C. Rodriguez (grapevine ?)

Again, how do we know this is their choice for privacy and not UK's?

Unless Rodriguez and any of the other student athletes involved have given the ok, then whether or not UK wants this to be public is completely irrelevant.

The only way the school’s desire comes into play is if the players have explicitly granted UK permission.

So, hypothetically, let’s say that Rodriguez has given UK the green light and that UK does not want to publicly reveal the details as you’re suggesting.

Then that would mean that the following are also true:
  • Stoops was not being honest during his last press conference when he spoke about needing to respect the athletes’ rights as a reason for the lack of details
  • Despite being unable to control some of the public comments both Cal and Stoops have recently made about funding, NIL, etc., that Barnhart has somehow been able to maintain control over what the coaching staff says about this situation
  • Barnhart is also able to effectively intimidate all of the local media into not revealing the details publicly despite the fact that many media members indicate they are aware of some of the details
  • Rodriguez’s father would decide keep his mouth shut while his son’s wishes to go public are ignored
That seems a little far fetched to me.

It seems to me that the most likely scenario here is the scenario that you see play out at universities all of the time, which is simply that UK is bound by FERPA on this one.
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Unless Rodriguez and any of the other student athletes involved have given the ok, then whether or not UK wants this to be public is completely irrelevant.

The only way the school’s desire comes into play is if the players have explicitly granted UK permission.

So, hypothetically, let’s say that Rodriguez has given UK the green light and that UK does not want to publicly reveal the details as you’re suggesting.

Then that would mean that the following are also true:
  • Stoops was not being honest during his last press conference when he spoke about needing to respect the athletes’ rights as a reason for the lack of details
  • Despite being unable to control some of the public comments both Cal and Stoops have recently made about funding, NIL, etc., that Barnhart has somehow been able to maintain control over what the coaching staff says about this situation
  • Barnhart is also able to effectively intimidate all of the local media into not revealing the details publicly despite the fact that many media members indicate they are aware of some of the details
  • Rodriguez’s father would decide keep his mouth shut while his son’s wishes to go public are ignored
That seems a little far fetched to me.

It seems to me that the most likely scenario here is the scenario that you see play out at universities all of the time, which is simply that UK is bound by FERPA on this one.
Yep, you sound like an insider.
I'm not sure of the actual job but what I heard was more that the player(s) were doing the job but the guy over it was entering more time than what was being worked possibly without the players knowledge. Basically if they did 15 hours of service, he'd write them down for 20 or something. This likely didn't cost a huge amount but the principal of it is what caused the University to frown upon it. That is why the guy over it was let go. With NIL being a thing now, I would venture to say that student athletes won't need to do these jobs, etc. Again, not saying this is what happened, only what I heard. I could be totally wrong on this.
They might still need to do these jobs at UK, LOL.
My response rambles so apologies in advance.

I don't doubt the presence of the law. However, FERPA is an obstacle the school must navigate (through students' permission to release for example) if they want to manage the narrative and ultimately protect their slightly mischievous student-athletes from unsubstantiated rumors that can harm their pro prospects later on.

But in light of FERPA: How and why do we find out about NCAA violations involving student athletes? The article linked below openly names Silvio De Sousa from the KU scandal.

Seems to be inconsistently implemented. Why do we know about former UF and FSU QBs stealing everything from laptops to crab-legs...players on-their-liquor being disorderly at Frat houses....boorish behavior with coeds?

I support CR & Co being able to play if the infraction is as minor as most are saying. But I can't get behind the idea that it cannot be addressed publicly? I sort of understand if the athletes are underage, but it would seem to me, activities at a public university (to include the university med center), by adult student/athletes, engaged in employment that might otherwise have gone to non-student/athletes would be releasable by the school/subject of FOIA by the public & press.

My heavens, you get a PFC in the army that drives his car off the road in Japan, and the soldier's name is splashed all over the newspapers in 11 include the follow-on NJP or court martial actions and punishments. Why do their college counterparts receive such protection? Is it the innocent until proven guilty hallmark? Once adjudicated, how long does FERPA supposedly protect the privacy of a student who commits a wrongdoing in a public environment?

Bottom line: UK is not only shooting behind the duck....they're a day late for the duck hunt in their handling of this. UK athletics is part of a billion dollar industry, yet the staff has grade school skills when handling these matters.

just my $0.02.


So you think Joe Blow the fan should have the same access to personal information a pro team GM would get? I imagine CRod nor any of the other 100's of athletes have any problem releasing their personal information to the GMs but tell fans to take a hike.
So you think Joe Blow the fan should have the same access to personal information a pro team GM would get? I imagine CRod nor any of the other 100's of athletes have any problem releasing their personal information to the GMs but tell fans to take a hike.
Not at all.

I am saying UK should manage the narrative.....especially if it is "no big deal" as most are saying. If it is a benign offense, why wouldn't UK want to get out ahead of the problem and coordinate a statement (with a release signed by the players in question)? The only ones who will suffer will be the players with future prospects (NFL or otherwise) because "mystery" about conduct doesn't translate into an optimal outcome after any vocation.

Look, if jail time is a potential outcome....then heck yeah keep your mouths shut and take advice from an attorney, but that is not what we're hearing.. Most are saying it is a timecard screw up, and some are saying the error was by the certifying officials and not the players themselves.

When facing adversity, you can either have your hands on the tiller and navigate storms or you can become driftwood at the mercy of wind, rain, rocks and shoals. I think we're observing the driftwood model.

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Unless Rodriguez and any of the other student athletes involved have given the ok, then whether or not UK wants this to be public is completely irrelevant.

The only way the school’s desire comes into play is if the players have explicitly granted UK permission.

So, hypothetically, let’s say that Rodriguez has given UK the green light and that UK does not want to publicly reveal the details as you’re suggesting.

Then that would mean that the following are also true:
  • Stoops was not being honest during his last press conference when he spoke about needing to respect the athletes’ rights as a reason for the lack of details
  • Despite being unable to control some of the public comments both Cal and Stoops have recently made about funding, NIL, etc., that Barnhart has somehow been able to maintain control over what the coaching staff says about this situation
  • Barnhart is also able to effectively intimidate all of the local media into not revealing the details publicly despite the fact that many media members indicate they are aware of some of the details
  • Rodriguez’s father would decide keep his mouth shut while his son’s wishes to go public are ignored
That seems a little far fetched to me.

It seems to me that the most likely scenario here is the scenario that you see play out at universities all of the time, which is simply that UK is bound by FERPA on this one.
That isn't the only option counselor. What if UK wants it quiet and has effectively put a gag order in place. Far fetched? Perhaps but this situation is VERY odd.
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Do you know their boss in this instance?
Who is they? The people at the Courier Journal and Lexington Herald? I have known an editor or two over the years. I have asked them where some of the other editors are from and what teams they support. It's just been random over the years. If that wasn't what you were asking then let me know.
Oh well, guess you will just have to live with it.

Another trip for a bone infection in my big toe, wanted to cut it off, but I saved it by taking antibiotics for three weeks. Still have everything, appendix tonsils, etc, but the bill for the week was about $120,000 but the VA only paid about $35,000, nothing from me. Just a tip on how much medical bills are jacked up. Pretty incredible really.

And that was all well before our latest inflation, lol.
Glad it turned out ok jauk!
I had TWO doctors bills for an emergency room visit, one for $1200 and another for $2200, only talked to one of them for less than 5 minutes before they shipped me to another hospital, I was only there for about an hour total. I went by ambulance to another hospital about an hour away. They already had another patient going and asked me if I minded doubling up, I didn't need any attention so I said no problem, sat on a bench for the trip no attention at all. My ambulance bill was like $1200 so I assume they didn't split the bill, charged me and the lady full amount no doubt. I got billed for all of them for months although I told them the VA covered everything, finally quit after months, no idea what the VA paid but from other bills I am sure it wasn't that much. I think the VA does a great job.

I KNOW this is true because I was there.
That's too much but still only 3400 out of 42,000 you originally quoted and not enough for two retirement homes and sports cars. The doctor may bill for 100 dollars and get paid 20. It has gone on for years and it is ridiculous. The doctors may have overcharged you but they never get close to what they charged. I hop you are feeling better.
It is true. They’re paid much more here than in other countries. About twice as much. Not the only reason our hills are huge but it’s part.
Doctors do get paid well but they spend many years not getting paid enough and don't start earning a living until they are in their 30's. The average US doctor ends up around $200,000 in debt when they start practice even with Joe's ridiculous payback. Also physicians in other countries usually cannot be sued for malpractice. The US healthcare system is the most expensive in the world but the population has more access to high end care when they want it than anyplace on earth. Complex issue.
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I work and have lived all over the original SEC footprint. I respectively disagree with you Cat In the Hat.The media in the places mentioned above are nearly if not 100% grads of those schools and will do everything they can to protect at all costs.
Like I said, I don't know for sure, but I would bet every sports editor and/or columnist at the Atlanta Constitution journal, for example, are not Georgia graduates. Also what happens in a state like Alabama or Florida where there are rival teams. Do the media people for Auburn protect Alabama and do the media people for Florida State protect Florida. It's just not realistic to believe you can hide things like that.
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Reeks of…..The CURSE….
Bye bye historic season.
We suck again!!!
Guess after C Rod leaves after this season, UK might as well fold up the football program with your attitude. Thats why you recruit....C Rod wasn't going to play here for life lol. It's always next man up and you hope we've recruited the position well, which UK has.
That isn't the only option counselor. What if UK wants it quiet and is effectively put a gag order in place. Far fetched? Perhaps but this situation is VERY odd.

UK has no authority to place a gag order on a student athlete, so Rodriguez and his father would still be free to discuss this unless Rodriguez willingly signed an NDA. If that were to have happened, then that probably means Rodriguez did so because it was also in his best interest.

UK also has no authority or ability to place a gag order on the press.

That aside, usually the only the reason that the University side would want to handle this quietly is because there is the potential for serious ramifications for the University. In which case, it would also be in Rodriguez’s best interest to maintain his privacy rights.

As a hypothetical example, if someone submitted falsified timesheets, then they’ve committed a crime (this is fraud). And even if they didn’t falsify their own timesheet themselves, if they were aware it was happening then they are still party to that crime.

Depending upon the amount, prosecutors probably won’t get involved if the employer is willing to work something out or is fine with simply firing the employee and possibly suing them. That is, unless you have some over zealous prosecutor who lacks prosecutorial discretion (remember what happened last year to our guys because of one a-hole cop in the Lexington police department?).

The other risk of attracting prosecutors is in situations where the government was the ultimate source of the funds used to pay the employee, such as when federal grants or Medicaid supplemental funds are used to fund a specific program to address gaps in access to care. In that case, timesheet fraud potentially opens up the employee and the employer to legal action under the False Claims Act, which allows the government to recoup up to 3x damages plus additional penalties.

If UK is in fact advising everyone to avoid discussing this publicly, then it’s highly likely they have a good reason for it and odds are that maintaining confidentiality is also in Rodriguez’s best interest. I’d say it’s a safe bet Rodriguez’s attorney has advised him to remain quiet up to this point.
UK has no authority to place a gag order on a student athlete, so Rodriguez and his father would still be free to discuss this unless Rodriguez willingly signed an NDA. If that were to have happened, then that probably means Rodriguez did so because it was also in his best interest.

UK also has no authority or ability to place a gag order on the press.

That aside, usually the only the reason that the University side would want to handle this quietly is because there is the potential for serious ramifications for the University. In which case, it would also be in Rodriguez’s best interest to maintain his privacy rights.

As a hypothetical example, if someone submitted falsified timesheets, then they’ve committed a crime (this is fraud). And even if they didn’t falsify their own timesheet themselves, if they were aware it was happening then they are still party to that crime.

Depending upon the amount, prosecutors probably won’t get involved if the employer is willing to work something out or is fine with simply firing the employee and possibly suing them. That is, unless you have some over zealous prosecutor who lacks prosecutorial discretion (remember what happened last year to our guys because of one a-hole cop in the Lexington police department?).

The other risk of attracting prosecutors is in situations where the government was the ultimate source of the funds used to pay the employee, such as when federal grants or Medicaid supplemental funds are used to fund a specific program to address gaps in access to care. In that case, timesheet fraud potentially opens up the employee and the employer to legal action under the False Claims Act, which allows the government to recoup up to 3x damages plus additional penalties.

If UK is in fact advising everyone to avoid discussing this publicly, then it’s highly likely they have a good reason for it and odds are that maintaining confidentiality is also in Rodriguez’s best interest. I’d say it’s a safe bet Rodriguez’s attorney has advised him to remain quiet up to this point.
I said effectively, as if you can't suggest it's best to keep things "in house". If this issue is "no big deal" and the penalties are "ridiculous" according to those who know, this is all very curious. What if it was the "supervisor" who fraudulently filed time for players without them even knowing? There are far too many variables and what ifs in this along with a sudden silence from CRod's father who seemed pretty pissed at one point. Sometimes you seem to be defending a client counselor and legalese doesn't really satisfy most folks.
Doctors do get paid well but they spend many years not getting paid enough and don't start earning a living until they are in their 30's. The average US doctor ends up around $200,000 in debt when they start practice even with Joe's ridiculous payback. Also physicians in other countries usually cannot be sued for malpractice. The US healthcare system is the most expensive in the world but the population has more access to high end care when they want it than anyplace on earth. Complex issue.
I’ll agree that it’s complex. But sorry, $200k sounds like a lot until you realize specialists in their mid-30s are making $400k+ a year. Physician salaries are absolutely inflated and the AMA and other physician associations work to keep it that way. One of the reasons we pay so much. Definitely not the only reason though.
Doctors do get paid well but they spend many years not getting paid enough and don't start earning a living until they are in their 30's. The average US doctor ends up around $200,000 in debt when they start practice even with Joe's ridiculous payback. Also physicians in other countries usually cannot be sued for malpractice. The US healthcare system is the most expensive in the world but the population has more access to high end care when they want it than anyplace on earth. Complex issue.
The lawyers bills are just about as bad.

Sorry, some of the doctor's bills are just other worldly, I wasn't in that hospital for over an hour total, But you are right, on my high school placement tests they said I could be a Doctor or a lawyer, but not an Engineer, because I did poorly on the algebra part. Because I didn't take algebra in high school. I chose Engineering, they couldn't tell me what to do, LOL, and I couldn't survive long enough to be a doctor, my parents paid zero of my college education. (I graduated high school in 1956., college was a lot cheaper then). The $42,000 was what the VA paid for the second hospital bill, originally they asked the VA for about $120,000 at the second hospital for a week. And the Doctor's bill was separate. I love the VA.

Your post, computer screwing up:
That's too much but still only 3400 out of 42,000 you originally quoted and not enough for two retirement homes and sports cars. The doctor may bill for 100 dollars and get paid 20. It has gone on for years and it is ridiculous. The doctors may have overcharged you but they never get close to what they charged. I hop you are feeling better.


That was $3400 when I wasn't even there over an hour, it doesn't take too many hours like that to buy a house. And I bet they do get paid what they charge a lot of the time, as long as they don't ask for the moon. Some (not many) are good Samaritans.

Thanks for the good wishes, guess I can't complain too much, still kicking at 84.
I said effectively, as if you can't suggest it's best to keep things "in house". If this issue is "no big deal" and the penalties are "ridiculous" according to those who know, this is all very curious. What if it was the "supervisor" who fraudulently filed time for players without them even knowing? There are far too many variables and what ifs in this along with a sudden silence from CRod's father who seemed pretty pissed at one point. Sometimes you seem to be defending a client counselor and legalese doesn't really satisfy most folks.
I’m not defending anyone. I’m simply explaining how things work in the real world.

As to whether these penalties are truly “ridiculous”, that remains to be seen if and when more details come out. But personally, I’m not one to put too much stock into what some of the media are saying about this right now when those media members are:
  1. Likely not privy to the full fact base and probably hearing one side of things from someone with a vested interest in Rodriguez playing
  2. Unwilling to go on the record and substantiate their opinions with the specific facts that explain how they arrived at that opinion (sorry, but I’m not one to simply believe what Matt Jones says on blind faith)
  3. Were also the same people who were at first saying this was so serious that they initially thought Rodriguez would never play another game
If and when Rodriguez speaks up about this or more details are shared, then I’ll form an opinion on whether he was treated unfairly.

But up to this point, the way this has been handled seems pretty standard to me and I personally thinks folks should respect the privacy of those involved.
Like I said, I don't know for sure, but I would bet every sports editor and/or columnist at the Atlanta Constitution journal, for example, are not Georgia graduates. Also what happens in a state like Alabama or Florida where there are rival teams. Do the media people for Auburn protect Alabama and do the media people for Florida State protect Florida. It's just not realistic to believe you can hide things like that.
You just keep believing what you need to believe
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Not at all.

I am saying UK should manage the narrative.....especially if it is "no big deal" as most are saying. If it is a benign offense, why wouldn't UK want to get out ahead of the problem and coordinate a statement (with a release signed by the players in question)? The only ones who will suffer will be the players with future prospects (NFL or otherwise) because "mystery" about conduct doesn't translate into an optimal outcome after any vocation.

Look, if jail time is a potential outcome....then heck yeah keep your mouths shut and take advice from an attorney, but that is not what we're hearing.. Most are saying it is a timecard screw up, and some are saying the error was by the certifying officials and not the players themselves.

When facing adversity, you can either have your hands on the tiller and navigate storms or you can become driftwood at the mercy of wind, rain, rocks and shoals. I think we're observing the driftwood model.

That's just, anyone that needs to know will have all the information they need. There is no reason for their dirty laundry even if it is just a little dusty to be announced just because fans want to know. If it was your kid would you want it out?
Go jump off the ky river bridge
Can't wait for this stigma to be gone. How long before it's gone. It's faded for me. I wait for the collapse on the field but it doesn't look the same. We may lose a few games but hardly get beat. Even by UGA. We are there yall. I know it. Few good bounces, and a blessing pass interface call at the right time and we're are in it boy's n girls.
I heard C Rod, Wright, and other that are missing one game for all the same thing was a streaking incident on campus. Hearsay, but since C Rod was already in trouble for DUI he got double punished. A Co workers kid who's a student told us that.
I wish it were this simple... then it would be much ado about nothing... I mean who hasn't done this?!

Guess after C Rod leaves after this season, UK might as well fold up the football program with your attitude. Thats why you recruit....C Rod wasn't going to play here for life lol. It's always next man up and you hope we've recruited the position well, which UK has.
We recruited Dlinemen but when Bully and Ox went down last year our D suffered. Kinda dumb not to think CROD being out for some time won’t hurt the team. When the better pros get hurt the teams almost always suffer.
I agree, while not armed robbery, that would be against the law i would think. Fraud or stealing, so that leads me to think it's something else. I think it's more alone the lines of slacking with the paperwork for his NIL deals. Just speculation on my part, don't think that would be illegal or come under academics.
This is what I figured. He made NIL, he just didn't disclose the NIL through the approval or reporting process. Hes went through the process since, got the money approved and UK is just getting in front of it saying they disciplined the action to prevent what could be some sort of infraction.
We should act like we are not Tennessee. Anyone that defends a player doing things that violates policies just so we can win should support Tennessee or Louisville. I like that our programs has a set of values. And, I bet potential recruits' mothers will like that too.

BBN would be much more willing to let it go if they would either 1) report it or 2) shut up about it.
This makes no sense. If they don't report it, they are shutting up. If they report it, they aren't shutting up. Sounds....illogical?
I believe this silence is all about the specific place where the incident allegedly took place. If the stories are true, this is YEARS of time clock fraud at a Hospital. Hospital is the key word.

Did you guys know that Hospitals receive the lions share of their reimbursements from CMS, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare?

Do you know what the penalty for a hospital is for fraud that leads to Federal reimbursement? Loss of ALL reimbursement going forward. Private insurance companies no longer reimburse those bills either. A hospital would be forced closed.

I believe this is much, much bigger than just CRod's paycheck being inflated a few bucks.
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I believe this silence is all about the specific place where the incident allegedly took place. If the stories are true, this is YEARS of time clock fraud at a Hospital. Hospital is the key word.

Did you guys know that Hospitals receive the lions share of their reimbursements from CMS, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare?

Do you know what the penalty for a hospital is for fraud that leads to Federal reimbursement? Loss of ALL reimbursement going forward. Private insurance companies no longer reimburse those bills either. A hospital would be forced closed.

I believe this is much, much bigger than just CRod's paycheck being inflated a few bucks.
The Curse is truely flexing its muscles these days!