
56 years old today. As usual, my b-day fitness test is to do as many sets of push-ups as my age until my arms give out. Today I did 6 sets of 56 and got to 51 on set 7 until my triceps said "enough!".

Got hammered last night with the guys. Will hang with my GF's grandkids this afternoon. They'll have more fun than I will, which is how it should be on an adult's birthday!
I know we want a winning football team - but I don't know about that particular person
Too much trouble in his past - too much like his basketball counterpart
No ethics in his marriage. And the way he left uofl the first time, then the Falcons.......
I don't know about that, just don't know
I think it's a moot point. Didn't the SEC tell the member institutions to not hire him?
We're all gonna die!


(just kidding)

Building-size chunks of rock were photographed by Hubble as they broke free from a disintegrating comet zooming around the sun. The relatively rare images are providing insight into how these icy space rocks die. The new images show a large, bright speck of light, the solid core of Comet 332P, trailed by a parade of smaller bluish-white dots. Over the course of three days, those small dots were seen falling farther behind the comet's main body in a series of pics by Hubble.
  • Good Morning, DLers.
  • 70º in Johns Creek. Overcast. IFR.
  • Took #1 & #4 and @1's GF to breakfast yesterday. Different spot. Pretty good.
  • Couldn't stay up. Laid in bed all day Don't know yet if the back feels better.
  • Likes appied.
  • Good memory, Ymmot. Petrino was indeed blackballed by the SEC teams.
  • Louisville may have a National Championship team this year. Their QB is good enough to get it done. Michael Vick-like.
  • Happy Birthday to Ghost Vol and many more. One of the good guys.[banana]
  • It's Monday again.
  • It's hard to get up before Austin.
  • Hope the sick ones get better soon.
  • That's it.
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I'm not going to say that this was the straw that broke the camel's back but I think he did retire soon after they added this to his list of duties.
That was me trying to get a little work out of Don. You can see he hates management! [banana]

I think it was right after that he decided to work with criminals instead of me.