
Side note -- the Aeropress was invented by the same dude that invented the Aerobee, the greatest flying disc ever devised. Evidently the dude really REALLY likes the prefix Aero- to describe his inventions.
these aeroholes agree.
GV's PSA for the game tomorrow:

Bet your eternal soul and every dollar you can scratch up on Kentucky. But don't bet on the point spread. Take less money on the straight up line, or bet the over, or the 1st half total. The spread is 14.5 as I post. You'll lose a spread bet since garbage time will begin by the 8 minute mark in the second half.

You're welcome...
Just adds fuel to the idea that many teams could get hot at the right time and win it all this year. We are getting better, so why the hell not us? I like the defensive effort they are giving and that could keep us in enough games to git r done!
I think we have as good a shot as anyone to win it this year. We just need to avoid teams with dominating big men. Don't want to get my hopes up too much though, cause we could easily be out the first weekend.
GV's PSA for the game tomorrow:

Bet your eternal soul and every dollar you can scratch up on Kentucky. But don't bet on the point spread. Take less money on the straight up line, or bet the over, or the 1st half total. The spread is 14.5 as I post. You'll lose a spread bet since garbage time will begin by the 8 minute mark in the second half.

You're welcome...
Why don't you come on over and complete your conversion to be a Kentucky fan? Nothing to lose the way I see it.
Science Break:

Glowing like a blue light bulb this young star, known as HD 97300, lights up a nearby cloud of dust and gas particles, creating a "reflection nebula." The reflection nebula featured in the image is called IC 2631. IC 2631 is the brightest nebula in the Chamaeleon Complex, a large region of gas and dust clouds that harbors numerous newborn and still-forming stars. This complex lies about 500 light-years away in the southern constellation of Chamaeleon.

This region is abundant in star-forming material. Some of this material is apparent in dark nebulae, which are gas and dust clouds that are so dense that starlight can't pass through them. In the image, dark nebulae are visible above and below IC 2631.

HD 97300 looks impressively bright now, but its glory days won't last forever. HD 97300 is in the "T Tauri" phase — the youngest stage for small stars. T Tauri stars have not yet begun to fuse hydrogen into helium in their cores, as main sequence stars such as the sun do; rather, they generate heat from contraction. HD 97300 will be significantly smaller and dimmer when it reaches stellar adulthood and joins the main sequence group.
Saw something very similar to this the first time I smoked pot and closed my eyes
Yeah, well, let's just say that my palate is, uhhhh, a little more "refined" than the average plebe's. As such, I require a particularly robust, yet nuanced, blend/roast/grind/extraction to achieve fulfillment -- but hey, that's just me. YMMV.
Real men drink Folgers or Maxwell House. Wimps drink the fancy crap.[laughing]
i knew a guy who cheated on his wife right next to her. Fingered another woman right next to her. Somehow he thought he was a good man.

He used to beg for attention by going to places where people didn't like him, kinda like a stray mutt, but the really dirty ones you don't want to pet.

It was an odd spectacle. One would think the man would have more dignity. But some people enjoy the scraps from others.
Last edited:
Feel asleep about 8 with the boys. Best feeling in the world laying next to your kids. Everyone tells me it doesn't last long. I'm listening and taking it all in.

I generally like the depravity of people. I can accept most people's faults. It's who we are. Some people are just garbage though. I've found that most people who hit rock bottom have a sense of self awareness that does them good. It's the ones who don't have self awareness that are the scariest. Those are the ones I dislike.
Useless, Apologetic Bullet Points... Stop reading:

  • I am in traffic again. Oh yeah, Gov Christie is back in town messin with commuters.Good times.
  • Gotta start getting up at 4:30 to avoid delays.
  • Forgot my lunch.
  • No time for espresso.
  • ****ed up a zoning analysis yesterday.
  • Wife's cars starter motor shorted out in our garage. Smoking / Burning, needed 911 cops and firemen to extract frozen vehicle out before catching house on fire.
  • Wife panicked and called me all afternoon long as I'm trying to explain to my boss about ZFA for a HeightFactor issue which shorted the required open space for an R8 tower.
  • Mad Kooky.
Useless, Apologetic Bullet Points... Stop reading:

  • I am in traffic again. Oh yeah, Gov Christie is back in town messin with commuters.Good times.
  • Gotta start getting up at 4:30 to avoid delays.
  • Forgot my lunch.
  • No time for espresso.
  • ****ed up a zoning analysis yesterday.
  • Wife's cars starter motor shorted out in our garage. Smoking / Burning, needed 911 cops and firemen to extract frozen vehicle out before catching house on fire.
  • Wife panicked and called me all afternoon long as I'm trying to explain to my boss about ZFA for a HeightFactor issue which shorted the required open space for an R8 tower.
  • Mad Kooky.
Dude, I can't even begin to imagine. Holy crap, what an awful effing mess.
Dude, I can't even begin to imagine. Holy crap, what an awful effing mess.
I was once offered a 75% raise to take the New York office. I turned it down in 30 seconds. Smiths Grove has traffic on Halloween late afternoon.

When I retired the requirement was a little town with no red light. I have never missed all the city crap.
I was once offered a 75% raise to take the New York office. I turned it down in 30 seconds. Smiths Grove has traffic on Halloween late afternoon.

When I retired the requirement was a little town with no red light. I have never missed all the city crap.
How long where you mayor? Did you get paid to do that full time? A lot of small towns just get stipends.
Why do women mess with their hair color? A few years ago, my wife started down this path when her hairdresser talked her into adding "highlights". Eventually that turned into getting a "cut & color". Last night she tried a box of Clairol.

Wife: What do you think?

Me: Looks fine. (lie)

Wife: You don't like it.

Me: It's just a little frizzy right now. It's fine.

Wife: I'll call Carrie tomorrow to see if she can add some tint.

Highlights are like a gateway drug for women to start effing up their hair. A little highlight. Next a little color. Now the roots are showing. Better cover it all up. Product doesn't make you look like the model on the box. Back to the hairdresser $175. Death spiral.
baby dropped in the wife's belly recently. Went from carrying high to carrying low. Officially 9 months pregnant this coming Tuesday. Thinking about taking the day off work tomorrow, staying home, and cleaning all the rooms as a surprise for when she gets home tomorrow after work. She wants the house spotless for when the baby comes and according to her, "Once you hit 9 months it could come at any time". So... thinking that'll be a good excuse to take a random day off work (which I never do) and sleep in, get up and clean a while, take the dogs for a car ride, get a jog in around the neighborhood, etc.




i knew a guy who cheated on his wife right next to her. Fingered another woman right next to her. Somehow he thought he was a good man.

He used to beg for attention by going to places where people didn't like him, kinda like a stray mutt, but the really dirty ones you don't want to pet.

It was an odd spectacle. One would think the man would have more dignity. But some people enjoy the scraps from others.

I've noticed you finally found the spell check function on your computer. Now your idiocy is only revealed by the content of your speech and not your inability to spell on a third grade level.
baby dropped in the wife's belly recently. Went from carrying high to carrying low. Officially 9 months pregnant this coming Tuesday. Thinking about taking the day off work tomorrow, staying home, and cleaning all the rooms as a surprise for when she gets home tomorrow after work. She wants the house spotless for when the baby comes and according to her, "Once you hit 9 months it could come at any time". So... thinking that'll be a good excuse to take a random day off work (which I never do) and sleep in, get up and clean a while, take the dogs for a car ride, get a jog in around the neighborhood, etc.

This is a really good idea. You should do it.