
More good guys Rooster!
Ugh guys I'm in for a rough night, just took my wife to the hospital, she's be having chills and body aches. I'm scared to death that it could be leukemia, she has had an issue with high white blood cells. I'm hoping and praying that it is something more minor. I'm the type that always fears the worst. If you all would please just say a prayer for her, and my kids and I.
I pray that it is nothing that y'all can't deal with successfully and that she will be back to normal very soon.
Sitting out a thunderstorm watching the Duke-Stanford-Utah 1998 run with my son whose heading for Lexington in the fall. It was before he was born.
That was a great run. We drove down there on a wild hair. No plans. No tickets. We pulled up to the arena and a fan give us tickets to the Duke game. Unbelievable. We drank beer for a couple of hours at that little bar near the arena after the game. That was 20 years ago.
Ugh guys I'm in for a rough night, just took my wife to the hospital, she's be having chills and body aches. I'm scared to death that it could be leukemia, she has had an issue with high white blood cells. I'm hoping and praying that it is something more minor. I'm the type that always fears the worst. If you all would please just say a prayer for her, and my kids and I.
Hoping for the best outcome KK.
Good morning. Woke up at 0700 but didn't like what I saw so I went to sleep until noon. Looks better now. There was coffee waiting for me and a note from my wife saying she had gone shopping. She knew I needed my sleep after all that hard work I did yesterday. :eek:

Thanks OECat!

One of my biggest pet peeves about drivers right now is the ones who don't know how to deal with a 4 way stop.

Alexa says we're going to have thunderstorms today but I'll believe it when I hear it.

Changed out speakers in the shop yesterday. I had Polk R10's hung in the corners and I replaced them with Polk RT3's. I was happy with the first pair and surprised at the sound they put out, but now it's on another level. Literally. I'm going to listen to it like this for awhile and then hook up a Polk subwoofer that I have laying around to set it off just right.:scream:

Good tunes are essential to a smooth operating workshop.
Here's your next sub. Only 21 grand but hey it's all about how low can you go.

It's kind of funny, I got rid of all my social media, Facebook and Twitter, even deleted all of my email accounts three days ago. The one thing I couldn't let go of is this website, it's because of people like you all.
What a nice heartfelt compliment, and you are right ......... there are some real good folks in this thread, and all Kentucky fans.
Ugh guys I'm in for a rough night, just took my wife to the hospital, she's be having chills and body aches. I'm scared to death that it could be leukemia, she has had an issue with high white blood cells. I'm hoping and praying that it is something more minor. I'm the type that always fears the worst. If you all would please just say a prayer for her, and my kids and I.
Prayer sent
Prayers to ya KK

Lazied out today
fed n watered dogs
turned sprinkler on garden for a bit ( rain was a no show here )
watered flowers
hosed down a couple of things
hope the softball ladies can pull out a win tonight, but against the overall #1 seed...hmmmm

All I got...pondering on what's for supper
Why is it old guys always are worrying about eating and peeing? askin for a friend
For lunch we had hamburgers fried on #3. Put some garlic salt and black pepper on the patties. Stuck some pieces of Vidalia into each pattie and a big slice of same for each burger. Fried until done. I just turned them once. Browned the buttered buns in the skillet. Put a slice of mater on each burger. They were championship level. Each burger was about .33 pound. Goooooooood.
Today started with my gazillionth bowl of Cheerios.

I spent $6 on a bale of straw at Southern States. What would my grandpas think of that? Geez.

Thanks to Rooster for the bird and eagle videos. They rocked.

Our weekend plans are on hold due to my brother’s health and hospitalization. We didn’t have big plans anyway.

My wife is on a diet. I’ve lost 5 lbs and now tip the scales at 155. It’s not easy finding 31x34 pants. I’ve always been comically skinny with knobby knees.

I’m grateful for this 3 day weekend and hope everyone enjoys it.
I'm 10 pounds heavier and I have a hard time finding pants that fit too.
I miss the EQ's. Everybody wants flat these days. I like tinkering with the sound until I get what I like.
Me too. I changed the eq settings when I changed the speakers. I'll probably tweak it again next time I'm out there listening. Main thing I did was cut back the bass boost because it wasn't needed as much with these speakers.