
Happy Birthday, Donfather.

Here's my haul this morning. Summer is usually slow.

Happy Birthday, Donfather.

Here's my haul this morning. Summer is usually slow.

This reminds me of the "penny march" at Sunday School. When one had a birthday they would march up to the front near the altar where we had a mini church with a steeple. The steeple had a slit in it and you would drop a penny through for each year of your age. The church would sing Happy Birthday and the preacher said we could feed the Chinese babies who only had rice to eat. I always felt good about that
Good afternoon everyboDy

Couple more hours to go...
Shaping up to be a great weekend weather-wise.
Visiting Mom & Dad this weekend
Yard mowing & honey-do's (she is working 8 to 8 on Saturday) to do.
I was at Graceland in March...shag carpet on the ceiling...not a good look.
Take care.
Shag carpet on the ceiling does something to a man that time can not erase. I am still perplexed 30 years later
This reminds me of the "penny march" at Sunday School. When one had a birthday they would march up to the front near the altar where we had a mini church with a steeple. The steeple had a slit in it and you would drop a penny through for each year of your age. The church would sing Happy Birthday and the preacher said we could feed the Chinese babies who only had rice to eat. I always felt good about that

I remember that.

We were encouraged to be kind to the poor starving children of China. We were were forced to eat all kinds of awful food as we were prompted to "think about all the poor starving people in China." What was the result? There are now nearly 1.4 billion of them and they have taken most of our jobs. All because of little kids giving all those pennies back when we could have nipped it in the bud..
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I remember that.

We were encouraged to be kind to the poor starving children of China. What was the result? There are nearly 1.4 billion of them who have taken most of our jobs. All because of little kids giving all those pennies.

I remember that too. Another funny thing. We would sing 2 or 3 songs and at the end we would sing A m e n. We stopped because it was said that it took too much time to sing amen. Really. FCC.
I remember that too. Another funny thing. We would sing 2 or 3 songs and at the end we would sing A m e n. We stopped because it was said that it took too much time to sing amen. Really. FCC.

I attended a little pentecostal church next door where how long the service lasted was never even remotely considered.
I attended a little pentecostal church next door where how long the service lasted was never even remotely considered.
Revivals would last weeks and some services were going strong past 10 or 11 o'clock PM. Mothers would bring a blanket to church and make a pallet for the kids and they would sleep under the bench "pew". A time long gone. Today they don't even have night services in most churches.
Revivals would last weeks and some services were going strong past 10 or 11 o'clock PM. Mothers would bring a blanket to church and make a pallet for the kids and they would sleep under the bench "pew". A time long gone. Today they don't even have night services in most churches.

Yep. You had to make sure you didn't get trapped sitting in a pew (sitting beside a girl) at altar call. Precise timing was required in knowing when to get up and leave. If not there would be several people with their arms around you imploring you to "get saved." I eventually found my way to an altar willingly at age 20 - a decision I've never regretted.

Where did you grow up?
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Yep. You had to make sure you didn't get trapped sitting in a pew (sitting beside a girl) at altar call. Precise timing was required in knowing when to get up and leave. If not there would be several people with their arms around you imploring you to "get saved." I eventually found my way to an altar willingly at age 20 - a decision I've never regretted.

Where did you grow up?
Rural Florida. I was raised in church and still am a member. I think I got "saved" in every revival meeting. Maybe I was trying to break the grip of arms around me. LOL I too found my way and became serious thanks to my family and wife who never gave up on me. I would not give anything for my church raising and the close bond we formed. Someone was always there to help and share. Salt of the earth people.
And that points out a glaring difference between the United Methodist and Pentecostal churches. The Pentecostal church gets it. UMC does not. And still doesn't. FCC.

I think there are a goodly number of Bible-centered UM churches left but they are certainly in the minority. Probably rural. A lot would depend on who the pastor is I suspect.
Been golfing. Hurt my Achilles on very first hole. Fours times it’s hurt so bad made me sick. A little better but being very ginger. Going to ice it. I can bend foot back toward me but forward or downhill kills me. Felt it pop twice. Was afraid I tore it but I don't think so.

Getting old and too fat.