
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites.
  • 66º today in Johns Creek. Clear and nice.
  • Went to bed sore as anything. Better today. Advil is a miracle.
  • Football in a little over 2 weeks. Can't hardly wait. Snell, Hoak, Wilson, Defense.
  • DM is good. 1st mug almost gone.
  • No news from here.
  • Be safe.
  • As you were. Carry on.
good morning D
been up since 6:30 am - first day of 8th grade for my youngest:

Just finishing up third mug of coffee.
How long till BBM?
Have a happy Hump Day y'all
73° F here and raining. I am glad that I did the yard yesterday.

Good luck and health to all the infirm.
The best to the kids starting school.

My only grandkid is a Junior now and she just got her driver’s license. All folks near Taylorsville be aware that a young, wild Higginbotham girl is out there driving. If you see a blue Ford hit the ditch fast.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My wife and I go to inspect our grave stone today. Weird feeling.
Opened this page in Chrome. Seems to work better. Doesn't freeze up like explorer.
Chrome >>>>>>> Explorer. There is an AdBlock extension you can add in the (3 dot Gui) locate in the upper right corner, Google Chrome Control - Settings - extensions. This allows control of most of the browser ads. Here's a Linky to the AdBlock
Good morning D League

Looking out of my sliding glass door from my bed.
The sky is beautiful blue and clouds white and fluffy. Sunshine bright and green grass. God made a beautiful world. A couple of kayakers on the lake. I miss that and my salt water pool..I am still in bed in pain but the hot water helps.
It may be a few more weeks before I am up and about. But with your prayers I will make it.
Go Cats. Counting down to football
Kids at school. Gotta work at 3 at DG. Off at 10. No moles moving after number 40. Although I saw an old dig about 2 ft long. Birddoggin that dig. Could number 41 be on the horizon? Stay tuned./

Told railroad I turned 66 last Saturday. Blessed. Big time. When all the earth around me is sinking sand, on Christ the solid rock I stand, when I need a shelter, when I need a friend I turn to the Rock. Sorry y'all, I just can't get that song out of my head. Been singing it around the house and the kids are wanting me to sing the rest. They are tired of me just singing 2 lines. Just a little look at my everyday life. 3 teens in the house is busy. Busy. But really, over all I'm blessed at 66.

Havn't commented on the Cats, but should be a fun year. I've been watching on NBA channel some old games in the 80s Got to see again the dunk contest with Dominique Wilkens and MJ in the finals. Wow. Bob Lalmdeer, Mutumbo, Bird, with Parish and Mchale. Johnson, Spud Web., Olijuhn, It sort of helps with my jones to see the Cats. FCC.
Kids at school. Gotta work at 3 at DG. Off at 10. No moles moving after number 40. Although I saw an old dig about 2 ft long. Birddoggin that dig. Could number 41 be on the horizon? Stay tuned./

Told railroad I turned 66 last Saturday. Blessed. Big time. When all the earth around me is sinking sand, on Christ the solid rock I stand, when I need a shelter, when I need a friend I turn to the Rock. Sorry y'all, I just can't get that song out of my head. Been singing it around the house and the kids are wanting me to sing the rest. They are tired of me just singing 2 lines. Just a little look at my everyday life. 3 teens in the house is busy. Busy. But really, over all I'm blessed at 66.

Havn't commented on the Cats, but should be a fun year. I've been watching on NBA channel some old games in the 80s Got to see again the dunk contest with Dominique Wilkens and MJ in the finals. Wow. Bob Lalmdeer, Mutumbo, Bird, with Parish and Mchale. Johnson, Spud Web., Olijuhn, It sort of helps with my jones to see the Cats. FCC.

Surprised the kids haven’t run out of the house screaming in horror at you singing.
Good morning D League

Looking out of my sliding glass door from my bed.
The sky is beautiful blue and clouds white and fluffy. Sunshine bright and green grass. God made a beautiful world. A couple of kayakers on the lake. I miss that and my salt water pool..I am still in bed in pain but the hot water helps.
It may be a few more weeks before I am up and about. But with your prayers I will make it.
Go Cats. Counting down to football

Praying for you buddy. I'm not good with pain. My wife is though. FCC.
Praying for you buddy. I'm not good with pain. My wife is though. FCC.
Thanks for your prayers. Not being able to get out of bed is worse than the pain. But the pain did get to the point I called my primary doc for some meds. He said no and referred me to my specialist. He said I would have to go in for an office visit. I said no way I would bite the bullet. So my good wife suggested we do what grandma did. Bring out the liquor bottle. I am feeling much better.
catfaninsc FCC is a wimp. He did bring me some squash, banana peppers, bell peppers and some HOT .........:fire:........Hot......peppers from his garden and I'm still alive......[jumpingsmile]

Yep, just a big old cry baby. Your lucky, the last time he gave stuff away it triggered a investigation by the health dept. and CDC.
Last edited:
Opened this page in Chrome. Seems to work better. Doesn't freeze up like explorer.
Got some rain last night, a little this morning. Gotta get the kids up. That's all. FCC.

I started using Chrome about a month ago and my problems went away immediately. I don't like change in my computer or my phone. Takes me long enough as it is to figure out how to do what I want to do.

Chrome >>>>>>> Explorer. There is an AdBlock extension you can add in the (3 dot Gui) locate in the upper right corner, Google Chrome Control - Settings - extensions. This allows control of most of the browser ads. Here's a Linky to the AdBlock

Thank you kind sir. I now have AdBlock and flipped them a tenner.

Good morning D League

Looking out of my sliding glass door from my bed.
The sky is beautiful blue and clouds white and fluffy. Sunshine bright and green grass. God made a beautiful world. A couple of kayakers on the lake. I miss that and my salt water pool..I am still in bed in pain but the hot water helps.
It may be a few more weeks before I am up and about. But with your prayers I will make it.
Go Cats. Counting down to football

Hang in there pal. You'll be back up and at em before long. We're just a post away if you get bored.
Got rained out on golf today so I went straight to the shop and started cutting wood. My entire shop now has a red tint to it. I'll never get it clean again after this project. I've two full plastic grocery bags of cedar sawdust that I clean of the table after each cut. My calculation say I created over 5 board feet of sawdust today.

Got the frame cut out and the front dry fitted. Gonna hit it hard Friday through Sunday.
Thanks for your prayers. Not being able to get out of bed is worse than the pain. But the pain did get to the point I called my primary doc for some meds. He said no and referred me to my specialist. He said I would have to go in for an office visit. I said no way I would bite the bullet. So my good wife suggested we do what grandma did. Bring out the liquor bottle. I am feeling much better.
Be careful. I did that once to remove a giant splinter stuck in my calf. Ended up drunk before noon. I'm not sure if it helped or not. I know I felt like hell warmed over the next day. Cultural tradition I guess.

Hey 82, I still haven't got to hear the turntable yet. I've found a Technics SA 424 but I don't know if I want to pull the trigger yet. $75 but it's located in Georgetown.
My brother-in-law is doing the same thing. He has an old linear tracking turntable that's been boxed up since the early 90's. Now that he's retired he wants to hook it up again and dust off his old LPs. Unfortunately he doesn't have a phono input so it's either find a receiver that does or buy a standalone phono preamp.
My brother-in-law is doing the same thing. He has an old linear tracking turntable that's been boxed up since the early 90's. Now that he's retired he wants to hook it up again and dust off his old LPs. Unfortunately he doesn't have a phono input so it's either find a receiver that does or buy a standalone phono preamp.

I'm wanting to get an old Technics so that's making my search a little harder. I'll probably settle for something different until I can find the right deal.
Be careful. I did that once to remove a giant splinter stuck in my calf. Ended up drunk before noon. I'm not sure if it helped or not. I know I felt like hell warmed over the next day. Cultural tradition I guess.

That is what I am taking about. Just a few sips to make me drowsy Added a couple Tylenol PM and went to sleep. No pain this morning.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites.
  • 70º in Johns Creek. 20% chance of rain. Clear & sunny right at the moment.
  • Rotator Cuff still sore, but a little better.
  • The Zoysia really looks great. The best year yet since we replaced the Bermuda a few years ago. Removing all of those Leylands has helped it.
  • Thinking about RailroadCat and SawneeCat this morning and hoping that they feel better today.
  • Include Ymmot's daddy in that. Ymmot sure does do nice things for his Dad. My Daddy has been gone for 24 years. His generation was a very good one.
  • My nuclear stress test cost $7K.
  • Taking the cancer off of my nose cost $3K. The area that was cut on is now numb.
  • Watch idmos while you're driving. They are out there.
  • As you were. Carry on with vigor.
My brother-in-law is doing the same thing. He has an old linear tracking turntable that's been boxed up since the early 90's. Now that he's retired he wants to hook it up again and dust off his old LPs. Unfortunately he doesn't have a phono input so it's either find a receiver that does or buy a standalone phono preamp.
That was my problem so I just bought a USB turntable. I will simply convert the LPs to digital recordings.

I don't have good hearing to start with so the quality differences that I notice is zero.