Caps on nil.


Feb 16, 2022
Should there be a salary cap on nil?. I think freshmen should be capped at 100k. Sophomores at 250k. Juniors at 500k and Seniors at 750k. Thoughts? Would make an even playing field for all teams.
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NIL is nothing like I thought it was supposed to be. I thought it was going to be setup so players could get paid to be in a video game, or a 3rd party could pay them to be in a commercial, stuff like that. It seems to me that schools are just out right paying them to come play. Sure, it's technically not the "schools" money, but that's just semantics. The way it's panned out is bullshit and will ruin college athletics unless something changes. Not sure if caps is the answer but the way it is now is whack.
Should there be a salary cap on nil?. I think freshmen should be capped at 100k. Sophomores at 250k. Juniors at 500k and Seniors at 750k. Thoughts? Would make an even playing field for all teams.
Can't cap NIL. The only way to somewhat put a cap on it would be for the NCAA to have some organization that basically makes the athletes employees. Then there can be an agreement made as to how much they can make. Beyond that, there isn't going to be a cap.

It is going to eventually work itself out. Either there will be laws put in place on stuff like this, where there are agreements, or people will just get tired of giving money to these atheletes with virtually nothing in return.
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Can't cap NIL. The only way to somewhat put a cap on it would be for the NCAA to have some organization that basically makes the athletes employees. Then there can be an agreement made as to how much they can make. Beyond that, there isn't going to be a cap.

It is going to eventually work itself out. Either there will be laws put in place on stuff like this, where there are agreements, or people will just get tired of giving money to these atheletes with virtually nothing in return.

I agree with this...big time boosters aren't typically rich b/c they make bad investments. If they don't get a perceived return on their investment, the well will dry up. I'm not saying the NIL player's endorsement of their product bringing in revenue to make up for it, but moreso the team improving enough to make the booster want to keep investing.

I'm guessing 3-4 years from now, things will look totally different.
For any kind of limits to be able to be enforced, players would have to unionize and do collective bargaining with the NCAA, just like pro players. And even then it would only count for money the school gives them. You can't limit how much money a kid can go make in endorsements and things outside the school, that's the part they go sued for a lost 9-0 in the Supreme Court. Being how new it is, people are just going crazy. It'll balance out more reasonably as time goes, and they'll eventually be legislation on it to even it out more. But that might not come as quickly as we want to see it.
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Should there be a salary cap on nil?. I think freshmen should be capped at 100k. Sophomores at 250k. Juniors at 500k and Seniors at 750k. Thoughts? Would make an even playing field for all teams.
No. The market should dictate player salaries. When Washington pays a dude 2 mil and doesn’t make the tourney, they will learn a hard lesson. That’s capitalism.
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In it’s current form, the best and only way to put any sort of “cap” on NIL earnings is for fans/businesses/donors to stop putting much or any money in to these stupid “collectives.” Then schools can tell these players who have dumb dollar figures in mind that the money simply isn’t there to support that, so have fun playing pickup ball during your waiting period until you are eligible for the NBA draft.

Then players will have to get more reasonable with their expectations, or don’t play college ball.
Should there be caps on much coaches can be paid? Or a cap on how much an athletic department can rake in? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I don't think OP ever had a problem with the above until the players started making what the market says they're worth.
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I don't agree on a cap but I do believe there should be enforcement that a player returns services in kind for the money they receive.

In other words , a player just can't get money without returning a service as value - that was the intent of NIL.

Now if the NCAA wanted to step in and set caps on what those service values are , that might make sense. Such as a commercial endorsement cannot exceed 250K. Would that stand up in court? probably not
We went from levying punishments for the most minor inducements to paying millions of dollars to players in a few short years. This is not going to end well for college athletics
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I don't agree on a cap but I do believe there should be enforcement that a player returns services in kind for the money they receive.

In other words , a player just can't get money without returning a service as value - that was the intent of NIL.

Now if the NCAA wanted to step in and set caps on what those service values are , that might make sense. Such as a commercial endorsement cannot exceed 250K. Would that stand up in court? probably not
This is not a problem that the courts can fix or the NCAA.
You cannot cap name, image, likeness. The NCAA will have to get legislation passed to attack the issue, and get these athletes on a payroll. Otherwise, you're just pissing into the wind.
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It's very easy: enforce the very limited rules in place. One of the two or three rules was no payment to entice attendance.

That's clearly what's going on. These kids have zero obligations or anything they do to earn this money. So attendance is it.

Enforce the rule.
It's very easy: enforce the very limited rules in place. One of the two or three rules was no payment to entice attendance.

That's clearly what's going on. These kids have zero obligations or anything they do to earn this money. So attendance is it.

Enforce the rule.
If the NCAA tried to enforce the rules, they would be sued and they would lose.
Should there be a salary cap on nil?. I think freshmen should be capped at 100k. Sophomores at 250k. Juniors at 500k and Seniors at 750k. Thoughts? Would make an even playing field for all teams.
Sounds like socialism to me.

Do you want caps on your job? I certainly don't!
The people who call everyone who disagrees with their right wing politics “Marxists” want to limit how much money college basketball players can make off of their name image and likeness.

This is why he loves the poorly educated.
Take a hike with your political bs.
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It's very easy: enforce the very limited rules in place. One of the two or three rules was no payment to entice attendance.

That's clearly what's going on. These kids have zero obligations or anything they do to earn this money. So attendance is it.

Enforce the rule.
You can give someone 2 million for one endorsed tweet if that's what you choose to do. Is that a stupid business decision sure but rich donors aren't making business decisions atm.

There are no easy answers that are legal. This thing has to play itself out while we wait for the next steps

players become employees with revenue sharing
legislation from congress
unionization with schools directly paying and a salary cap

Even with those things NIL could still be a work around to give players money beyond the salary cap.
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I don’t know the answer but probably schools need to follow Boise State then take it one step further. Refuse to pay players then let the chips fall where they may.
Then put a “limit” on how much money a school can pay a coach and an AD or ANY school employee

Put a “limit” on how much money a school can spend on sports outside of those that actually make the money

Put a “limit” on how much money a school can spend on recruiting kids to attend their school.

This is FREAKIN AMERICA!! Capitalism is the way we work here!! Pay people what they a worth!! If the price is too high, DON’T pay it!! The market sets the value.

These schools, administrators and coaches have made MILLIONS upon MILLIONS with the kids making PEANUTS in return. Why put “limits” on what these kids can make now???!!
NIL is nothing like I thought it was supposed to be. I thought it was going to be setup so players could get paid to be in a video game, or a 3rd party could pay them to be in a commercial, stuff like that. It seems to me that schools are just out right paying them to come play. Sure, it's technically not the "schools" money, but that's just semantics. The way it's panned out is bullshit and will ruin college athletics unless something changes. Not sure if caps is the answer but the way it is now is whack.
Yep. It turned from a great idea in theory into a loophole to just pay dudes.
If the NCAA tried to enforce the rules, they would be sued and they would lose.

That's a common opinion but not just a given. I firmly believe they can put in place reasonable limitations on participation. They already do that with limitations on years of eligibility. Otherwise guys could play forever.

Making it improper to promise money in return for commitment is well within the bounds of reasonableness if they had leadership that had either brains or balls.

You can give someone 2 million for one endorsed tweet if that's what you choose to do. Is that a stupid business decision sure but rich donors aren't making business decisions atm.

There are no easy answers that are legal. This thing has to play itself out while we wait for the next steps

players become employees with revenue sharing
legislation from congress
unionization with schools directly paying and a salary cap

Even with those things NIL could still be a work around to give players money beyond the salary cap.

Yes but it won't last. Rich people got rich by being smart with money and that isn't smart. Public companies can't just do it because of shareholder concerns. Private companies can't deduct collectives from taxes.

Eventually it will level out especially if they strictly enforce the restriction against pay for play.
This deal could be agreed upon as early as next week. Schools giving 22% of annual revenue to players will be a huge hit to universities but it protects them from the courts handing down a much larger number. This is outside of NIL and won't affect how that is distributed.

It's not my money so I don't really care.

But I will say that knowing there are college players out there making hundreds of thousands and >a million dollars really kind of diminishes the appeal of the college game for me. It may well lead to my interest continuing to wane. It may even lead to the eventual death of the sport in all honesty.
This deal could be agreed upon as early as next week. Schools giving 22% of annual revenue to players will be a huge hit to universities but it protects them from the courts handing down a much larger number. This is outside of NIL and won't affect how that is distributed.

And once this is agreed to get ready for the Title IX lawsuits to start rolling through the courts that demand an even spread of that money even to sports that don't generate any revenue.

This is going to be a gigantic mess.
And once this is agreed to get ready for the Title IX lawsuits to start rolling through the courts that demand an even spread of that money even to sports that don't generate any revenue.

This is going to be a gigantic mess.
Yeah the lawyers are quoted in the article saying how this applies to title IX will be settled in the courts. It will most likely be evenly distributed but settling on a number is the most important thing for universities.
And once this is agreed to get ready for the Title IX lawsuits to start rolling through the courts that demand an even spread of that money even to sports that don't generate any revenue.

This is going to be a gigantic mess.

A gigantic mess created by a gigantic mess of a leader.
The NIL will work itself out. It’s a bubble now, but it will bust, and find equilibrium.
Collectives members will soon realize that there is not a return on investment.
Tell that to MLB. Shohei Ohtani says hi.

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