bridges down to 3 moves uk visit up to this weekend :


Oct 1, 2005
indiana , uk and michigan st. will pick one october 3. him moving his date up scares me a little espcially after a great trip to michigan st.
me neither jason. guys dont set dates usually if they dont know where they are going
Top-10 prospect Miles Bridges is rescheduling his Kentucky visit to this upcoming weekend

Great news.

Wish he'd hold off until after BBM, but at least we'll get him on campus between now and then.

The Kentucky-Florida football game should be crazy.

I'm sure Cal will make sure a few of the NBA guys are back in town (maybe Cousins, Davis, Booker, Bledsoe, Towns, Jones, etc. are just staying to work out for the week).

Our current guys will show him a good time.

Should be a good weekend for him to be there
Our mods are far too patient with outsiders. If Bridges ends up at MSU, he'll gloat for weeks, if he picks UK, you'll never hear another word from him on this board.

Funny thing is @CousinofSparty bought a premium membership to Devils illustrated several years ago when both schools were recruiting Jabari Parker. This idiot was running his mouth on Duke premium board saying how Parker was going to MSU etc etc and how the MSU insiders were saying Parker was picking them. The guy was a total jackass. Well, our insider was telling him all along how he was wrong and Parker was going to Duke. @CousinofSparty was just so sure he was right he bet our insider that he would never post on DI again if Parker didn't pick MSU. Point being COS is a complete jackass. The troll bought a premium subscription to Duke message boards to tell all of us the information on Parker. He's a real piece of work.
Funny thing is @CousinofSparty bought a premium membership to Devils illustrated several years ago when both schools were recruiting Jabari Parker. This idiot was running his mouth on Duke premium board saying how Parker was going to MSU etc etc and how the MSU insiders were saying Parker was picking them. The guy was a total jackass. Well, our insider was telling him all along how he was wrong and Parker was going to Duke. @CousinofSparty was just so sure he was right he bet our insider that he would never post on DI again if Parker didn't pick MSU. Point being COS is a complete jackass. The troll bought a premium subscription to Duke message boards to tell all of us the information on Parker. He's a real piece of work.

A true poster child for the "ignore" button.
Glad he's announcing early, and most importantly not dragging it out. If he chooses UK, fine. If he doesn't we still have an outstanding fallback in Gabriel.
Bridges wants to be a pro, quickly. After yesterday's alumni game any player with the same goal would be foolish not to choose uk. I hope bridges ain't no foo.
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It might be cal getting bridges to committ before madness so he can work on monk as a UK committ. I still think it's UK at this point.
I think he's been a strong lean to UK for a while. Wants to visit to confirm that and commit soon after to take the heat off from MSU fans instead of dragging it out another couple of weeks.

If he was completely won over by the MSU visit, I would think he'd cancel the visit entirely and cut UK from his list.

He can still take unofficial for BBM and hopefully help recruit Fox, Monk, etc.
Yea, I'm reading it that he has seen all he needs to see from msu and has realized that's not where he wants to play college ball.

Commits to uk, gets some love at bbm.
The continues to feel the bbn love in the numerous games he will play in kentucky this season. [smoke]
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I don't see him making an emotional decision. He's known what State has to offer for a long time now. If it was based upon getting some of his second tier pals together on one court the whole time, I think he would have picked State months ago when some of those guys started to lean heavily toward MSU.

Izzo has a lot to sell him on. I'm just not sure any of it matters much at this point.
It might be cal getting bridges to committ before madness so he can work on monk as a UK committ. I still think it's UK at this point.

He said he talks to the UK coaches every day. I'm sure they communicated yesterday after he returned from his visit. I think your line of reasoning isn't too far off base. Cal probably asked him how he felt after the MSU visit. Perhaps Bridges let it be known that he wants to make it happen sooner than later. I could this coming weekend as the "let's just make sure" visit to Lexington.

Should be interesting.
FWIW, Chris Fisher picked UK in the 24/7 crystal ball today after this info broke. He must be hearing something positive for UK pertaining to Bridges moving his visit date up.
It's very plausible that he and the Kentucky staff coordinated his early visit to Lexington, and announcement date, for maximum impact with other recruits. If the visit to East Lansing turned his head then he either would have announced already, and canceled his other visits, or gone ahead with his Midnight Madness visit and then announced for MSU a few days after that.

Under what scenario, exactly, does it make sense to have a Kentucky visit and then schedule his announcement for two weeks after that, if he has already decided to go to MSU? No logic in that whatsoever. It is possible that the MSU visit was good enough to make him temporarily indecisive. If that is the case, what he sees of the UK program will obliterate what he saw last weekend.

Good post, Md.
If he still plans on visiting Kentucky for BBM, then the decision to announce beforehand would have to be a good thing. He obviously won't commit to MSU and then go to our madness. But of course he could cancel.

Still though, I don't see anything negative about moving the date up. His high school season is about to start and he probably wants it out of the way before then. He had an awesome weekend in Michigan, no doubt, but having fun and knowing which school will be better to help you reach your NBA goals are 2 VEEERRRY different things.
Funny thing is @CousinofSparty bought a premium membership to Devils illustrated several years ago when both schools were recruiting Jabari Parker. This idiot was running his mouth on Duke premium board saying how Parker was going to MSU etc etc and how the MSU insiders were saying Parker was picking them. The guy was a total jackass. Well, our insider was telling him all along how he was wrong and Parker was going to Duke. @CousinofSparty was just so sure he was right he bet our insider that he would never post on DI again if Parker didn't pick MSU. Point being COS is a complete jackass. The troll bought a premium subscription to Duke message boards to tell all of us the information on Parker. He's a real piece of work.
We can't stand him on our boards either. This guy follows recruits and trolls them on twitter. He is not represenative of the typical MSU fan. We actually think he is a Michigan fan trolling our boards as a "spartan " fan.
We can't stand him on our boards either. This guy follows recruits and trolls them on twitter. He is not represenative of the typical MSU fan. We actually think he is a Michigan fan trolling our boards as a "spartan " fan.
Ugghh. Sorry about that. We won't hold it against you. There's a few in every fan base.
Why would he want to go play in a "first to 50" wins the game system...i think msu got the "courtesy" visit, not the other way around
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Why would he want to go play in a "first to 50" wins the game system...i think msu got the "courtesy" visit, not the other way around

What? You realize Izzo wants to rebound and run, right? Then if there's nothing there we run sets. Izzo's been doing that for 20 years.

I also want to apologize for COS. No point in trolling. I have no clue where MB will end up but wanted to read what was going on from the UK perspective.
What? You realize Izzo wants to rebound and run, right? Then if there's nothing there we run sets. Izzo's been doing that for 20 years.

I also want to apologize for COS. No point in trolling. I have no clue where MB will end up but wanted to read what was going on from the UK perspective.

and thats the problem. set offense doesnt teach you anything and it forces players into your system rather than adapting your system to your talents.
The good news is that he didn't cancel the visit. I'm sure the kid had a nice visit to MSU and is seriously considering them. He probably just wants to get a feel for Kentucky before he makes a final choice between UK and MSU.

I still says he's Kentucky bound, but even if he picks the Spartans then that's ok. At least MSU is a basketball school with a pretty decent guy as their coach. He is a good kid though either way, and a damn good basketball player.
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Guys -- check this kids Twitter -- which seems to tell the story. He's retweeted a ton of MSU related tweets -- and "favorited" a tweet with someone saying "pick anywhere but Kentucky." I'm not feeling too confident now. Doesn't Twitter tell the story with kids?

MilesBridges01 is his handle
Funny thing is @CousinofSparty bought a premium membership to Devils illustrated several years ago when both schools were recruiting Jabari Parker. This idiot was running his mouth on Duke premium board saying how Parker was going to MSU etc etc and how the MSU insiders were saying Parker was picking them. The guy was a total jackass. Well, our insider was telling him all along how he was wrong and Parker was going to Duke. @CousinofSparty was just so sure he was right he bet our insider that he would never post on DI again if Parker didn't pick MSU. Point being COS is a complete jackass. The troll bought a premium subscription to Duke message boards to tell all of us the information on Parker. He's a real piece of work.
Spartan fan here....we all think he is a jackass too...He is not typical of our fan base. That said, MSU fans are cautiously optimistic given the recent developments but who knows....just thought I'd stop by to see what the take is with Big Blue fans. Cheers
Why do people reference Meyer when it's info they want to read, but otherwise say he knows nothing?

Never mind, I know the answer. :flush: