Coach Welch’s offensive impact


Nov 19, 2005
This guy is a hell of a coach by NBA standards.

After watching UK in Canada there were major differences in our offense. More spread. 4 and 5 out. Better outlet passing and wider runs. Back door cuts. More movement. North south dribbling. Better passing and spot ups.

Even our warm ups drills are different.

I’ve got high hopes we see the dribble drive adjusted to utilize the skill set of this group.

Have no problem with the DD being the base. Most NBA teams utilize a form of it.
I saw a very efficient looking team in Canada mostly made up of newcomers, and Mitchell had just joined the group about two weeks earlier and Reeves had just returned to UK. I can only imagine how good we can be as roles are defined and Big Z, Ugo and Bradshaw are blended in.
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We have some really good players. Wagner and Edwards are both potential AA. Reeves and Mitchell are experienced all conference players.
This team is going to be very good
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We have never run the dribble drive. The offense would have looked exactly the same if the new guy had not been in Canada.

The pros love Cal's coaching more than any assistants. This job is not about the assistant coaches and it never has been. The CHC is always pining for assistant coaches from somewhere else until they get here. Cal makes them look good. Not the other way around.
We have a clear talent upgrade over the last several Kentucky teams.

Cal dug us a hole that's taken years to climb up from and see daylight...the question is will Cal fall back down into it?
We have never run the dribble drive. The offense would have looked exactly the same if the new guy had not been in Canada.

The pros love Cal's coaching more than any assistants. This job is not about the assistant coaches and it never has been. The CHC is always pining for assistant coaches from somewhere else until they get here. Cal makes them look good. Not the other way around.
lol. You never stop do you? Hell, you might be Cal and not Brad.
High high hopes for this season. Quite frankly if Cal cannot win at a high level with this group HE built then he will never win here again at a high level.
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We have never run the dribble drive. The offense would have looked exactly the same if the new guy had not been in Canada.

The pros love Cal's coaching more than any assistants. This job is not about the assistant coaches and it never has been. The CHC is always pining for assistant coaches from somewhere else until they get here. Cal makes them look good. Not the other way around.
What assistant coach has Cal made look good and they actually succeeded? That’s right Kenny and a couple retreads. The Pro’s love Cal’s coaching because they know the offense in college holds them back and they can get them later. Point being is that they get so much better once they have the handcuffs removed.
This guy is a hell of a coach by NBA standards.

After watching UK in Canada there were major differences in our offense. More spread. 4 and 5 out. Better outlet passing and wider runs. Back door cuts. More movement. North south dribbling. Better passing and spot ups.

Even our warm ups drills are different.

I’ve got high hopes we see the dribble drive adjusted to utilize the skill set of this group.

Have no problem with the DD being the base. Most NBA teams utilize a form of it.
God knows Cal needs somebody to bail his ass out . Hopefully he won’t get in this guys way.
Cal is installing the rock fight offense as we speak! I wouldn’t look for much that resembles what we saw in Canada!
We have never run the dribble drive. The offense would have looked exactly the same if the new guy had not been in Canada.

The pros love Cal's coaching more than any assistants. This job is not about the assistant coaches and it never has been. The CHC is always pining for assistant coaches from somewhere else until they get here. Cal makes them look good. Not the other way around.
Would you just please stop your trolling. You don’t believe your own crap anymore than the rest of us Do