
I sure hope your foot doesn't start itching in that boot. Try not to think about it itching because if you think about it itching it probably will start itching. You won't be able to scratch it and it can drive you crazy

Just trying to help. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Canned air. With the plastic nozzle. Start from a foot away and come in until you can feel the blast of air. Don’t come closer than 3 inches. Helps with the itching!
Evening Gentlemen
I'm still over the moon about our team; gut feeling is that they are going to be very special
Already are, really

Got the kid ready for school: clothes shopping done (first day of school outfit picked out); school supplies purchased, labeled and otherwise organized and packed into backpack. School registration completely done and fees paid - tonight was the open house where he got his schedule and met the teachers, this years locker and planner. I think he's got a little crush on his Language Arts teacher already - she's a pretty lady and very sweet.

Going to weddings this weekend: my daughters bff through middle and high school is getting married and she's in the wedding(s). The friend is marrying an Indian so there will be a Hindu ceremony on Friday and a Christian one on Saturday. Should be a wonderful time.

Family is doing okay - one day at a time. Dad sure would've loved these Cats, but he's got the best seats in the house now. Just hate I can't discuss it all with him.

Hope the sick and injured ones get well quickly
What's the meat dish on Friday????
Good morning D. League

Rough week. Had to return to hospital on emergency yesterday but back home confined to bed. Good news infection has cleared up.
Trusting this week will be better.
Excited about the Cats. That will help get me through this ordeal
Thank you for your prayers. Y'all take care. Go Cats.
Sounds like great news about the infection clearing up. Hang in there buddy.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F. Expecting 97°F and hot.

Thanks for the wrap-up, @ymmot31. Herro can really shoot the lights out.

By the way, Notre Dame, Marshall U and Presbyterian also played games down in the Bahamas along side us. Our players and box scores were much better. :sunglasses:

Looks like flooding up in NJ and parts of NY. Some nasty stuff.

I've really got nothing else this morning. Y'all behave.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites.
  • 64º in Johns Creek. How about that. Clear. Sun's not up.
  • I just fell down again. Picking Lola up. I get to feeling normal and then it happens. I hate this part of getting old. I'll be sore tomorrow.
  • 1st mug of DM almost gone.
  • Ymmot, good job typing up that composite boxscore.
  • Be careful out there. Watch the idmos. Have a pleasant day.
  • Carry on.
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Good morning. My weight loss has stalled out for the last week. I'm holding steady now at 197. I guess I'm going to have to throw in a little physical exertion to get it to go lower.

Hart was a good announcer, but Seth and Dan were unbearable.

Glad to see the NBA scouts speaking highly of Richards. Glad for Nick and glad for UK. If he works hard enough and gets a lottery pick next year, that will be a great story for Cal to drop on guys who come here for one year but really need two. Or three.

Out of here soon to get Dad. See ya later...
Morning D
Coffee in hand and lots to do today
Gotta get all this laundry done - and get all these clothes and things we don't /can't wear anymore bagged for donations. My son grew a bunch and I shrank. Not a bad thing really, but it does mean more work, lol
I just want to know how this house gets so messy with just three of us here? well, five if you include the dogs.
How long till kick off? I need some wildcat therapy
Hello dear D league friends!

Bet you all thought I had fallen off the face of the planet!

Been so swamped with work and life haven't had much time to post!

Few quick hitters.....hope everyone is doing alright!

@Bkocats You keeping the OC in check?

I like our basketball team!

@wildcatdonf You doing alright?

Well back to work. Don't be offended if I missed anyone. Carry on. I'll try to post more.
Hello dear D league friends!

Bet you all thought I had fallen off the face of the planet!

Been so swamped with work and life haven't had much time to post!

Few quick hitters.....hope everyone is doing alright!

@Bkocats You keeping the OC in check?

I like our basketball team!

@wildcatdonf You doing alright?

Well back to work. Don't be offended if I missed anyone. Carry on. I'll try to post more.
Glad to see you checking in. Give us some posts when you have the time.
Good morning. My weight loss has stalled out for the last week. I'm holding steady now at 197. I guess I'm going to have to throw in a little physical exertion to get it to go lower.

Hart was a good announcer, but Seth and Dan were unbearable.

Glad to see the NBA scouts speaking highly of Richards. Glad for Nick and glad for UK. If he works hard enough and gets a lottery pick next year, that will be a great story for Cal to drop on guys who come here for one year but really need two. Or three.

Out of here soon to get Dad. See ya later...

Whoa there, big fella. Let's not get hasty there
Mornin' D.

Dealing with a bit of an emotional crisis with my emotionally strong wife as she deals with sending her baby -- our son -- off to Lexington this week.

To be honest, it ain't easy for dad either. Something about letting go of that last part of being directly engaged in parenting since the 1980s...
Partly cloudy, sultry, sporatic monsoon events. Storms have created a mess. Four Ha-Boobs in 5 days. 40-60 mph sand storms, trees down, power outages, localized flooding, roofing debris everywhere. I know I've about 100 hours(?) of new unplanned work added to the load of inflexible agricultural growing season research.

Good Morning D.
:americanflag: Go Big Blue :football:
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Finally got the results from skin cancer biopsies on my head. Gotta have two whacked off soon. I figured as much. Had two whacked off a few years ago. Hopefully they'll get it all the first time.

What concerns me though is possible disfigurement. Women are constantly chasing after me now but WILL THEY after the surgery?
Yeah, they don't look at the hands...........
I spent several months in Palmetta FL about ten years ago. Everywhere I went I saw old people gathered in small groups discussing their health problems. I was 64 and relatively healthy at the time and stayed aloof from them. Now I would shove them aside to get in the middle and say, You think YOU have problems - wait till you hear MINE!
Good afternoon D friends

It is a beautiful day with palm trees in the breeze and lake glittering with sparkles. Much too nice to be in bed. House confined and extreme pain. This is all new to me.

Thank you for your prayers. They are comforting. I will survive
Take care.

Sawnee Cat take care and you are on my prayer list..............:pray:
Finally got the results from skin cancer biopsies on my head. Gotta have two whacked off soon. I figured as much. Had two whacked off a few years ago. Hopefully they'll get it all the first time.

What concerns me though is possible disfigurement. Women are constantly chasing after me now but WILL THEY after the surgery?
Sugar Daddy ladies?
Good afternoon D friends

It is a beautiful day with palm trees in the breeze and lake glittering with sparkles. Much too nice to be in bed. House confined and extreme pain. This is all new to me.

Thank you for your prayers. They are comforting. I will survive
Take care.
I'll add mine to the outpouring of good thoughts and hope you'll be out in nature feeling tip top soon, Sawnee.
Dad and I had a good time today. Hit two piddler malls across the river in enemy territory. Both of us rocking UK gear.

Came home and went to the shop to do a little work on the table. First time I've set up a dado set and the first time I've used the crosscut sled I made about two months ago. I'm cutting out a section that is 1" deep and 5" wide in 2 areas of each 4x4. Wow! This makes A LOT of sawdust. I've only made 2 cuts so far and dust is everywhere. Shouldn't have any moths in my shop for quite awhile.