4th of july ain't about the troops

every year i see on the facebook people thanking the troops for the 4th of july. folks i am here to tell ya that this one ain't about the troops. they get memorial day, veterans day and for some dumb reason even labor day now. this one belongs to the rest of us beer drinking freedom loving real americans. hard working men and sometimes women who need a damn day off without being guilted into thanking the troops every time we switch on the internet. if you wanna get right down to it we might as well be thanking rich old white dudes who were just fed up paying a lot of taxes back in the 1700s. if you don't like it you can get out.

Takes a real ****stick to post w/o caps. The included message confirms.
USMC Veteran, was lucky to survive 2 combat tours in Iraq, and I've never tried to make any of the holidays about fact, it's fairly awkward for me to receive thanks for volunteering to do something and doing my job.

However, for those people who do go out of their way to give a simple thanks for someone's service, it does mean a lot to those who may be struggling. Anytime I see a someone wearing a hat or has a license plate indicating their service, I thank them for their contribution if I have a chance to do so.

Veterans make up for around 24% of the homeless population, yet only around 1% of the population are Vets.
Well said leatherneck
Veterans make up for around 24% of the homeless population, yet only around 1% of the population are Vets.

If people truly gave a shit about "thanking" Vets, this stat wouldn't exist. My issue with the entire thing now is the weirdness of people that love to get on their high horse to tell everyone they know "THANK A VET FOR ALL YOUR FREEDOMS IF NOT FER THEM YOUD BE A SKID MARK IN HITLERS PANTIES BOW DOWN YOU SONS OF BITCHES BOW DOWN"

It goes way beyond thanking a Vet for some people and creeps into patriotic deification. It's weird and I personally don't like it.

But worst of all, it's an empty gesture. 99.9999999999% of the people jerking off Vets all over Facebook for every single holiday don't ever do jack shit to actually help struggling Vets. Otherwise, we wouldn't see the statistic you just posted.
if you get 15 thank yous and 100 thoughts and/or prayers then someone has to build you a tiny house and televise it.

i'm glad to see everyone agrees with me. you should. i'm right.
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No veterans, no Fourth... We'd be speaking some other language and living a completely different life. Those who never served can't understand what it means to be a true patriot. I'm proud to have served and honor all others who did. F your country and thank those who defend it. Nothing we have is ours by must be defended to be sustained

The 4th is about telling a govt we arent paying your taxes, listening to your gun laws, obeying your orders and overall telling the British we aren't doing what you say....pretty much celebrating a rejection of everything liberals are for
Your point, child? The men and women who've served this country deserve respect. I will never understand or appreciate another point of view. I'd die for you the same way I would for my brothers in arms despite your stance.

You're a better man than me. I wouldn't die for him.
Your point, child? The men and women who've served this country deserve respect. I will never understand or appreciate another point of view. I'd die for you the same way I would for my brothers in arms despite your stance.

My stance? lol... you don't know my stance brother
For what it's worth - the VA released a formal report in 2014 showing that the suicide rate for veterans was at 22 PER DAY

22 veterans killing themselves every DAY that year

Toilets in North Carolina received more organized outrage than those human beings

I believe that OPS TEMPO and some type of realistic limitation on what the "war on terror" is --- has to be addressed very soon

otherwise we'll continue to have GI's engaged in an endless war that promises more shifting angles than an Escher print

PS: The Marines at Camp Fuji used to some into our NCO club at Yokota AB, Japan and act like they'd never seen women was funny......and sometimes a little unsetting.......Marines are big nasty dogs

You want one around to keep asshats out of the yard
but you probably don't want one on the couch with you
For what it's worth - the VA released a formal report in 2014 showing that the suicide rate for veterans was at 22 PER DAY

22 veterans killing themselves every DAY that year

Toilets in North Carolina received more organized outrage than those human beings

Damn. I didn't know it was that bad. The veteran suicides that is. I'm of course fully aware of the GD crazy ass toilet situation.
Man.....That report came out ABOUT the time we were seeing additional "bad press" on the VA with patient care and even criminal activities

I've linked the VA report that includes the 22/day #
IIRC that # is across all age ranges

I'd really like to see our CINC find a way to reduce deployments
I know that's easier said than done etc
Afghanistan seems like a good place to start though

I'f like to of some followup on where we are since 2014 --- surely the #'s are down --- they pretty much have to be.
But I don't know that the ops tempo has changed that much since then
I'd assume active duty levels are more or less identical to 2014

So the burden is about the same --

something to look into later this week if there's time
For what it's worth - the VA released a formal report in 2014 showing that the suicide rate for veterans was at 22 PER DAY

22 veterans killing themselves every DAY that year

Toilets in North Carolina received more organized outrage than those human beings

I believe that OPS TEMPO and some type of realistic limitation on what the "war on terror" is --- has to be addressed very soon

otherwise we'll continue to have GI's engaged in an endless war that promises more shifting angles than an Escher print

PS: The Marines at Camp Fuji used to some into our NCO club at Yokota AB, Japan and act like they'd never seen women was funny......and sometimes a little unsetting.......Marines are big nasty dogs

You want one around to keep asshats out of the yard
but you probably don't want one on the couch with you
Toilets and gay cakes are an outrage to the Framer's original vision.
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Toilets and gay cakes are an outrage to the Framer's original vision.

No doubt

Probably had something to do with them believing that there were more important things about our nation than what people do wth their genitalia in their free time

In this specific case the "other thing" that was being referenced was veterans health (ALL Vets) and the fact that there is an enormous disparity in their health, their care and their families lives
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If you make a Facebook post about
Pets/Vets/Fireworks I'm unfriending
you. No warnings. Deal with it.
Well, there should be a lot of people flooding Facebook right now with a lot of post just to get you off of there list. I know I would if I had a Facebook account.
Yes, America was the first true democracy in history, and was formed not by a military takeover, but by political will power of a people who wanted self determination, led by a rare combination of brilliant statesmen, very seldom ever seen in one place at one time, before or since.
We have a democratically selected chief executive and a representative democracy through our legislature, but we are no where near a true democracy. We are a republic.
What most military members and their families go through during their enlistment is more than most of you will ever understand. If being in the military gets you 3 to 5 special days a year, so be it. How many holidays do you think we would actually have if we had a military the size of Guatemalas?

Cracks me up when non military/veterans post crap on the internet. Don't be jealous or upset that you didn't have the balls to enlist. Just be happy there are plenty others that did, and buy them a friggin beer.