Republicans do want to make it harder to vote and Democrats want to make it easier. Everyone is self interested in politics. I think the Dem opposition to requiring IDs in some states is ridiculous and unjustifiable.
Of all the stupid posts on here, yours is one of the worst. Or at least, most dishonest. Republicans want to make it harder for illegals to vote. Dims want to make it easier for illegals to vote. Any honest person knows that is what is happening.


Because they know @DreadLox eats it up, that's why they do it

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Just to be clear on the Afghan withdrawal.... We didn't notify anyone that we were leaving. We left Bagram without telling our Afghan allies or even our British allies. Afghanis were in a fire fight and called for air support and nobody answered the call. The reason the Afghan army fell so fast was because they didn't know what was going on and in the vacuum of information people make irrational decisions....

The British on the other hand were expecting a supply drop and then to be air lifted out but we didn't tell them we were leaving. They called and nobody was there to answer. Britain had to get a neighboring country to allow helicopters in so that they could go get the guys and fly them out. The British parliament filed a letter of condemnation against Biden but it's been mostly scrubbed from the internet.

Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan​

MPs and peers unite to condemn ‘dishonour’ of US president’s withdrawal and his criticism of Afghan troops left behind to face Taliban

Observations on the Cats and some others

1. After the first couple of series, OL looked pretty good - opened up some good holes, no penalties, gave Brock time to throw. I know it was So Miss, but OL play was encouraging.
2. Defense clamped down and smothered SM. Gave up a few 3rd and longs early, then not much. Still not seeing much QB pressure from the edge, mainly from DL. Didn't see Fearby have even a QB pressure and that surprised me a bit.
3. Raymer, the kicker, is automatic. I never even consider that he's going to miss when he trots on the field. Didn't see the punting much so jury is still out.
4. Still need a RB to pick up tough yards. The 3 who played last night all looked good but small. Trayanum will still need to get some carries as the competition improves.
5. Did not see any passes to the RBs last night which surprised me. Only one target that I remember to TE which was a beautiful play for the last TD to Dingle. For all their hype, didn't make much impression last night.

Georgia - powerhouse, again (still?); maybe not as overwhelming as previous years but you can write them down as a playoff team with a high seed right now
Vandy - much better than expected; their QB is a baller but takes way too many hits; my guess is their season craters if he goes down
So Carolina - bad win; should have significantly more talent than ODU but was lucky to win; have some good athletes, though; QB is not very good other than running
Florida - a mess; Miami dominated them; defense got gashed; offense was lackluster and Mertz is still Mertz; didn't seem like either line was very good, either; if they don't improve quickly, Napier is gone; oh yeah, have a Murderer's Row schedule
1. I agree on the motion penalties or crushing holding calls. I think the only penalty was illegal man downfield on Mincey. I personally thought Mincey/Farmer were fantastic on right side.
2. UK was handling the LOS....So Miss had no shot to run the ball. It was throwing was their only option.
3. Rayner is the best kicker since MacGinnis. He simply hits and right down the middle.
4. I agree on RB....Demi was solid but we need Traynum to be our bell cow back and sprinkle in the other ones.
5. I was really impressed with our interior Lber.....Dumas got a pick (and he brings a thump when he hits) and Deryck got a tip pass that led to Int for JQ. We have 2 rock soilid LBer inside to lead this unit.
6. Dingle was blocker a ton better....glad to see him come back and work on this aspect of his game.....we're going to have a great TE room this year.
7. Brock looks very good throwing on the move and when the play breaks down.....but in pocket...he can stare down receivers and threw pick and one more should have been. But all in all, we've got a competitive SEC QB.....with the potential to be top notch SEC QB. Kid is physical and tough runner....i see UK as a nightmare in short yardage situations if Traynum gets back.

All in all, Stoops deserves a ton of credit. Getting Brock at QB, plugged two holes in Oline, much needed WR in Maclin/Farrier to supplement Brown/Key, another bully RB in Traynum, Dumas Johnson to plug in for Trevin Wallace. The schedule is a bear...but this will be a better team than last's pretty obvious to me.

The Jet Sweep pass/run plays

UK had 24 rush attempts...5 of which were WR sweep plays. I'd argue 2-3 more were those flip plays to WR coming in motino that counts as a pass attempt.

I think those are setting up plays later in game....but I'm fine with 10% of our plays designed to get Barion/Maclin the ball in open side of field to see if they can outrun and make a gain with their feet.

Again, as stated earlier...why Coen would not do this more last year vs. the fade balls that never were caught is beyond me.
The difference in the pop pass and handoff is a subtle thing but has big implications in plays off it. Just another thing for opposing DCs to have to prepare for. Really enjoyed the offense last night.
