Confirmed: Drew's family visited Lexington today

Bring on Scott Drew. He would be the most accomplished coach to ever take the position in the history of our program.
Because of 1 FF in 21 years? A title* in the Covid year. Record vs Kansas 8-29 and he's had top recruiting classes. 15 years double digit losses and hasn't seen the 2nd weekend since the Covid year. 0-3 against Dook.
You don’t have any damn clue what you are talking about. You think he’s reading bible verses during games or something?

Go outside nerd
As a matter of fact, yes I do. Any other questions?

“Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered," he told CBN News. "The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."


Drew told RFI that seeing players accept Christ is "more exciting" than winning any game.

"Seeing the spiritual growth guys. Players who accept Christ, players who maybe prayed for the first time with the team, players who get baptized, players who come back and get Bible studies and go to church and you know that's what really exciting," he expressed.”

Why do people keep saying "preacher man" and "Bible man" as if that is a negative? It isn't. He is 24-7 against ranked teams the last 4 years. Refreshing. And this is at Baylor.
Exactly, we will all take that. We will field good teams. We will get good players. The UK job has elevated almost every coach who ever took the position. If he can win a title at Baylor he can here as well.
Would you be cool with it if he was Muslim? Guessing not (even though you’ll pretend it is). It doesn’t belong front and center at a program like Kentucky. It alienates people

If he's a human being, IT, meaning his beliefs, absolutely positively belong ANYWHERE he is. What the fk is wrong with all lf these segregationist and fascist people today?

I don't see where he's refused to play on Sundays. I don't see where he's refused to play Catholic/Jesuit schools.... So why does he have to deal with bigotry from people who don't believe as he does?

It is really sad how fragile people's beliefs are that they are so triggered by those who stand by beliefs that differ from their own.
“So so”….people cried on here for months to replace Cal with anyone. Now we are close to landing a national title winning, consensus top 6-7 coach and crybabies like you are still bitching because Hurley and Billy D, a mediocre NBA coach who hasn’t been in college in 10 years, aren’t coming here.

Im not even a Drew guy but the crying over this is pitiful
Just because half of us don't agree with the other half we are crying. I hope he succeeds are the other half are gonna look pretty dumb. I think he's fine and I'm glad Cal is gone. However I think it's just a bad fit and if Mitch wasn't the guy this guy would be down the list. Who's tried to get this guy outside of Loserville?

Look I hope I'm wrong. Nothing I want more. I'm not all about me just being right I just want us to win. If I'm wrong I will be fine with eating a crow burger.

Looks like it's him I just really hope Mitch doesn't pull his reg bs and pay this guy 8 mil+.
“So so”….people cried on here for months to replace Cal with anyone. Now we are close to landing a national title winning, consensus top 6-7 coach and crybabies like you are still bitching because Hurley and Billy D, a mediocre NBA coach who hasn’t been in college in 10 years, aren’t coming here.

Im not even a Drew guy but the crying over this is pitiful
This ^
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As a matter of fact, yes I do. Any other questions?

“Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered," he told CBN News. "The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."


Drew told RFI that seeing players accept Christ is "more exciting" than winning any game.

"Seeing the spiritual growth guys. Players who accept Christ, players who maybe prayed for the first time with the team, players who get baptized, players who come back and get Bible studies and go to church and you know that's what really exciting," he expressed.”

Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF
As a matter of fact, yes I do. Any other questions?

“Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered," he told CBN News. "The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."


Drew told RFI that seeing players accept Christ is "more exciting" than winning any game.

"Seeing the spiritual growth guys. Players who accept Christ, players who maybe prayed for the first time with the team, players who get baptized, players who come back and get Bible studies and go to church and you know that's what really exciting," he expressed.”

So you don’t want Hurley then also, correct?

You know it's possible to be a solid Christian and love Jesus plus be a coach that cares about winning. Winning is something he has done more of the past 9 years than Cal. His teams have ranked inside the top 10 offensively and top 20 defensively in all those years (a combo for championship runs). He has a national championship at Baylor. He would be the most decorated coach ever hired at ky. He's not arrogant and puts himself first. Yet some people had rather have unproven Golden? Oates who like Can plays no D. I don't understand most people's reasoning.
it certainly is. But most people would prefer that folks keep their religious life and professional life separate. Drew in the past has been noticeably overt about declaring his Christianity …to the point where fans make jokes about it.

That’s fine at a Baptist school like Baylor. But he may have to tone it down at a secular state school like UK.
If he's a human being, IT, meaning his beliefs, absolutely positively belong ANYWHERE he is. What the fk is wrong with all lf these segregationist and fascist people today?

I don't see where he's refused to play on Sundays. I don't see where he's refused to play Catholic/Jesuit schools.... So why does he have to deal with bigotry from people who don't believe as he does?

It is really sad how fragile people's beliefs are that they are so triggered by those who stand by beliefs that differ from their own.
I agree completely and I commend him for his beliefs. I myself believe in God and thank him for his many blessings but I also understand others may not believe the way I do and I think it's unacceptable to force or keep pushing one's beliefs on somebody. Not saying Drew would do this, I don't think he's that type of person but Nobody knows either. Just saying what worked at Baylor won't work at UK if it becomes an issue.
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What's great about free speech is that you get to find out just how much unrelated hatred is coloring people's opinions about others and their abilities.

I wonder how many people hate Stoops for religious reasons and because he recruits a lot of Catholic players or from Catholic programs. I'm not Catholic and it doesn't bother me one bit. Same for the Muslim members of the sports teams over the years. I don't get why it bothers people so much
Why is everyone dumping on Drew? I get that you would have preferred someone else, but do you want to end up with Sean Miller?

This guy is a good coach and has never been at a school like UK. As long as he’s motivated, it would be a good hire on paper.
That’s the only scary part the motivation that turns me off. He better want to win and win big
Because of 1 FF in 21 years? A title* in the Covid year. Record vs Kansas 8-29 and he's had top recruiting classes. 15 years double digit losses and hasn't seen the 2nd weekend since the Covid year. 0-3 against Dook.

.... at Baylor ...
That's the Craft plane. Glad they didn't record the family getting off from it. Recording the plane land, and then not recording them still respects their privacy.
respects their privacy like everyone on here has done?
So you don’t want Hurley then also, correct?

Oh, no! Now you're going to make the anti-bible posters depressed.
Pretty massive difference between being a man of faith in your own time vs making the entire program “Christ-centric” don’t you think?

If Drew can win games IDGAF ultimately but after Cal’s meh attitude toward winning games, I was hoping we’d get an absolute dawg who is starving to win anything and everything, not a Jesus freak who admits winning isn’t everything. I admire that on some level, but let’s be real, we fired Cal because he wasn’t winning games despite all the great stuff he did for the state and his players
.... at Baylor ...
What does that matter when he's had top 3 classes? He won a title. So now it will all change because he's at Kentucky. I hope but the portal and parity suggest otherwise. Bama was just in the FF and ran into the buzz saw that is Uconn. Their 1st time ever. I mean he was landing guys like Edgecomb but hasn't sniffed the 2nd weekend since the Covid year.
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His family needed to check out Lexington before discussing whether to accept the UK job.
If I were his agent I would have told his wife to get on this site for an hour. At that point there is not chance he would come here. No one would come here if they read this site.
Seems a bit odd that only his family went to Lexington, but not him.

But maybe that’s just because they were the ones who were undecided and needed to be convinced. He already knew.

Nah. Because she wanted to see it and he wanted her to come, make her feel better. And Drew didn’t want to be seen yet. He wants to tell Baylor on his own

Also makes sense because we’re not rushing. With Drew we get his recruiting class, transfers, and portal players he’s already recruiting. No need to rush it we’ve got the team in place.

Clear as day
I agree completely and I commend him for his beliefs. I myself believe in God and thank him for his many blessings but I also understand others may not believe the way I do and I think it's unacceptable to force or keep pushing one's beliefs on somebody. Not saying Drew would do this, I don't think he's that type of person but Nobody knows either. Just saying what worked at Baylor won't work at UK if it becomes an issue.

Praying in someone's presence is not forcing anything on them. Just like saying/playing the pledge of allegiance or national anthem isn't forcing anyone foreign nationals or otherwise to become patriots.

If people choose to be offended by it, they can also choose not to be around it.

If he starts forcing people to be baptized into his particular denomination or belief system, that's a different story. People CAN be very deeply religious AND be perfectly fine with you not being so. That's more the norm than the exception, while the reverse is not true. People without strong beliefs can get pretty emotional over others having strong faith in their beliefs, but that's a problem for those without beliefs to address
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Praying in someone's presence is not forcing anything on them. Just like saying/playing the pledge of allegiance or national anthem isn't forcing anyone foreign nationals or otherwise to become patriots.

If people choose to be offended by it, they can also choose not to be around it.

If he starts forcing people to be baptized into his particular denomination or belief system, that's a different story. People CAN be very deeply religious AND be perfectly fine with you not being so. That's more the norm than the exception, while the reverse is not true. People without strong beliefs can get pretty emotional over others having strong faith in their beliefs, but that's a problem for those without beliefs to address
Yeah but All he's got to do IF he's the coach is win. Just win baby and the rest will take care of itself. I really hope he completely understands exactly what he's getting into. This job can make you a legend or break you. We shall see what it makes Scott Drew.
Mitch sucks. Most vanilla hire possible, and now we’re going from a coach whose priority was developing NBA players over winning college basketball games, to a coach whose priority is preaching instead of winning college basketball games.

Sad thing is Mitch is so vanilla and predictable we all saw it coming. How does the most passionate fanbase in CBB get stuck with this boring ass AD??
As long as we're winning games, I don't give a darn whether the AD is exciting or not. If you want to know the truth, a good AD stays out of the drama and lets things play out. Like he did with Calipari. Until Drew (or whoever it is) is here and NOT winning games, nobody has a right to pretend like they won't.
Would you be cool with it if he was Muslim? Guessing not (even though you’ll pretend it is). It doesn’t belong front and center at a program like Kentucky. It alienates people
I seriously doubt he is going to be preaching the gospel during press conferences or his radio shows. Making a little bit much of this and merely projecting. Drew is going to be a fine coach here a d I think many will be pleasantly surprised.

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