
I'm starting slow this morning because I'm feeling kinda sore. RA is acting up for the last week or so and I've been over doing it in the workshop. I gave myself an impossible deadline to finish this project and I realized last night that I'm only about 30% done. At least I hope it's that much.
It was color to start with. I scanned it and used the "restore color" feature.

I know that Bert, I had a couple of jokes to waste so I used one on you. [winking]

Ymmot, did you mail the thrumb drive of the music? I am worried that the post office may have lost it.

No I haven't mailed it yet. It slipped my mind for a few days and then I thought that I would just run it down there here before long. I keep forgetting to pick up a thumb drive when I'm out. The ones I have here are older than I thought and only have 4 gigs. The transfer doesn't take long at all and I would like to fill one up for you. What you asked for will only take about 3 gigs or so. Do you want me to go back to the list you put on here to add extra music?

There were 90 albums on the one I made for 82 and that was an 8 gig drive. A 16 should be enough room for all that you had listed. Plus Simon and Garfunkel of course.
I know that Bert, I had a couple of jokes to waste so I used one on you. [winking]

No I haven't mailed it yet. It slipped my mind for a few days and then I thought that I would just run it down there here before long. I keep forgetting to pick up a thumb drive when I'm out. The ones I have here are older than I thought and only have 4 gigs. The transfer doesn't take long at all and I would like to fill one up for you. What you asked for will only take about 3 gigs or so. Do you want me to go back to the list you put on here to add extra music?

There were 90 albums on the one I made for 82 and that was an 8 gig drive. A 16 should be enough room for all that you had listed. Plus Simon and Garfunkel of course.
the top 100 for those years is what I would enjoy.
Did you notify the local poison hot line, EMS and hospital so they could plan accordingly?
There I was sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.

"Well, whatcha' gonna do about it?" he says, menacingly, as I burst into tears. "Come on, man," the biker says, "I didn't think you'd CRY. I can't stand to see a man crying."

"This is the worst day of my life," I said. "I'm a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen and I don't have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife with another man ... and then my dog bit me."

"So, I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all. I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in it and I sit here watching the poison dissolve. And then you show up and drink the whole damn thing!

But, hell, enough about me, how are you doing?"
Yes I did. No loafing here buddy. A robo emergency call went out to 6 counties. FCC.

I haven't made any salsa for the last few months but when I do I only make enough for a couple of settings. I'll probably make some when football starts and make Saturday my cheat day on my diet.

I make mine in the food processor and blend everything together before I add the tomato. I like it chunky. I think cilantro is the make it or break it ingredient. I make it hot and sometimes I make it very hot, which is ok. But if I put too much cilantro I'll have to fix it.
I haven't made any salsa for the last few months but when I do I only make enough for a couple of settings. I'll probably make some when football starts and make Saturday my cheat day on my diet.

I make mine in the food processor and blend everything together before I add the tomato. I like it chunky. I think cilantro is the make it or break it ingredient. I make it hot and sometimes I make it very hot, which is ok. But if I put too much cilantro I'll have to fix it.

We made 2 gallons last Saturday. My kids already ate it all FCC.
My walker is in the shop. They are supposed to be putting some tennis balls on the front two legs. I think they were having trouble with one side. Should have it some time early next week. Geezzz. FCC.

Just another senior expense that younger people never consider in their retirement planning. It never ends.
I got married 52 years ago today to this girl:
I think I need one of those too.

No excuse. You should have been using your cane then old man.

What a guy! Showing such compassion. Still no excuse for toddling around without your cane.

I can't give you too much grief FCC. I fell two minutes before Wanda got home yesterday, Darn man it hurt bad. I hit the door trim then down to the ceramic tile Had to think it out how to get myself up. This is getting old. Yes I have a cane wheelchair and a walker.
I can't give you too much grief FCC. I fell two minutes before Wanda got home yesterday, Darn man it hurt bad. I hit the door trim then down to the ceramic tile Had to think it out how to get myself up. This is getting old. Yes I have a cane wheelchair and a walker.

Be more careful if you can. Heal soon. FCC.
I can't give you too much grief FCC. I fell two minutes before Wanda got home yesterday, Darn man it hurt bad. I hit the door trim then down to the ceramic tile Had to think it out how to get myself up. This is getting old. Yes I have a cane wheelchair and a walker.

Be careful rrkat. And don’t worry about giving FCC grief. It’s the only thing that keeps him somewhat under control.
Sheesh ... I've got to get out more. Last night I dreamed I showed up at Don's house in Atlanta in a Volkswagen camper van. His house was not as fancy as I pictured it. He was out in his yard working with a crew of Mexicans. I identified myself but he couldn't stop what he was doing. I was struggling to get out of my van and QB helped me out. The end. TS

What could it mean? A long-distance man-crush that is bound to come to naught?

I refuse to date guys that I have to pick up off the floor several times an evening (which means slim pickings with this crew.)
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Sheesh ... I've got to get out more. Last night I dreamed I showed up at Don's house in Atlanta in a Volkswagen camper van. His house was not as fancy as I pictured it. He was out in his yard working with a crew of Mexicans. I identified myself but he couldn't stop what he was doing. I was struggling to get out of my van and QB helped me out. The end. TS

What could it mean? A long-distance man-crush that is bound to come to naught?

I refuse to date guys that I have to pick up off the floor several times an evening.

Check your meds.
Saw Karen Sypher while ago at the Walmart in Middletown. She was wearing a tight white tank top tucked into a blue jean skirt and high heels. Hair is still bleach blonde. Told my wife who it was and she asked how I knew. I told her she looked just like the pictures.
Not a bad day so far.
Took down a light...put up a new one.
Took down all my DishTV stuff. Receivers, the dish, the Switch and LNBF, gathered up remotes. Sending all that stuff back...
Just finished mowing. Still gotta eat some weeds. But relaxing with a cold beverage for now.

Happy Anny Bert.
Sawnee & RRk get well & stay well.
Rest of y'all have a great day...& weekend