Florida family whose house was hit by ISS debris sues NASA for $80K Florida family files claim with NASA after ISS space junk crashes into home

Josh Dinner said:
The growing problem of space debris isn't just one that plagues Earth's orbit. Several instances of space trash crashing back down to Earth have made recent headlines, and one family is requesting that NASA pay for the damages.

The space agency has a claim on its hands after a chunk of space junk crashed through Alejandro Otero's seaside home in Naples, Florida. The incident occurred on March 8, as debris tore through the roof and two floors of his family home, nearly hitting his son, Otero said in a now-deleted post on X.

NASA has since confirmed the debris came from a 2.9-ton pallet of used batteries jettisoned from the International Space Station in March of 2021; the structure was expected to burn up completely in Earth's atmosphere. Otero speculated as much in posts online following the incident, and voiced his expectation that the responsible parties be held accountable. "[The Otero family is] grateful that no one sustained physical injuries from this incident, but a 'near miss' situation such as this could have been catastrophic," said Mica Nguyen Worthy in a statement from the law firm representing the family.

In the letter, Worthy points out that, under the Space Liability Convention, NASA would be liable had the debris caused damage in another country, and thinks that policy should apply within the United States as well. "We have asked NASA not to apply a different standard towards U.S. citizens or residents, but instead to take care of the Oteros and make them whole," Worthy said.

The incident has the potential to set a precedent for governments and private space companies in terms of how compensation could be handled for victims of similar incidents in the future. Though their damage was less severe than that caused at the Otero home, several other reports of crashing space debris have occurred in the past year as well, including portions of a SpaceX Dragon trunk found in Canada and North Carolina, and a piece of an Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) rocket landing on a beach in Australia.

"Here, the U.S. government, through NASA, has an opportunity to set the standard or 'set a precedent' as to what responsible, safe, and sustainable space operations ought to look like. If NASA were to take the position that the Oteros' claims should be paid in full, it would send a strong signal to both other governments and private industries that such victims should be compensated regardless of fault," Worthy said.

Naples Daily News: Naples family seeking damages from NASA for space debris that crashed into home

CBS News: Florida family whose roof hit by debris from space station sues NASA for damages

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

It's not likely, but with thousands of satellites currently in orbit, it would really suck if any American stuff crashed into a busy street in Beijing or Moscow or somewhere like that, or if any foreign stuff crashed here in the U.S.

  • Poll
Favorite Mel Brooks movies

What four Mel Brooks films are on your Mt. Rushmore of Mel Brooks films?

  • Blazing Saddles

    Votes: 22 75.9%
  • Dracula: Dead and Loving It

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • High Anxiety

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • History of the World: Part I

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • The Producers

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Robin Hood: Men in Tights

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Silent Movie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spaceballs

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • The Twelve Chairs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Young Frankenstein

    Votes: 17 58.6%

Only had room for ten of the eleven films that he directed on the poll. Life Stinks is his worst-reviewed work, so it was the one that got the axe. 💀

Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Spaceballs, and Young Frankenstein are my picks.

I've never seen High Anxiety, Silent Movie, or The Twelve Chairs, and I haven't seen The Producers or History of the World: Part I since I was a kid. I don't remember if I've seen Life Stinks.

OSU offers Brody Lennon

Saw on Twitter last night that Ohio State offered Brody Lennon and he quickly scheduled an OV to OSU for next weekend. Dont like that at all! I didnt think he would end up getting an offer as they already have a 4* TE committed.

It does appear that he is still taking his UK OV this weekend so hopefully the long standing relationship with the Marrow and the fact that hes been a clear priority for UK vs. more of a second thought for OSU can still win out. Im just always nervous anytime UK goes against OSU in Ohio! It would suck if OSU swoops in back to back years and steals a TE from UK- Witten last year and possibly Lennon this year!

NCAA tournament

There’s a plan that’s been presented to conference presidents for tournament expansion. Not sure if it’s the best thing, but it’s ultimately about money.

Missed concerts you regret

1. Tom Petty-Only 1 others is close and it's REM. I'm not sure how I've been to as many shows in my life and completely missed someone as much as him. I know I had tickets for a concert at Freedom Hall that got canceled and wasn't made up right around the time the YUM Center opened. I would have loved to see him. I have been to a UK/Florida game at the Swamp when they sing I Won't Back Down and it's pretty cool.
2. REM.-If anyone tells you that it's a good idea for 2 people to drink a 1/5th of Jim Beam between Louisville and Lexington on the way after already drinking at home is a good idea they are FOS. And that was the only time I was REM. Why?
3. Black Crows_ The nigh they walked out after 1 song.

Worst/funniest items found in your food?

Actually none of these were to me, they were all to my Ex-wife.

- back when Wendy's had a salad bar, I think we were near interstate between Philly & KY, she scooped some lettuce into her bowl, and a retainer was also scooped in
- just a few months after we moved to NC, hurricane Fran has a direct hit traveling over 100 miles inland hitting us too. No power for about a week. My work did re-open after a couple days and was sending home dinners to employees and their families from the caffeteria. I get ours home, she opens hers up and starts eating (pasta), and there was a band-aid in her pasta.
- this one not gross, just funny. When living near Philly, we went to a outlet mall and while there got some Chinese. We sit down to eat and she can't get the straw in her cup of coke. I'm like WTH, hand it to me, but I can't get it in either. I take the lid off. And in the cup was a whole peeled apple.
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We’re getting carried away step back

I lost my sht tonight like most of you and we have good reason, but there’s a few points I feel we should have understood.

1. Mitch Barnhart, whether or not this hire turns out, has got to be removed from his job. He is simply not cut out to be the AD of a major SEC program any way you cut it. The coaches and programs he went after solidify that Mitch has way more on his mind than winning at the highest level, and you can’t compete in this conference with one arm tied behind your back. To be a competent SEC AD you have to play in gray areas and roll the dice sometimes. He’s not fit for this, he’s fit for a smaller private college. The revenue generated by this conference is the reason for most of his successes, and I don’t know how much more clear that could be, it’s nothing he’s doing.

2. We need to hold the line on Pope. Some of you are severely underestimating the power of programs themselves. Pope needs to land a big time 5 star and after that the perception changes complete. It’s the same as the Mashburn era, and it’s still rings true. ONE recruit can change everything.

3. This is also a learning lesson - Bobby Hurley. I don’t think it’s hit many yet, but Hurley was NEVER going to come here, never. “yOu gOtTa tRy” - no, you don’t. You don’t try and poach a guy like that and there are reasons for it. First he would never come. Today it’s a lateral move, or very close to it. It makes your program look like sht. I never wanted the guy anyway, but more than that, it gave Mitch the ability to say “I TRIED, oh well, on to the other guy (which was Pope who in all actuality was SECOND on his list. Barnhart played the fanbase by pretending to go after Hurley. He didn’t pursue Donovan because he knew he might accept it. Barnhart wants more than anything to control all of the athletics programs at UK. You can’t do that with Calipari ( it’s why he didn’t want him), or Donovan. This was set up from the beginning, Barnhart was going to hire a guy who he had control over. Never again attempt to push the idea we need to go after coaches that would be moving laterally. Donovan should have been call #2 from the very first day. Also, this is exactly why I wanted Drew because I saw this scenario a mile away. Drew was the absolute best candidate we could get while Mitch was also going to have control.

4. The reason the boosters weren’t able to get a grip over Barnhart like they had with Calipari is because Calipari’s antics were a lot worse than many realize. Since I’m obviously not allowed to talk about it here I won’t. But I can tell you that he was doing some things that are absolutely pitiful to this program and had to be pushed out. And this allowed Barnhart to have an upper hand because he never wanted him in the first place but was overruled. Our president is a huge problem.

5. Mark Pope - no, I would not have hired him and I do not believe the boosters wanted anyone but Donovan next. That’s my opinion of the situation. But the truth is, this is Kentucky, he’s a brilliant guy who’s been the captain on the greatest team in the history of college basketball. Rick Pitino wasn’t recruiting guys to Kentucky that didn’t fit a mold. He will recruit kids that want to be here, play an exciting style, and I believe will win once he lands his first big recruit. The reason Duke and UNC stay in the family is because programs like ours are machines. Yes, programs still matter they always have and always will. Pope is going to land his first major recruit and that will start the wheels turning.

I just wanted to throw this out there because after calming down I realized that this might be our chance, albeit however small, to land a modern home grown goat. Since the chance is here and there’s nothing we can do about it I’m going to wait it out and see over the next 24 months. Something tells me Pope is the type of brilliant, hardworking, program first alumni that could pay off in insane ways.

But none of that excuses Barnhart.

Let’s pull it together and find out what he’s got. He won’t have long to do it and Kentucky never dies; the next hire will be a big one if it doesn’t work.
