
Its going to be interesting to see what kind of changes the staff makes to try to stop the run game. May run it down our throats and then hit us with play action passes. Our front seven were terrible last weekend.
This is probably correct. UF will play a very simple game against us. No reason for them to reveal anything to future opponents. This game won't present nearly the challenge they would get in an intrasquad scrimmage.

Homemade brownie dipped in pancake batter then deep fried. Put it in a bowl with homemade ice cream on top then drizzle with caramel sauce and dark chocolate sauce and top with chopped brown sugar glazed pecans and a strip of candied bacon made with brown sugar, a little molasses and a pinch of cayenne.
I wouldn't eat that. I would freeze dry it and display it on the mantle as a piece of art.
Bummer, don't guess I'll get to see it live. Starz East is playing Teen Wolf at 1530 tomorrow. I'll be watching that because I prefer my sports programs to have substance. I'll watch the game later on 3x speed. I can still keep up with the score that way.
I don't blame you. I should do the same but I won't. I'll watch the cats even though I know they will get beat.
You guys will get it done tomorrow. You heard it here first.
You sir, are an optimist of the highest order.
We stand a better chance of getting hit by a killer asteroid. If we do get hit, it'll likely be after the game, forcing Cat fans to go to the hereafter still smarting from another humiliating defeat.
It will take divine intervention to stop the streak.
We haven't beaten Florida in Gainesville in 37 years.
I wouldn't travel that road ever. Those helmets would be worthless if one of those guys ran off into that gorge. The video is excellent. Thanks for posting this.

I would be too nervous to even walk on it. Motorcyclists usually become over-confident in their riding abilities over time and it can cost them. Just one little slip and it can be all over. I have owned nine motorcycles in my life.
I quit listening to the Jones show because it would repeat their words all the time and just stop playing quite often. I thought it was because I had refused to sign up for it with facebook or email, nope, I gave in and signed up and it still did the same thing. I never used to have a problem with it, something must have changed on their end.
Some of the traffic that goes by my office must be making 50-60 mph. The speed limit is 35. Yesterday I saw this guy riding his bicycle with his little 3 year old in a seat behind him. He had the little flashing red light and all, but this seems to be too much of a risk to take. Am I too conservative?
ugh - don't know if it's allergies or if I'm getting a cold; thumping headache and some congestion. Feel like kaka.
Most of the dishes are done, laundry sorted and going (found a basket that hadn't been folded so that's done). Need to get to the grocery still - hate grocery shopping - and get living room cleaned up.
I know, I know - waah waah waah

I think since it's just the youngest and me tonight for dinner, we'll get take-out

It is called rag weed. 85% of the folks in the U.S. are allergic to it. I bet you are also.

Go to Wall Mart. Get some loratadine and mucinex. The headache will go away in hours. But take both for about two weeks.
It is called rag weed. 85% of the folks in the U.S. are allergic to it. I bet you are also.

Go to Wall Mart. Get some loratadine and mucinex. The headache will go away in hours. But take both for about two weeks.
I actually did go to Walmart today and picked up both of those for this, LOL
I've only had a response to the ragweed this bad once before.

Feeling better, just tired
Thanks friend :)
I actually did go to Walmart today and picked up both of those for this, LOL
I've only had a response to the ragweed this bad once before.

Feeling better, just tired
Thanks friend :)
Loratadine is the cause. It is one of the better to not make one sleepy; however, it does effect you.

I took allergy shots for 24 years. I stopped themm 10 years ago, but I need to start again.
I would be too nervous to even walk on it. Motorcyclists usually become over-confident in their riding abilities over time and it can cost them. Just one little slip and it can be all over. I have owned nine motorcycles in my life.
I've owned 3. Still own the Harley I purchased new 28 years ago.
Loratadine is the cause. It is one of the better to not make one sleepy; however, it does effect you.

I took allergy shots for 24 years. I stopped themm 10 years ago, but I need to start again.
oh I've always gotten sleepy on the non-drowsy meds. I hate to take them for that reason. But this was bad enough to do something

So, now I'm a lil loopy (more so than usual) and, of course, thirsty - got a big ole glass of OJ