The FTR vs Juice and White match from Collision last year was incredible...and I'll never watch it again. Know what I've watched several times over the years though? Austin finding himself and stunning like ten WCW/ECW guys during the invasion angle. That's the night JR screamed, "Ohh...he's walkin'! He's talkin'!" as Austin was coming down the ramp with his head swaying from side to side talking his shit.Dragon won’t like your last line, but it’s true. The drama and verbal jousting sells tickets. The match is secondary. It doesn’t need to last an hour or feature 60 high spots to be good if the fans are invested in the story. Tell a story, use psychology and have the finish either pay it off or continue the story to the next show. Simple.
I love Osprey. I would gladly watch him wrestle anytime he has a match. But, his promos need work and while an excellent performer, I don’t see him attracting many new viewers to the product. Same for Okada. I do think Mone will draw some new viewers, but am not sure how many 10K, 50K 100K??
TK loves his not so subtle teases which in my view is dumb. Wanna get the most hype possible about Mercedes? Announce her signed weeks in advance and tell the wrestling world she's coming. Show weekly hype videos on every show you've got and let her promote it on every social media platform she has. Nope, we're just gonna say Bo$$ton and do a lil wink wink. If Dynamite does over 850,000 next week, I'll be shocked.