Bronny James (bad)

For example, women 40 and older receiving a first or third dose of the Pfizer vaccine had a respective three and two extra cases of myocarditis per 1 million women vaccinated. But there were an estimated 51 extra cases of myocarditis associated with COVID-19 infection before vaccination.

Among men under 40, there were an estimated four extra cases of myocarditis associated with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and 14 extra cases with the first dose of the Moderna vaccine for every 1 million men vaccinated. That risk rose with the second dose for all three vaccines studied and was highest for Moderna's, which had an additional 97 myocarditis cases per 1 million. For unvaccinated men under 40 with COVID-19, there were 16 additional myocarditis cases per million.
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The risk for myocarditis increased after receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and after a first, second and booster dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. But the risk of myocarditis associated with the vaccine was lower than the risk associated with COVID-19 infection before or after vaccination – with one exception. Men under 40 who received a second dose of the Moderna vaccine had a higher risk of myocarditis following vaccination. The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are available in the U.S.
The "They're brainwashed & the poor ignorant puppets don't realize it" post you made earlier says otherwise about not being on sides.

No. Because "sides" are not objective. I'm not in the "everything is vaccine caused" camp. Nor am I in the "this vaccine does not cause any issues with anyone, anyone saying so in a conspiracy theorists" camp either. My post was in response to a bunch of bologna that fell into the 2nd category.

I even posted that prematurely blaming Bronnie situation on the vaccine is not wise considering the issues I posted about young male African American athletes & cardiac arrest. However, it's also just as unwise to prematurely be adamant that the vaccine played no role.

Sides have to win, & therefore, will not objectively look at information, not take into account there might be other incentives than public health for some to say what they do...both ways.
No. Because "sides" are not objective. I'm not in the "everything is vaccine caused" camp. Nor am I in the "this vaccine does not cause any issues with anyone, anyone saying so in a conspiracy theorists" camp either. My post was in response to a bunch of bologna that fell into the 2nd category.

I even posted that prematurely blaming Bronnie situation on the vaccine is not wise considering the issues I posted about young male African American athletes & cardiac arrest. However, it's also just as unwise to prematurely be adamant that the vaccine played no role.

Sides have to win, & therefore, will not objectively look at information, not take into account there might be other incentives than public health for some to say what they do...both ways.
Defend it all you want but calling anyone poor ignorant puppets is taking sides regardless of how much you try to walk it back. I don’t see you insulting the other side like that even though they spew as much bologna that the vaccine caused it. Are they poor ignorant puppets and brainwashed as well?
Defend it all you want but calling anyone poor ignorant puppets is taking sides regardless of how much you try to walk it back. I don’t see you insulting the other side like that even though they spew as much bologna that the vaccine caused it. Are they poor ignorant puppets and brainwashed as well?

It was a rude choice of words on my part. But the principle of believing everything you're told despite evidence to the contrary it's dangerous for anyone. And when there are not a few but multitudes of experts in the medical field saying pump the breaks it's kind of foolish to ignore or be simply be predisposed to believing that "conspiracy theorists" Is to be applied to any dissenting opinion.

I certainly have some trust issues when there are medical experts from the government...the same government that had absolutely no scientific basis to put a mandate for that vaccine. And then they absolutely lied about the vaccine. And they did nothing to stop all of the hostility toward the unvaccinated. I have a lot of issues with what any of them or anyone connected to them says about the vaccine.

However I'm totally open to considering genuine information about the vaccine and analyzing that and listening to what other experts might have to say about it. I'm not a anti vaxer per se.

And I also face the reality that there are $$billions$$ of reasons that motive big pharma & possibly others under their direct influence bias lobbyists.
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It was a rude choice of words on my part. But the principle of believing everything you're told despite evidence to the contrary it's dangerous for anyone. And when there are not a few but multitudes of experts in the medical field saying pump the breaks it's kind of foolish to ignore or be simply be predisposed to believing that "conspiracy theorists" Is to be applied to any dissenting opinion.

I certainly have some trust issues when there are medical experts from the government...the same government that had absolutely no scientific basis to put a mandate for that vaccine. And then they absolutely lied about the vaccine. And they did nothing to stop all of the hostility toward the unvaccinated. I have a lot of issues with what any of them or anyone connected to them says about the vaccine.

However I'm totally open to considering genuine information about the vaccine and analyzing that and listening to what other experts might have to say about it. I'm not a anti vaxer per se.

And I also face the reality that there are $$billions$$ of reasons that motive big pharma & possibly others under their direct influence bias lobbyists.
If what you say is true, then take this opportunity to call out the other side for believing all the anti vax stuff. Until you do that, you are choosing sides and continue to do so even in this post.
It was a rude choice of words on my part. But the principle of believing everything you're told despite evidence to the contrary it's dangerous for anyone. And when there are not a few but multitudes of experts in the medical field saying pump the breaks it's kind of foolish to ignore or be simply be predisposed to believing that "conspiracy theorists" Is to be applied to any dissenting opinion.

I certainly have some trust issues when there are medical experts from the government...the same government that had absolutely no scientific basis to put a mandate for that vaccine. And then they absolutely lied about the vaccine. And they did nothing to stop all of the hostility toward the unvaccinated. I have a lot of issues with what any of them or anyone connected to them says about the vaccine.

However I'm totally open to considering genuine information about the vaccine and analyzing that and listening to what other experts might have to say about it. I'm not a anti vaxer per se.

And I also face the reality that there are $$billions$$ of reasons that motive big pharma & possibly others under their direct influence bias lobbyists.
Don’t get overly concerned with your momentary lapse into using poorly chosen words. Here is one of TCurtis’s shining moments:

Keep in mind if you were half as perfect as you thought you were, you would have your ass nailed to a cross. So I say this with one hundred percent sincerity, eat shit and die. I hope your wife cheats on you. I hope you have a miserable existence for the rest of your worthless life.
Don’t get overly concerned with your momentary lapse into using poorly chosen words. Here is one of TCurtis’s shining moments:
Telling half stories I see. That wasn’t poorly chosen words on my part. I chose them very carefully and fully meant them at the time. I owned it then. I still own it now. You conveniently left out that I later said I was out of line and apologized but that would get in the way of your agenda. And you still have your God complex so I hit that nail on the head.
Telling half stories I see. That wasn’t poorly chosen words on my part. I chose them very carefully and fully meant them at the time. I owned it then. I still own it now. You conveniently left out that I later said I was out of line and apologized but that would get in the way of your agenda. And you still have your God complex so I hit that nail on the head.
Dude, that is not the only time you have gone off the rails. This process is not healthy for you. Just a fact.
Defend it all you want but calling anyone poor ignorant puppets is taking sides regardless of how much you try to walk it back. I don’t see you insulting the other side like that even though they spew as much bologna that the vaccine caused it. Are they poor ignorant puppets and brainwashed as well?

Dude, what you think of me is irrelevant & very insignificant to me. I'm not here to prove anything to you. I've said what I said. So think what you want. Good day!
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Grandma quotes. Lol
Some of the best things I learned was from my Grandma. I am happy to use Grandma quotes. Are you in court today or are you seeing your psychiatry patients? Maybe you are in surgery since you like to think you are a medical expert as well. I really don't know how you find time to post on here. I guess we should feel blessed that you grace us with your presence. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Claims pride in grandma quotes and then defies that claim by repeated defensiveness. So noted.
Just calling a spade a spade. You calling anyone out for defensiveness is comical at best. You are the most defensive poster on this board. You better get back to court or surgery or whatever else you are going to claim to be an expert in today. When you travel, do you have to buy 2 plane tickets? One for your body and one for your ego?
There is a slightly elevated risk for myocarditis with the COVID mRNA vaccines. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle. It's usually treated with pain medicines and/or an anti-inflammatory drug. Aspirin? Prednisone? Common medicines. It goes away.

The effect is transient and is far better than to contract full blown COVID.

I don't know if the condition is related to the new mRNA method or the RNA used or the combination. If it frightens you, there is at least one COVID traditional-pathway vaccine available.
I have not heard the etiology of Bronny’s heart problem, but this thread has ventured away from that, somewhat to something that makes this video relevant.

How's that HepB, HepA, Rotavirus, Diptheria, Tetanus, Haemophilos Flu B, Pneumonococcal, Polio, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, and Meningococcal A & B? You skip those vaccinations, too?
Except these are prevented by actual vaccines... i.e., injections which keep you from getting the disease/illness you're immunized from.

Not a fake vax with zero (possibly/likely negative) efficacy after 6 months.

Should we get into the vast increases in heart issues in healthy young people since receiving these non-vaccine injections? An injection to "protect" you from something that 99.999% of healthy young people will recover from with zero issues?

It's funny/sad how many supposedly educated people like you parrot such stupidity and absolute logical fallacies as though they're uncontrovertible fact.

Zero doubt you really did attend Vandy.
That’s awesome. What’s the relevance to the privately conducted research I referenced?

No relevance to that. Just wanted people to realize they're sharing studies about a drug that was funded in part by the drug manufacturer. Not yours, the AHA one.
Has there been anything further on Bronny or is this just a thing we're going to do for the next twenty years whenever someone not 80 years old has a health scare? Not crapping on the discussion but do we even know if he was vaxxed and/or if said vax caused this issue? I get the questions about the vaccine and the overall discussion but what's the point if we're using Bronny to do it if what happened to him had nothing to do with what this thread now is?

There's a disconnect here (ie Bronny -- --> vaxxed and that's the cause). Perhaps we need that gap filled before we have a long thread (entitled Bronny James) when it's just about the vaccine.