Cal Just Can't Stop Talking Kentucky

In response to the Chandler Vessels article, Cal can't stop reflecting on his Kentucky days. He is now talking about Tyler Herro at Kentucky. He knows he wasted a golden opportunity with his extremely talented Sheppard and Dillingham team but he will never admit it. It seems like he is using Tyler Herro's success in the NBA to somehow remind people that Sheppard and Dillingham weren't his first big NBA draft surprises. However, it isn't the same because he wasn't playing much lesser players in front of Herro. Cal just needs to spend his time talking more about Arkansas and less about anything Kentucky. If Kentucky does well under Pope's leadership, he will want to take credit for the Pope hire. Lol
Can everyone stop bashing Cal? In case all of you had forgotten, Cal had some great years at Kentucky. With the exception of the past 5 years we were the top program in all of basketball under Cal so give the man some credit. I do not get the vitriol you people have for him. It's time to move on and embrace what we have and hope Pope does a great job because nothing is guaranteed.
Maybe it’s just me, but supporting true blue would not be supporting a guy who left for a rival, took the team with him, left Kentucky totally gutted, tried to leave during the middle of the season potentially killing our year, and a guy who talked down to Kentucky fans and nicknamed us things like Basketball Bennies.

I hear you but in this case no, I’m not supporting that because I’m a Kentucky fan.
We both have the right to be "wrong"!

Cal hung a banner and gave us a lot of great moments.

If you brand Cal "enemy", then you need to add Rick and Tubby.

That leaves you with ONE TITLE after Rupp retired (Joe B in 1978).
Can everyone stop bashing Cal? In case all of you had forgotten, Cal had some great years at Kentucky. With the exception of the past 5 years we were the top program in all of basketball under Cal so give the man some credit. I do not get the vitriol you people have for him. It's time to move on and embrace what we have and hope Pope does a great job because nothing is guaranteed.
You just have to love posts that contain "you people." I am not giving Cal anything but the same vitriol that he gave to fans with great pleasure. Why don't you Cal university lovers pack-up and follow him to Hoggsville? I am sure he would welcome you with open arms.
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We both have the right to be "wrong"!

Cal hung a banner and gave us a lot of great moments.

If you brand Cal "enemy", then you need to add Rick and Tubby.

That leaves you with ONE TITLE after Rupp retired (Joe B in 1978).
We don't need to brand Rick and Tubby anything especially Tubby. Those two men didn't disrespect the fanbase the way Cal did. Don't give me the crap about what Rick did when he came back to college basketball. He was only giving back in kind.
We don't need to brand Rick and Tubby anything especially Tubby. Those two men didn't disrespect the fanbase the way Cal did. Don't give me the crap about what Rick did when he came back to college basketball. He was only giving back in kind.
Rick flipped us off
Coached at UL

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You are NOT a Kentucky fan you don’t support UK in any way im willing to bet you never attended UK again Sorry. You’re a casual bandwagon guy who has no loyalty and you pick and choose based off winning. That’s not what a real UK fan does it’s not what a real fan does of any team. Real Alabama fans and alumni would tell you the same. You’re a Walmart bandwagon t-shirt fan. So you can save the bs.
Been easy to see since I signed up
Hahahaha wow. Cal’s swagger turned you out bad.

Wait a second, aren’t you an Alabama football fan? UK basketball, Alabama football, now Arkansas as a second team?

You realize you’re not a real UK fan….right?
He really doesn't know what he is. He is waiting for Cal to tell him.
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To be fair, you’re still talking about Cal
And we'll still be talking about Cow, for example,every time we see our team successfully defending a hot shooter on the perimeter breaking loose with double and stagger screens with early help, early recover like he drills in practice, which Cow never did. Maybe changed defenses what once a year😅 I remember when he got ejected at Arkansas when we were losing then Kenny Payne comes in goes straight to zone and it befuddles Arky for the win😅
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I dislike Cal as much or more than most. I never liked the guy from day one, but I believe his success allowed him to get away with being so unlikeable. However, there is a part of me that can't help but feel a bit sorry for the guy because he is human beneath lots of layers. This is a man that realizes even more than we do that he has lost his superpower which is what has, is, or will happen to us all. Unfortunately for Cal, he is such a difficult person to like, that it makes it very difficult to have any sympathy for him.
The reason I don't feel sorry for him is that he had YEARS AND YEARS to actually change his goals back to what he was being paid to do and he refused. He had his own priorities - which weren't focused on a successful college basketball team - and he never bothered to re-orient them even a little toward what they should be.
I guess he was just hoping he'd get lucky and have a successful team again so he could keep doing what he personally wanted to do and not have to bother doing any coaching at all.
In harsher words, he was a lazy scam artist.
So no, I don't feel sorry for him. He made his own choices.
You act like a team can’t have multiple goals. The truth is a large portion of this message board are trash and have torn down every coach we’ve had. You people are the reason it’s difficult to bring in a top level coach because you are seen as the biggest negative to this program. That’s how trash you people are.
I don't know who -"you people" are, but I didn't say a team couldn't have multiple goals.

Anyway, welcome to the board. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Vitriol? LOL at how stupid this one is. What vitriol did you receive dumb boy? Oh wait, you’re too stupid to say.
What do you know, we have another flyby poster with a post count higher than his IQ.
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Right because there will never be a hot shooter that faces us. Again, LOL at how stupid these raftards are. You will be trash Pope within the next 5 years. That’s just who you are.
Nice twisting, any jobs hiring for strawman twisters? I'll be a reference ferye.
You do realize how backwards you got that right- it was Pope doing the early help early recovery drills not Cal. Cal is the one that did not and never does adjust the defense.
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Probably, but I watch people from NYC or Philly speak and act and find myself wondering if there is lead in their water supply.
I think it's less a northern / southern thing than a large urban area vs more rural area thing.
If you think New Yorkers have lead in their water don’t go to LA, ever.
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I will be Coach Pope’s #1 supporter. Win or Lose.
I am still Coach Cal’s fan too.

You know why? Because I am a UK fan.
True Blue + Loyal through thick and thin.
That’s how I was raised.
Not exactly sure how you connect UK Rangoon’s and still a Cal now. It’s fact he wasn’t loyal
To the university. He was talking early spring and then to Arkansas in an unethical way which violated his contract. You can be a Cal fan but don’t mention Cal and loyalty in the same sentence as a reason why.
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Pitino can't stop talking about UK 27 years after leaving. Not a surprise Calipari can't either a few months after leaving.

For all UK coaches, it was the zenith of their coaching careers so they are gonna keep talking about it.
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Right because there will never be a hot shooter that faces us. Again, LOL at how stupid these raftards are. You will be trash Pope within the next 5 years. That’s just who you are.
You're not much into numerical facts and details are you. Keep right on ignoring numerical facts and then try to use emotional shaming straw man arguments mixed in with projection and hyperbole ftw right.
You need to face the music playing that is deafening you, in an anonymous interview all the other SEC coaches said that Calipari unanimously was the easiest to game plan against because of his non-changing offense and defense.
Jack gilkey even said himself why the hell is he not changing defenses he's making this too easy for me I'm not going to miss from my favorite spots and he didn't even try to put somebody in my way on my way there for the whole game.
Wake up, it's all on video tape, hogtard.
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We both have the right to be "wrong"!

Cal hung a banner and gave us a lot of great moments.

If you brand Cal "enemy", then you need to add Rick and Tubby.

That leaves you with ONE TITLE after Rupp retired (Joe B in 1978).
Cal being branded an "enemy" has nothing to do with winning a title, nor did he have ANYWHERE near the love for UK that Rick or Tubby did. He's branded an enemy because he turned UK into an NBA farm and insisted on shoving the "draft night first" down everyone's throats. On top of that he consistently EVERY YEAR worked to hide players from deserved criticism or to protect their draft stock, by claiming they were injured or sick, and even had the AUDACITY to ask fans to buy tickets and show up to watch a TURD Shaedon Sharpe in practice before games, KNOWING full well that he was never playing a minute for UK. Cal will always be the enemy to every single UK fan I know.
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Cal being branded an "enemy" has nothing to do with winning a title, nor did he have ANYWHERE near the love for UK that Rick or Tubby did. He's branded an enemy because he turned UK into an NBA farm and insisted on shoving the "draft night first" down everyone's throughts. On top of that he consistently EVERY YEAR worked to hide players from deserved criticism or to protect their draft stock, by claiming they were injured or sick, and even had the AUDACITY to ask fans to buy tickets and show up to watch a TURD Shaedon Sharpe in practice before games, KNOWING full well that he was never playing a minute for UK. Cal will always be the enemy to every single UK fan I know.
He asked fans to buy tickets to watch Shaedon Sharpe practice before games? Well can you blame him with the trouble UK has selling basketball tickets?

Wtf are you referring to, this threads a month old, provide some context if you’re going to tag me.
Was just looking at all the threads about Cal-era UK that you like to ridicule . . . but couldn’t help notice your inconsistent absense. Nothing more.

Just making sure you’re paying attention.
Was just looking at all the threads about Cal-era UK that you like to ridicule . . . but couldn’t help notice your inconsistent absense. Nothing more.

Just making sure you’re paying attention.
I have learned that I don’t need or have to respond to every thread. You find you deal with a lot fewer dumbasses like you in being more selective. I owe your chump ass nothing and need to prove to you even less. Run along now and find a new person to try to get a rise out of, I ain’t him.
Run along now and find a new person to try to get a rise out of, I ain’t him.
Fair enough. I’ll tone down the smugness and arrogance and quit picking on you since you asked nicely. I’m not passionate about bullying you. I’m just passing through.
You act like a team can’t have multiple goals. The truth is a large portion of this message board are trash and have torn down every coach we’ve had. You people are the reason it’s difficult to bring in a top level coach because you are seen as the biggest negative to this program. That’s how trash you people are.
You people? Keep my name out of your mouth.
Why do you come here to listen to trash? You know what is happening here.
We got the coach I wanted.
Connecticut Yankees don't intrigue me.
Pope is one of "you people"
Fair enough. I’ll tone down the smugness and arrogance and quit picking on you since you asked nicely. I’m not passionate about bullying you. I’m just passing through.
Let’s not confuse annoying for bullying. For bullying to occur there has to be a real or perceived imbalance of power. You don’t have any power, you’re an anonymous, random internet poster with zero effect on my life or the ability to “pick on me.”Since that’s been cleared up NOW you can run along.
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