
S&C. He's adamant that he's never posted as BLW and doesn't even know who that person is that's being referred to. I believe him.

Brian, it's the Internet. You don't know anyone that's trying to get you riled up. The fact it bothers you so much means everyone that's trying to bother you wins. You lose. It's really that simple. Nothing anyone on this board says will affect your real life. Best course of action is to go with the punches. That's how you win. I've found self deprication to be a pretty amazing tool.

/helpful inside information

Man, that's awesome.

- weekend run down coming later. I know everyone's been waiting.
Wise advice ole sage one
A Saudi therapist has suggested the best way to solve marital discourse is:
#1 - talk and reason with her
#2 - if that doesn't work forsake her in bed
#3 - if 1 & 2 don't work then beat her with a handkercherchief. Sharp objects or rods should not be used

Let's all propose that to our wives, shall we?
Let me know how that goes.

A Saudi therapist has suggested the best way to solve marital discourse is:
#1 - talk and reason with her
#2 - if that doesn't work forsake her in bed
#3 - if 1 & 2 don't work then beat her with a handkercherchief. Sharp objects or rods should not be used

Let's all propose that to our wives, shall we?

Keep us informed of the outcome.
A Saudi therapist has suggested the best way to solve marital discourse is:
#1 - talk and reason with her
#2 - if that doesn't work forsake her in bed
#3 - if 1 & 2 don't work then beat her with a handkercherchief. Sharp objects or rods should not be used

Let's all propose that to our wives, shall we?

Shit. Stevo, if I beat my wife the dishes will never get done.
Well, no near death experiences today. So that was cool.

Agree with what's being said about Internet demeanor. Best thing to do is not take anything seriously unless everyone can agree to be serious. This place being whst it is, forget about it. Don't expect a cigar room when you come to the colosseum.
Speaking of livers...we just had a good old fashioned Irish wake this evening. Of course it was ass backwards since it was AFTER the funeral! Since I am 1/6th Irish, can prove it, AND know all the words to"Danny Boy" I'm part of Pat's family now. I just hope my sendoff is as good as his was!
Looks like Spears spent Friday eating BBQ and learning to use tools. My mans balls may drop just yet, and his daughter may end up with a real Dad before this is over with.

I bet if he found away to pull off that fence project he wouldn't have to spend so much time compensating by giving his workout and three point stats.

I'm rooting for him honestly.
Truly sorry to disappoint, and I know Kinlee will be saddened as well, but I didn't eat barbeque. Had a side salad and bowl of chili since I thought we were working out after dinner. I could've been informed of the building experience beforehand, then I would've had barbeque and beers.

I have a feeling you'll get there. I'm keeping faith in you.

You need (and need to want) these skills. At some point that jump shot is gone and the weights become counterproductive, and then what have you got?

I'll tell you what you've got...just a little dick, a hernia and hemroids from lifting and a little girl all grown up wanting Daddy to do some work for her. Work he shamefully then overpays Mexicans to do for him.

Don't let this happen man.

I actually played competitive full court until I was 36. I stopped during a divorce and now at 40 don't have the energy to tune my game up.

Reading your shit sometimes makes me want to stretch out and get my game together.

I still look the part and have stayed in shape, I'm 6' 1" and stay between 168 and 172. I've always been lean and still do push ups, pull ups and sit-ups. I'm just guessing I've lost a step these last few years.
I've seen some turkeys in unusual places this year.

Yeah...both you and willy really gotta stop frequenting those freaky strip clubs. I mean strippers pulling a turkey out of their vag during a routine is weird...i mean really, really effing wierd. But sooner or later one of those crazy excursions is going to produce a stripper chick that is gonna pull something outta that thang that is REALLY gonna freak you out...I'm talking permanent mental damage type stuff. Stick to the regular lap dance joints.

Yeah...both you and willy really gotta stop frequenting those freaky strip clubs. I mean strippers pulling a turkey out of their vag during a routine is weird...i mean really, really effing wierd. But sooner or later one of those crazy excursions is going to produce a stripper chick that is gonna pull something outta that thang that is REALLY gonna freak you out...I'm talking permanent mental damage type stuff. Stick to the regular lap dance joints.


You mean she's gonna pull a baby out on stage?! :flushed:

Wonder if she'll use a coat hanger? o_O
Shot a 117 Saturday, at not nearly the course as is Pinehurst...pretty sure I suck worse than you.

Didn't shoot that high but man, had some rough patches. One tee shot was skulled directly into a tree to the right and it came to rest like 5 feet in front of my original position. 2nd shot I topped like, 7 yards. This was a par 5.

Had a few good shots too, so I'll just focus on those :grimace: Course and town were on point, though. Neat place.
Didn't shoot that high but man, had some rough patches. One tee shot was skulled directly into a tree to the right and it came to rest like 5 feet in front of my original position. 2nd shot I topped like, 7 yards. This was a par 5.

Had a few good shots too, so I'll just focus on those :grimace: Course and town were on point, though. Neat place.

That was my worst round in probably 3 years. I'm just having a problem getting comfortable when addressing the ball. I was short arming wedges, and when that happens..bye bye ball. 3 wood which has been pretty reliable this season just felt awkward, if I wasn't topping it I was sending it straight up to the moon. Pretty happy with my Iron play though.
  • Morning, posters & lurkers.
  • 63°F in Johns Creek. Party sunny. VFR. Very calm.
  • Blood Sugar = 62 fasting.
  • General Sow for din din yesterday. Ate about a third of it. Can't say I enjoyed it much. I was starving though.
  • My back is sore from the tangled water hose reel ordeal. Those *************.
  • Two wild ducks in the backyard this morning. Mallard and hen. They must have a nest back there or thinking about having one. First time I have ever seen ducks back there. They left when I came out. Of course the hawk came by, but it didn't stay either.
  • All of the deck furniture is clean now. Thanks to QB and #1. He took the project over when he got here without being asked to. He also put up a killer birdhouse that I got for Christmas. It looks very nice.
  • You can't unsay what you said.
  • That's it.
  • Carry on.
  • Over.
Serious question. . .how do you bastards have any time to play such a time sucking game as Golf? Seriously? I mean, I played in college and in my 20's but c'mon now.

When my son becomes of age I'll take him and I am sure he'll be better than me by middle school.
Serious question. . .how do you bastards have any time to play such a time sucking game as Golf? Seriously? I mean, I played in college and in my 20's but c'mon now.

When my son becomes of age I'll take him and I am sure he'll be better than me by middle school.

I make time 2-3 hours once during the week, and about 4-5 hrs on the weekend. It's what keeps me from going insane.
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Serious question. . .how do you bastards have any time to play such a time sucking game as Golf?

I play maybe 5-6 times a year with most of those being business-oriented. The lack of playing contributes directly to the sucktitude I experience now when I stroll out on the course.

We have a membership at a club through my work but I don't take advantage of the golf part because, like you said, it takes forever. Too much other stuff going on to get out there often. We go for dinner/other crap if we go at all. Imagine we'll get over there more when our daughter gets older or at least chuck her out the door and say "have fun!"
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