2017 UNC Commit Jalek Felton Talking to Other Schools Including UK

Hi everybody! Life will continue. the sun will continue to come up the next morning & shun1 will continue to pull for UNC. I really wish all of you UK fans PEACE & HAPPINESS!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo Momma......(That's jmo too.)
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Hi BBUK. I really wish for PEACE & HAPPINES to enter your life my friend. Their is a lot more going on in life than just college sports. SMILE !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha Ha, you're a ray of sunshine. I am peaceful and happy. (I was just messing with you about the "Yo Momma") Do me a favor though, (Of course you don't have to.) When you are posting and trying to be civil don't shovel as much BS as you are shoveling. It is not becoming and you are not sincere except that you are trying to throw BS in the faces of a rival site.

Note: I really was messing with you and I hope you grow up a little. Be Good (I could grow up too but I don't want to.)

(You could have posted the same thing on your site and it would be nice but I truly doubt you have... That would show your true feelings and wishes...) (Is that over your head?)
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Ha Ha, you're a ray of sunshine. I am peaceful and happy. (I was just messing with you about the "Yo Momma") Do me a favor though, (Of course you don't have to.) When you are posting and trying to be civil don't shovel as much BS as you are shoveling. It is not becoming and you are not sincere except that you are trying to throw BS in the faces of a rival site.

Note: I really was messing with you and I hope you grow up a little. Be Good (I could grow up too but I don't want to.)

(You could have posted the same thing on your site and it would be nice but I truly doubt you have... That would show your true feelings and wishes...) (Is that over your head?)
BBUK, I will say this, that you do not know me and like wise I don't know you. I will continue to wish you PEACE & HAPPINESS,,,,,,GOOD-BYE!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody! Life will continue. the sun will continue to come up the next morning & shun1 will continue to pull for UNC. I really wish all of you UK fans PEACE & HAPPINESS!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice high road BS. Should UNC*** be penalized for cheating for 20 years? Denying many young minority athletes an education? Now UNC*** is attempting to use women's basketball as a scapegoat. Don't you find all of this rather disgusting? You can spare me the hippy dippy crap. Just say you find it disgusting or not in your reply.
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Ha Ha, you're a ray of sunshine. I am peaceful and happy. (I was just messing with you about the "Yo Momma") Do me a favor though, (Of course you don't have to.) When you are posting and trying to be civil don't shovel as much BS as you are shoveling. It is not becoming and you are not sincere except that you are trying to throw BS in the faces of a rival site.

Note: I really was messing with you and I hope you grow up a little. Be Good (I could grow up too but I don't want to.)

(You could have posted the same thing on your site and it would be nice but I truly doubt you have... That would show your true feelings and wishes...) (Is that over your head?)
He once told me on here that he is good friends with heelbent and they live close to each other. That pretty much sealed his fate, imo.
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Should not be shocking that 'Denial boy Roy' continues to spin that nothing will happen to UNC. I would have thought that as well, but after what transpired at Syracuse, there's enough good information to show a pattern that deems it realistic that UNC will take a hit whether in past records or current penalties that prevent them from competing at the top.
Roy completely denies anything to any top recruit that'll talk to him, and then plead ignorance if that recruit gets stuck in a bad situation. He's not about the kids; its not called 'Late Night with Roy' for the kids.
Larry Fedora doing the same exact thing. Pretty disgusting they are flat out lying to these kids:

"Tomon Fox, a heralded high school linebacker from Georgia, recently committed to UNC after discussing the NCAA case with Fedora and Bubba Cunningham, the UNC athletic director. Fox said he had worried about possible sanctions, but that Fedora quelled his concerns.

'Coach Fedora told me he talked to an attorney – like, football won’t be touched by that,' Fox said. 'So I was like, all right, that’s good to hear.'

NCAA rules prohibit coaches from publicly discussing high school prospects, and so Fedora is unable to comment on what he has told Fox or any other high school player. Even so, Fedora acknowledged that he has shared with prospects the feedback he has received from the university’s attorneys.

'Parts of it are accurate,' Fedora said when asked if recruits are correctly relaying what they’ve been told. 'I mean, you know, if five people go watch a wreck and you interview all five of them asking what they saw, every one of them is going to tell you something different. But it’s going to all be right.'"
Larry Fedora doing the same exact thing. Pretty disgusting they are flat out lying to these kids:

"Tomon Fox, a heralded high school linebacker from Georgia, recently committed to UNC after discussing the NCAA case with Fedora and Bubba Cunningham, the UNC athletic director. Fox said he had worried about possible sanctions, but that Fedora quelled his concerns.

'Coach Fedora told me he talked to an attorney – like, football won’t be touched by that,' Fox said. 'So I was like, all right, that’s good to hear.'

NCAA rules prohibit coaches from publicly discussing high school prospects, and so Fedora is unable to comment on what he has told Fox or any other high school player. Even so, Fedora acknowledged that he has shared with prospects the feedback he has received from the university’s attorneys.

'Parts of it are accurate,' Fedora said when asked if recruits are correctly relaying what they’ve been told. 'I mean, you know, if five people go watch a wreck and you interview all five of them asking what they saw, every one of them is going to tell you something different. But it’s going to all be right.'"

Dang, Dang, and Dang....amazing what some will do for a paycheck...
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UNC is managing expectations with this nonsense. They are shooting a warning shot across the NCAA's bow that their lawyers think they've got nothing on them and they are ready to fight. Then if the NCAA does hammer them it will make their cries of how unfair it is appear credible in their own eyes. Really insidious people over there.
Insidious may not be the correct word. Incestuous may be a better word.