CI Wrestling Thread #56

The arson scene happened during the overrun so maybe 600,000 saw it. SUCCESS!

AEW needs a middle ground because it's random matches and Russo-like storylines involving blood, fire, and glass. And yes, the over the top stuff is a mix of Russo and what Vince booked during covid. I'm aware WWE recently did a 'massacre' backstage but at least it was shot well and The Wyatt stuff is way more grounded now. It was one night while AEW has set people on fire, jumped into glass, done home invasions, drank actual blood, and set homes on fire. The fans who hated Vince's brand of sports entertainment now like it. In 2024, I don't see that type of shock booking working and the empty arenas prove it.

I won't even get into Okada saying 'bitch' for a pop every week. That's pure Vince booking because foreign man sounds funny making American insult.
Here’s the aew logic here - this all happened in 10 minutes…

Here’s a promo on Purazzo on breaking her recent slide - 2 minute ramble about her getting back to winning

Purazzo vs Shida Friday on collision

Shida promo with Mone

Shida vs Mone Saturday for the tbs belt on all out live on ppv

So the 3 people you wouldn’t put purazzo against are shida/mone/may and somehow TK chose one of those 3.
The trailer for the Vince doc looks really interesting for sure.
To no one's surprise I thought the closing angle was really good. After their previous matches not sure what else they can do, but I guess we will see.
Jericho- Go Away, C-E-NO
Looks like Dynamite did 660,000 and a .19 which is not good.
The Collision rating could be an all time low Friday night.

Anyway news of another lawsuit.

Netflix does incredible trailers. Gonna be awkward if someone like Cena is gushing over Vince and calling him a second father and then ep. 4 or 5 hits and Vinnie is shitting on heads and forcing a woman to be his personal call girl, to put it nicely. This could be this generation's Wrestling with Shadows.

Okada vs Fletcher lost 200K viewers alone and people also left during promos involving Mercedes and the Bucks. The problems and which wrestlers are ratings killers are clear as day yet Tony ignores it and pushes forward...just like Vince would. Sorry dude, you're not going to make people love AEW's version of Okada, Kyle Fletcher, Daniel Garcia, Mercedes, the Bucks, and Jack Perry.

Normally wouldn't do this but I'll copy and paste someone's comment from Reddit about AEW:
  • Daniel Garcia isn't a draw yet he gets pushed in major angles over and over again
  • Kyle Fletcher is a nobody without a character yet continues to go 50/50 with AEW's top stars for some reason
  • Nyla Rose hasn't done anything interesting in nearly two years yet is inexplicably getting a world title shot
  • The Elite vs. AEW storyline is in contention for worst wrestling angle of the year
  • The cutbacks in production make the entire show feel lifeless
Gee, I wonder why interest in AEW is at an all-time low. By the way, where the fk did Ricochet go?