mon Cats! Make it happen,
The ol West Side Fall Festival has been going on all week...waaaay too hot for a FALL festival. Spent all day down there yesterday. Long day of making and selling strombolis. ......and possibly a few beverages.
Wishing the best for all....even a BGE for some!

Holding the little grand daughter right now....cute as a button.
I’m looking at a picture of me and my Anna when she was a new born. Can’t believe she is so tall as a 5 year old! Your grand won’t remember, but you will! Those are precious memories