After being escorted to the door at St Louis, did Travis Ford land another coaching job ?

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Why do people waste 10 seconds of their own time to respond to someone on a message board saying their wasting time by not doing a 10 second google search... Why people like to fuss and attack other people so much

@Uncle Adolph : at the moment he doesn't have a job
I do not get much info and far from an insider. While Ford does not currently have a coaching gig, IF Donovan would have been hired, He was 100% for sure going to be an assistant under Donovan and in charge of NIL. You can chose to believe me or not, but it is 100% true. Donovan ended up telling UK not to wait for him, he understood they needed a coach ASAP.
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I am sorry to those I offended by asking about Travis. I am an old man and am not great with computers but get much enjoyment out of this site. Again sorry.
You have nothing to apologize for. You were genuinely curious and would have liked your query answered by someone here on the chance they had a bit of extra insight by association.

@know1 , you’re straight up acting like an ass.
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I am sorry to those I offended by asking about Travis. I am an old man and am not great with computers but get much enjoyment out of this site. Again sorry.
This is what some of the young people don't understand. We older people did not grow up with computes so we have a hard time understanding computers. With younger folks it is easy for them because they have always had computers and it is second hand for them.
This is what some of the young people don't understand. We older people did not grow up with computes so we have a hard time understanding computers. With younger folks it is easy for them because they have always had computers and it is second hand for them.
Thank you on behalf of an old man
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It would have been easy to look it up yourself. It also would have been easy to let it go, don't make a snarky reply.
Let's call it a push.
I mean imagine doing that in real life.
"Hey do you know if so an so landed a job?
"Damn it Jerry, did you google it?"

People would call you an asshole. And they'd be right
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