Except we don’t know anything you said is factual. Nothing more than internet hearsay. The guy can’t function with written and reading proficiency. Yeah, he can speak four languages. But can he function in a class room with them? I can speak a bit of French, German, little Spanish and even a few words in Korean. Am I academically functioning in any of them? Oh hell no.I think what everybody is saying is that this is a illogical issue that quite frankly should have resolved itself days ago. The issue is simple, admissions is taking a hard stance that they won't make exceptions to this rule, which is not a national rule, but a UK rule. On top of it being a stupid rule to start with, they claim they don't make exceptions, yet already have exceptions in the rule. There is a whole list of countries in which English is not their primary language that UK excuses from having to take the test. If the point of the test is to make sure students are comfortable in English speaking classes and have an ability to learn, then all countries in which English is not the primary language should have to take it. Especially countries who are currently on the exempt list which have less than 25% English speaking people in it. If they want to be correct about it, then they should come out and say the policy is modified to include all foreign countries, or none. Otherwise, you are already making exceptions.
Two entities know anything about this situation. UK and the kid under consideration. Everything else you see is BS. UK says they ate doing what can be done. Maybe we’ll see him after Christmas.