
  • This is how my day started yesterday.
  • Picked up a bagel for the road.
  • Stopped for gas. Pump was dead. Go inside the sign said. Walked to the door. The place is closed. I'll stop at the Chevron.
  • Stopped at Office Depot and bought what I needed.
  • Stopped at Home Depot to buy 2 clay pots and some sandpaper. When I went through the checkout I said "how you doin?" She said "I am deaf." It was a strange check out.
  • Stopped at the Chevron to fill up. Card reader not working. And they were out of 93. Went inside to get my card approved. The man from India or Pakistan was busy with a Western Union transaction. Don't have time to wait. I'll go to the Shell.
  • The Shell is on the other side of the road. Have to go to the light and make a u-turn. Do that. The girl in front of me opens her door and starts puking. Again and again. The light turns green. She is still puking. I swear I smelled it, but probably not. Couldn't honk at her could I? Had to make my u-turn on a yellow. Everything was fine at the Shell.
  • That was a weird beginning of a day I thought.
Science Break:

Look up tonight and tomorrow night and you will see Saturn, Mars and the Moon form a triangle in the southwest evening sky. In fact with a adult beverage or two in hand and a little time you will see the Moon pass by both in your view.

The moon will be 3 degrees over Saturn and Mars will be 10 degrees to the left, the width of a fist. The red star Antares will sit below them. If you have a scope, or access to one drag it out.

About an hour after sunset one-quarter of the way up in the southwest sky, you'll see an almost first-quarter moon, 45 percent illuminated by the sun.

If you look about 2 degrees below the moon, you'll see a bright "star" shining with a steady, yellow-white glow. That's not a star, but the ringed wonder of the solar system, the planet Saturn.
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Home again. Todays trip was spawned by a commercial on tv last night to get a 30 dollar gift certificate for Mammy's Kitchen for 15 dollars. I go there and ask the hostess about purchasing one, she says "oh that's on the WDRB website only, we don't sell those here".:(

I went back out to my car and sat there and pulled it up on my phone. I went there to get a gift certificate and by gawd that's what I did.:angry:

The old dudes weren't at the bakery yet, they know that kids go there before they head to school, I wasn't privy to that info.:alien:

Did get to chat for about 15 minutes with Hadorn though. He lives there at the place and was on his way inside after finishing the baking for the day. He starts at 0100 and bakes til around 0700. He makes all of his own fillings and icing. Said he goes through 600lbs of confectioners sugar per week. He does good work.:bread::cookie:

I told him I was about to start making my own dough for pizza's instead of buying it and he gave me a few tips. He told me if I ran into problems to stop back in and he could tell me how to fix anything that might go wrong. Nice dude.:smiley:

Went to two antique stores and a piddlers mall. Was looking for kitchen knives, cast iron skillets, and a sharpening stone. Upstairs in one of the antique stores I spotted a stone. 2"x6" dual sided with a rough and fine. Even had the very old wood tray for it to sit in. Looked very old but not worn at all. 7 bucks.:cool2:

After that it was cruising back roads just to see where they went. Found 3 roads that dead end with a dead end sign. They don't put the sign at the beginning of the road where it would be useful, they put it at the end where it's quite evident the road goes no further.:scream: