CI Wrestling Thread #56

* They really need to tighten up their announcing. Just because you can have Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone doesn't mean you should. I think Excalibur is more adept as a play by play guy right now than JR or Tony and I like Excalibur as a different voice to the product. He stands out and in turn makes AEW stand out. But then you can't have two other play by play guys in the booth.

What I'm saying is they need Jesse Ventura.
I fully agree on the commentary. I felt it was awkward and clunky at times. I really like Excalibur on commentary, but I was also familiar with him from pwg. I’ll forever have love for JR, but I’d rather not hear him for a whole show. I’d prefer him call the big matches or maybe some sit down interviews.

Maybe the reason why wrestling changed its formatting in the mid-90s and got rid of squash matches is because Vader killed all the job guys.

* I watched AEW live on Wednesday because I think it's better for the business at large if AEW got the early shine. The show was okay. Not offensive, not breathtaking. Moxley was the most interesting part, as always. Moxley has separated himself from the rest of those guys imo.

* They really need to tighten up their announcing. Just because you can have Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone doesn't mean you should. I think Excalibur is more adept as a play by play guy right now than JR or Tony and I like Excalibur as a different voice to the product. He stands out and in turn makes AEW stand out. But then you can't have two other play by play guys in the booth.

What I'm saying is they need Jesse Ventura.

* Jack Swagger is a gigantic man. Never realized how big that guy was, but the dude towered over the entire AEW roster. First impression when I saw him was he can't get the title because none of the rest of these guys could believably beat him for it. Might as well be Andre the Giant on that roster.

Doesn’t it also show how undersized most of the AEW roster is too though?

Omega was in the new japan junior division 5 years ago...
So the top rasslers only get just less than 2M per year with no benefits? That’s just stupid. As much money as WWE makes that’s insane. I figured in 2019 those guys would be at least in the 3-5M range minimum.
Doesn’t it also show how undersized most of the AEW roster is too though?

Omega was in the new japan junior division 5 years ago...
Yes, it does. He's bigger than everybody except Luchasaurus and Nyla Jax.

I saw a pic on Twitter of Swagger standing face to face with Mike Elgin and Swagger is like a foot taller than him. I like Elgin, and everywhere he goes, he's the "big guy". Jack Swagger made him look like Bill Dundee
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Jericho should be embarrassed by how fat he’s gotten. Hogan is in better shape and has almost 20 years more on the odometer.
And he doesn’t have a sunken in weird ass lookin chest that I can’t stand to see.
Yes, it does. He's bigger than everybody except Luchasaurus and Nyla Jax.

I saw a pic on Twitter of Swagger standing face to face with Mike Elgin and Swagger is like a foot taller than him. I like Elgin, and everywhere he goes, he's the "big guy". Jack Swagger made him look like Bill Dundee

Tbh I always thought in new japan Elgin was short - guys like Ishii towered over him.
Plus the vast majority of njpw roster is built upon stables so it looks like AEW is copying that model with their roster...
I thought Elgin was implicitly banned by the wrestling world because he victim blamed a woman in a sexual abuse scandal involving one of his students back in 2017.

Also - he got over, won the ROH title, then .... DUD.

And I like him as a performer.
Maybe he's planning on recreating the Natural Disasters in a couple of years so he is starting to pile weight on early.
The Natural Disasters reminds me of a Bobby the Brain quote from the 1993 Rumble.

Last time I saw Tugboat - Typhoon - Buffoon, whatever he is, run that fast was when they opened up a lunch line at the free buffet.

But you can't make fun of wrestlers anymore if they're fat. More proof that it used to be better.
A few things:

1- Jericho is right, AEW need not worry about a war. Do your thing, be you and let them figure it out.

They just started and they got solid talent and no headliner to speak of. Please let them produce a Ric Flair, Sting, Dusty, Lawler type and it’s over for WWE and their ignorance.

2- If you think the top guys make 3-5M your silly. Maybe 1, HHH, Cena, Rock, Stone Cold etc.....but a whole roster with multiple 3-5M guys would be insane.

Not to mention the cost involved with getting everyone to shows and the equipment plus set up/takedown & leases etc

Open your business mind!

3- I was at WM 2 years back, the crowd went NUTSO for Balor and I mean cray cray! His followers popping is not what stalled him from being an elite character. The brain that is WWE has no clue how to just produce something good and make sense of it.

No f’ing clue!

Again, to touch on (1), if anyone creates a territory vibe to their production WWE is toast. Sure it won’t be over night, and maybe Vince puts his investors money to work, but his roster will fracture because it sounds like half of it hates WWE anyway.
Part of the reason Stacy Keibler quit WWE was that all of the other people on DWTS were shocked at how poorly they were compensated. Not salary wise but that they had to pay for their own hotels and car rentals to get everywhere.
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A few things:

1- Jericho is right, AEW need not worry about a war. Do your thing, be you and let them figure it out.

They just started and they got solid talent and no headliner to speak of. Please let them produce a Ric Flair, Sting, Dusty, Lawler type and it’s over for WWE and their ignorance.

2- If you think the top guys make 3-5M your silly. Maybe 1, HHH, Cena, Rock, Stone Cold etc.....but a whole roster with multiple 3-5M guys would be insane.

Not to mention the cost involved with getting everyone to shows and the equipment plus set up/takedown & leases etc

Open your business mind!

3- I was at WM 2 years back, the crowd went NUTSO for Balor and I mean cray cray! His followers popping is not what stalled him from being an elite character. The brain that is WWE has no clue how to just produce something good and make sense of it.

No f’ing clue!

Again, to touch on (1), if anyone creates a territory vibe to their production WWE is toast. Sure it won’t be over night, and maybe Vince puts his investors money to work, but his roster will fracture because it sounds like half of it hates WWE anyway.

You mean like it was over for the WWF when the original Flair, Sting, and Dusty were around? I must have missed that demise.
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Again, he has his investors money to stay afloat, but as a product I was watching in the 90’s and yes just like you mentioned.

WWF was awful, and then Vince let the Stone Colds, HHH, Rock etc loose on the attitude era.

That was before the the level of investors he currently has that will force him to stay PG.

Also I mentioned it will be over because his roster, with the exception of a few, would love somewhere else to go.
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Finn Balor isn't even in the top 10 of most misused NXT talent. You can say what you want about the push he has or hasn't gotten, but he's always been over like crazy.

Ditto Nakamura. If anything, I feel like Nakamura overachieved given typical WWE treatment of Japanese wrestlers. He won the Royal Rumble.

Samoa Joe should never be more than two matches down from the top of the card. He should always be near the championship. Anything less than this is misuse.

The Revival had eight show-stealing matches in a row in NXT, but Vince stopped caring about tag team wrestling once he signed the Road Warriors because they were the holy grail to him. Any tag team that has gotten over since 1991, thank dumb luck and tyranny of will.
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Again, he has his investors money to stay afloat, but as a product I was watching in the 90’s and yes just like you mentioned.

WWF was awful, and then Vince let the Stone Colds, HHH, Rock etc loose on the attitude era.

That was before the the level of investors he currently has that will force him to stay PG.

Also I mentioned it will be over because his roster, with the exception of a few, would love somewhere else to go.
His roster will go where they can make the most money. Yeah, you can argue a backwards bending labor supply curve and diminishing marginal utility of extra income, especially once a certain income level is achieved - but....

Everyone wants to be on top. Everyone wants to make huge money.

There are going to be AEW guys who are unhappy because they lose, have shorter matches, don't get strong pushes, aren't used to their satisfaction....

Jericho is being a great company guy. He's either working or insanely bitter. He's also jeopardizing his HOF status (or at least delaying his induction by a LOT).
Guys, I found a post.


Take it away, Raven!

WWF almost went out of business in the early 90s. Ratings were at an all time low and Vince wouldn’t leave the cartoon characters behind. It’s why Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff struck when they did. But... that forced Vince to change the way he did things. His head was barely above water and he depended on Triple H, Shawn, Foley and others to get WWF going again. So yes, WWF was sinking, but as were about to find out again competition is best for business.
Just finished Dyno-mite. I went in with an open mind, because more wrestling is awesome. My initial takeaway is that they have some work to do. Cody is still boring. That women’s match was awful. MJF is where all there money should go. I still hate the Bucks, but they were fine in the main event. The commentary was weird at times and JR kept mentioning PiP and I never saw any. The glass table spot was stupid. If you’re going to take a ddt through a glass table you damn well better get color. The finish was a cluster.

NXT dropped the ball this week. The title match was great and the tag title match was awesome, but everything sandwiched between was meh

Words! Wrestling!
I Don’t know anything about comics but that looks like a reddit post about how great AEW is...gotta give it to Tna/impact they’ve been around almost 20 years - how many people would take the over or under for 20 years for AEW?
I can't decide yet if I liked or hated it when Cody Rhodes and Juventud Guevara traded full arsenals of strong grapples and finishers, only to have it end on a small package.

How should I feel about this?
Just finished Dyno-mite. I went in with an open mind, because more wrestling is awesome. My initial takeaway is that they have some work to do. Cody is still boring. That women’s match was awful. MJF is where all there money should go. I still hate the Bucks, but they were fine in the main event. The commentary was weird at times and JR kept mentioning PiP and I never saw any. The glass table spot was stupid. If you’re going to take a ddt through a glass table you damn well better get color. The finish was a cluster.

NXT dropped the ball this week. The title match was great and the tag title match was awesome, but everything sandwiched between was meh

Words! Wrestling!

Cody and Adam Page are bland and that’ll hold AEW back a bit cuz they’ll always be a rung or two higher on the totem pole than they should be.
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Wood - any of the 4 ladies in the tag team match on smackdown.

Woodn’t - the Sherman tank nor the teenage waif in the women’s title match on Dynamite
Saw the Rose = Jax comparison. The only way they’re similar is their size. Rose actually has athletic ability and can work a little.

As far as the women in AEW, Britt Baker is pretty but Sadie Gibbs is where it’s at as far as looks go. Not including Brandi since she’s not really a wrestler.

Just saw a report that security at Dynamite were confiscating any anti wwe signs and I think maybe political signs. They mentioned the “Vince fears ratings” sign got thru because security didn’t “get it” but it was taken sometime after the show started.
Poor, poor Kofi. I knew he couldn’t care the belt, but to go out like that? I’d walk straight to the locker room, grab my bag, and start filling applications for anywhere after that.

It wasn’t even a squash. He took one move and bam. Over. Then some doughy 20 year old son of Mysterio comes out and makes Lesnar back down? Aw hell. His character can’t recover from that. He’s done.