Pancreatic Cancer

Not me, but my wife's aunt was diagnosed with it back in the 90s. At the time, it was a "make your peace" diagnosis, but she lived 10 years with it and died from something else.
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Not many survive that. It’s devilish. My grandfather was toughest man I ever met, both mental and physically. It withered him to a sad shell.

God bless anyone with that diagnosis.
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Lost my Dad to it…went quick. By the time there are symptoms, it’s too late for treatment most of the time. I think the 5 year survival rate is less than 20%
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My cousin has it and my aunt died from it (his mother married to my uncle) but the problem it the inability to extract to tumor. My cousin is still alive a year later. I know a well know guy in jessamine co that died from it a few years ago in 6 weeks. It seems like they are a step away from beating this scourge but at the same time the rates are going up.
Horrible disease. What is baffling to me is that medical science isn't 100% sure all the things the pancreas does but they know you can't live without one. So, if you have cancer, they can't just take it out. My wife's uncle had it and lasted about 2 years. Really wasted away and not a whole lot of treatment that does much of anything according to him.
From my understanding, it’s a death sentence in no time, I remember Patrick Swayze was one of the rare ones who lasted 20 months after his diagnosis.
I know an attorney whose wife is a survivor, 10 years cancer-free. Her case was a little unusual because she had symptoms that presented earlier than most pancreatic cancer patients, so her cancer was caught at stage 2. I've known a handful of others who have faced it and almost all were diagnosed at stage four. OP, if it's hit you/your family, I am so sorry, and all my best to you. Cancer in general is a real bitch, but pancreatic is truly devilish.
My mom had it. It was a devastating form of cancer, and painful. She wasted away to nothing in just a few months, hers was a 5 month survival after diagnosis, but she was also in her early 80's (so not young).

I'm so sorry for everyone and their families that have had to endure PC.