Honestly, I think Daniel Bryan and Braun Strowman should re-sign with WWE, and AEW should pass on Punk. DB has kinda against the odds become a perennial title contender in the WWE, and he is a great ring tactician, but I've never found him charismatic or anything but average on the mic. Strowman was built up as a monster in the WWE, and he has a great look and is very strong, but again, pretty average on the mic. I just don't see either of them doing better or being as prominent in AEW as they were in WWE.
Punk screwed Punk, he took his ball and went home, and rightly or not created a chasm between himself and WWE. Then, he failed miserably at MMA, and has been on the sidelines pretty much ever since. Punk overvalues himself, thinks he can command millions to return to wrestling, but he has been irrelevant for years. He needs to prove himself all over again. Can he still wrestle at a high level, can he still handle the mic, is he going to be petulant and hard to deal with, etc. He's not worth a big payday to find out.