
67.1°F (a cool 19.5°C) here with a little less humidity than yesterday. Yesterday it got hot topping out at 88°. Must be June.

Rooster I enjoy the log house film. My brother-in-law once owned a log house down on the Barren River just north of Bowling Green. It was a cool place to visit. His biggest problem was keeping the bugs out. The fire place could take a four foot log. The sandstone hearth stone was curved and in the center of the wall.
I used Highway 41 every day to cross the Ohio River and go to work in Howell Yard.

Freaken Russians.:americanflag::uzi:
As an conservative democrat who can't find another one to vote for, this is a mess. I Don't particularly like republican lemmings but at least they're somewhat American. I like some libertarian philosophy, but seems everybody in that room has a gun or a bong. Not that I give a rip but worst scenario is BOTH.:flushed: I guess being a lesser of evil type makes me an independent . . . I'd like to believe that too, but who knows.
Right now I'm confused because I don't feel democratic swamp tyranny is preferable to Russian tyranny. I don't feel the dem BS spin of hate either. That's like a third of the population democrat lemmings. Add the numbers it's like 60% of the population are political lemmings. Ouch!
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I need to come home more often. Took State Route 247 from end to end today for the 1st time in my life. Nice little country road. No traffic light until the very end of the ‘highway’. Plenty of horses and cattle tho!

The old Monsanto plant is totally torn down. Used to be the biggest employer here. Took a stroll along the banks of the Duck River until the ‘no see ums’ found me and figured I would make a dandy buffet!
  • Good Morning, Everyone.
  • 68º in Johns Creek. Sunny and beautiful day going.
  • Hope the medical folks get Ymmot's Daddy fixed up.
  • Lola got a haircut. Cute.
  • Nothing happening here right now.
  • Try to be safe.
  • As you were.

They got him going today. He's good to go now until next Tuesday. We have two appointments that day.


Stogies for everyone! My newly minted grand nephew has arrived. 7 lbs, 9 oz. Named Josiah. Unfortunately he was born in Alabama, but his Uncle Tee will teach him the greatest lullaby in this world soon enough!

Eyes wide open and came out hungry! Thank the Lord for donor milk. Might be another day before Mom can feed him (she has lots of meds in her system).
Stogies for everyone! My newly minted grand nephew has arrived. 7 lbs, 9 oz. Named Josiah. Unfortunately he was born in Alabama, but his Uncle Tee will teach him the greatest lullaby in this world soon enough!

Eyes wide open and came out hungry! Thank the Lord for donor milk. Might be another day before Mom can feed him (she has lots of meds in her system).
Roll Tide! On a serious note congrats Ghost.
Stogies for everyone! My newly minted grand nephew has arrived. 7 lbs, 9 oz. Named Josiah. Unfortunately he was born in Alabama, but his Uncle Tee will teach him the greatest lullaby in this world soon enough!

Eyes wide open and came out hungry! Thank the Lord for donor milk. Might be another day before Mom can feed him (she has lots of meds in her system).

VolCat; Contrats on little Josiah.
Ymmot; good that your dad gets a little luck for a change.

67° F here and going to 90 probably. Got to 89 yesterday on my back porch.

Big TV is dead, so got to get a new one.

EDIT: I called him GhostVol instead of VolCat. Dang. I has been corrected.
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They got him going today. He's good to go now until next Tuesday. We have two appointments that day.

On another note, how is the cooler working out for you? I put ice in mine twice a week and it always has some left when I go to put more in. It stays in the bed of my truck (Truck has cover) and I get ice Sunday mornings and Thursday mornings. Drinks stay very cold.