bridges down to 3 moves uk visit up to this weekend :

Guys -- check this kids Twitter -- which seems to tell the story. He's retweeted a ton of MSU related tweets -- and "favorited" a tweet with someone saying "pick anywhere but Kentucky." I'm not feeling too confident now. Doesn't Twitter tell the story with kids?

MilesBridges01 is his handle
Cousin of Sparty, is that you?
No - Cats fan through and through -- just think in today's world Twitter tells the story -- there is nothing "pro-Kentucky" there as badly as I want there to be.
Not to mention, if you seriously believe a recruit's twitter feed tells a definitive story on which school he'll choose, then you have a lot to learn about recruiting.

P.S. - You're too obvious, "CarolinaCat11". Now run on back to Red Cedar.
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Haha- that's all it takes to make you give up? The kid setting his announcement date?

Any chance you're French?

We're the favorite and we have John Calipari. Grow a sack.
No need to get hostile. And no I'm not french, I'm Swedish. Also my sack is very large.

Not to mention, if you seriously believe a recruit's twitter feed tells a definitive story on which school he'll choose, then you have a lot to learn about recruiting.

P.S. - You're too obvious, "CarolinaCat11". Now run on back to Red Cedar.

I don't know how it doesn't? They're kids. Also -- he's announcing on MSU's homecoming. Coincidence? Just seems like all momentum in their favor. Why tease and tick off MSU fans like that? He's tweeting pics of him in MSU jersey.
No - Cats fan through and through -- just think in today's world Twitter tells the story -- there is nothing "pro-Kentucky" there as badly as I want there to be.

Yep, and you signed up out of the blue just today, just five minutes ago to tell us all about it. Good luck with that. Hope it works out well.
Guys -- check this kids Twitter -- which seems to tell the story. He's retweeted a ton of MSU related tweets -- and "favorited" a tweet with someone saying "pick anywhere but Kentucky." I'm not feeling too confident now. Doesn't Twitter tell the story with kids?

MilesBridges01 is his handle

Two posts and you don't have an agenda?

I don't know how it doesn't? They're kids. Also -- he's announcing on MSU's homecoming. Coincidence? Just seems like all momentum in their favor. Why tease and tick off MSU fans like that? He's tweeting pics of him in MSU jersey.

And yet, here you are, creating a fake account, trying to convince yourself he's State-bound.

Seems like thou doth protest too much, my man.
And yet, here you are, creating a fake account, trying to convince yourself he's State-bound.

Seems like thou doth protest too much, my man.

So he's just retweeting and favoriting pro-MSU tweets to throw everyone off because he's already picked Kentucky? How does that make sense?
So he's just retweeting and favoriting pro-MSU tweets to throw everyone off because he's already picked Kentucky? How does that make sense?

Because 18-year-olds don't care about what some conglomerate of 40-year-old State or UK fans think.

There is no sense of betrayal with these studs and whether you feel misled is irrelevant. They don't owe any of us anything. Obviously you haven't followed many high level recruitments. Maybe it's because you're a State fan posing as a UK fan - and doing a horrible sell job at that.
So he's just retweeting and favoriting pro-MSU tweets to throw everyone off because he's already picked Kentucky? How does that make sense?
Who said he already picked UK? Besides, I can name off a list of a dozen+ recruits that favored this or that, tweeted pics of this or that and/or tweeted that they were going to shock the world days before they chose a school, only to end up doing the total opposite. Again, twitter means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. This whole recruiting thing is new to you, isn't it?

Plus, what about after his UK visit when he is retweeting and favoring pro UK tweets, and tweeting pics of his visit at UK? Does that automatically mean he is choosing UK? Or, does it mean that he's fresh off his visit and having fun in the moment?

It's cool, though. You being a Sparty fan and all, I completely understand that you have to find any and every positive, and put your faith in something besides Izzo/MSU, when it comes to recruiting against Cal/UK. In the meantime, I think I, and most every other UK fan will bet on Cal vs these so called twitter happenings.
Because 18-year-olds don't care about what some conglomerate of 40-year-old State or UK fans think.

There is no sense of betrayal with these studs and whether you feel misled is irrelevant. They don't owe any of us anything. Obviously you haven't followed many high level recruitments. Maybe it's because you're a State fan posing as a UK fan - and doing a horrible sell job at that.

So him favoriting a tweet that said "pick anywhere but Kentucky" means nothing? He doesn't favorite THAT much. So he just did that randomly for no reason? Makes sense.
I don't know how it doesn't? They're kids. Also -- he's announcing on MSU's homecoming. Coincidence? Just seems like all momentum in their favor. Why tease and tick off MSU fans like that? He's tweeting pics of him in MSU jersey.

Lol old are you? 19? People who have twitter are typically what I call "reality challenged". Remember when the Oregon player tweeted about Jamal Murray being the newest Oregon Duck? Wake up bud.
Just looked at his twitter....All i see is MSU tweets and not one about UK..Not even the alumni game got a tweet..:(..Don't like it and add in he's a Flint guy.(worried).They all seem to go to MSU..Someone tell me the positive in moving the visit up from BBM..someone said he wanted to go as a committed player..that doesn't make sense to me..He could let the recruits know where he's going and recruit them without being committed ....... Ive said all along it's MSU and i think it more now..hope im wrong.
Just looked at his twitter....All i see is MSU tweets and not one about UK..Not even the alumni game got a tweet..:(..Don't like it and add in he's a Flint guy.(worried).They all seem to go to MSU..Someone tell me the positive in moving the visit up from BBM..someone said he wanted to go as a committed player..that doesn't make sense to me..He could let the recruits know where he's going and recruit them without being committed ....... Ive said all along it's MSU and i think it more now..hope im wrong.
CarolinaCat11 got you hook, line and sinker.
Way to feed the troll.

Some of you are just too easy. "Oh no, he tweeted about MSU and not UK" Bunch of drama queens, really.

Don't worry, CarolinaCat11, I'm laughing at this one with you.
Just looked at his twitter....All i see is MSU tweets and not one about UK..Not even the alumni game got a tweet..:(..Don't like it and add in he's a Flint guy.(worried).They all seem to go to MSU..Someone tell me the positive in moving the visit up from BBM..someone said he wanted to go as a committed player..that doesn't make sense to me..He could let the recruits know where he's going and recruit them without being committed ....... Ive said all along it's MSU and i think it more now..hope im wrong.

Are you being serious? This is so pusillanimous. If you're scared, go to church and get God to forgive you for being such a candy ass.
Not to mention, if you seriously believe a recruit's twitter feed tells a definitive story on which school he'll choose, then you have a lot to learn about recruiting.

P.S. - You're too obvious, "CarolinaCat11". Now run on back to Red Cedar.
Jesus man. Shut up.
Give me some info and stop with the name calling..None of you gave me a good reason to move up the visit...And dont show me the crystal ball..lmao on that
Give me some info and stop with the name calling..None of you gave me a good reason to move up the visit...And dont show me the crystal ball..lmao on that
But twitter is the truth and we should all freak out about it, right? You can't be serious. I agree, the crystal ball is a joke, but guess what? Reading into a teenager's twitter feed about which college he is going to choose is an even bigger joke.
OK Dwayne we can forget the twitter..Now tell me the reason he moved up his visit.....K?
The kid had an amazing weekend on his visit. I'm sure he would tweet about it. Why would he tweet about the UK alumni game that he probably didn't even watch? None of that means anything. It was MSU's weekend and he gave it to em. Not saying it's definitely Kentucky but people are reading WAAAAY too much into a few tweets.
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All I know is Meyer, Bossi and Chris Fisher are VERY confident UK will be the pick. Meyer and Fisher apparently got some info late this afternoon.
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Funny thing is @CousinofSparty bought a premium membership to Devils illustrated several years ago when both schools were recruiting Jabari Parker. This idiot was running his mouth on Duke premium board saying how Parker was going to MSU etc etc and how the MSU insiders were saying Parker was picking them. The guy was a total jackass. Well, our insider was telling him all along how he was wrong and Parker was going to Duke. @CousinofSparty was just so sure he was right he bet our insider that he would never post on DI again if Parker didn't pick MSU. Point being COS is a complete jackass. The troll bought a premium subscription to Duke message boards to tell all of us the information on Parker. He's a real piece of work.

Not true. I'm being quite reasonable. If you just want to hear cheerleaders then that diminishes your site

Actually, I told the MSU board Parker was not coming to MSU and got hosed on my own board...until he proved I was right
People say he moved up his decision date after the MSU visit and take that as if it pushed him in their direction . Another way to look at it is that after that visit he knew that UK was his choice because it didn't stack up .
What i thought..To me i see no good reason to move it up for UK....
So your opinion is that he moved the date up because he is definitely going to MSU. Well, if that's the case then why move the date up on his visit? Why even visit at all? Just cancel the visit, declare for MSU and get it over with.

And don't give me this crap about a courtesy visit. He doesn't owe UK anything and all he would be doing is wasting everyone's time. He also had no problems not giving other schools on his list a courtesy visit when he eliminated them, so what makes UK so different that he wants to waste everyone's time and take a courtesy visit? Just like you see no good reason for it, I see no bad reason that it happened.
All I know is Meyer, Bossi and Chris Fisher are VERY confident UK will be the pick. Meyer and Fisher apparently got some info late this afternoon.

Chris tweeted earlier he said he already had a Bridges picked locked in - despite what the Crystal Ball said. Meyer has UK picked - not MSU - and when did Bossi say something? Can't find that info..
Fisher switched to UK this evening.. Meyer still has msu picked but said he's also hearing pro UK info.. I'm not much on the crystal ball but they're hearing something good about UK..

Meyer picked Bridges to UK in April, 2015 and has never wavered. UK is still his pick; not MSU.

So your opinion is that he moved the date up because he is definitely going to MSU. Well, if that's the case then why move the date up on his visit? Why even visit at all? Just cancel the visit, declare for MSU and get it over with.

And don't give me this crap about a courtesy visit. He doesn't owe UK anything and all he would be doing is wasting everyone's time. He also had no problems not giving other schools on his list a courtesy visit when he eliminated them, so what makes UK so different that he wants to waste everyone's time and take a courtesy visit? Just like you see no good reason for it, I see no bad reason that it happened.

I'm like you and know absolutely nothing..guess we'll find out Oct 3