The impact isn't really small if you only recruit outliers who are on the far end of the bell curve. If all those players 3-4 SDs away from the mean are gone, then UK, Duke, Kansas, Arizona are suddenly set back much more than the other guys. They go from 99.9th percentile kids to 95th percentile kids, which is a much bigger fall than the next four schools who will then be scooted back from 95th to 92nd or whatever.
Yes. Exactly. Very good! Hence my comment about parity.
It is reasonable to think that the top schools would feel this while the whole of college basketball remains essentially unaffected. I tend to believe that the top draw programs would still tend to draw the top players in the new population so the effect would be greatly muted. I think your percentiles are somewhat overstated as the sample size is so small. Now had we clipped off a slightly bigger percentage, you might be right on the money. That is a very well considered response.
I thought the kid that was so invested in the discussion would pick up on this and run with it. It would have made the banter a lot more fun. Alas, didn't happen.