Cal gives team a break

Cyropedia by Xenophon is also excellent if were talking Greek philosophy

I may have to look into that / them

I have a small book collection but a couple of titles over 100 years old
One of them is a Jewish history book (Lady Katy Magnus / JPSA)....

In it, the author states her belief (that was shared by other Jews) - that the Greeks love of philosophy, academic inquiry, measured-intelligent discourse/inquiry.....Socratic method etc)......and overall Hellenistic culture - was a greater threat to Jewish existence as a separate/distinct people as opposed to the overt 'frontal assaults' on their existence

  • Caveat to note that the book takes J-History up into the mid 19th century only
  • The author goes on to note the large # of Jewish people who lived in / around Alexandria (the one in Egypt......ironically) had taken up speaking Greek to the point that they quickly lost ties to Hebrew and their origins
  • more....but I'd start to ramble

........honestly I feel like I've highjacked something else going on here....
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Reactions: CELTICAT
Cal’s lack of discipline, and always soft and easy going manner, will bite him in the ass with this team.

All he does is blow sunshine up players asses and tells them how great they are.
Not to be outdone, K passed out advanced copies of Barbie's New Adventures to all his players after practice today.
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Reactions: EastKYWildcat
They're gonna play intense pick up games in the gym to see who squads up into 4s for the new Zombie and Battle Royal mode. Smart man.
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Reactions: FrankUnderwood
I didn't think this kind of thing was allowed, honestly. But the more I think about it, what difference does it make if they receive "gifts" at this point? They are already enrolled.

It's no different than the shoes they wear or the UK clothes / swag they get really.